Successful CC =4
CM received an email from Monica Guzman (Hunterdon Group Home- Assistant Executive Director) with carbon copy, Meghan Kelley (therapist at EMYL) regarding a scheduled transition date. CM was informed that Hunterdon Youth Services is ready to admit Jason (youth) on Thursday, 3/2/17 at 3:00pm. CM confirmed and will transport youth to Group Home. Ms. Guzman reported that the following documents are outstanding; school transfer card, psychiatric evaluation (within 1 year), updated physical form, and IEP/school records. CM stated that she will fax the IEP/School records to Ms. Guzman. CM will follow-up with Kerry Lopez (Child Study Team) regarding school transfer card.
CM contacted Kerry Lopez (CST) to inform her that Monica Guzman
This officer has had contact via face to face and phone with the mother, Ms. Evelyn Edwards. Discussions have taken place with her regarding Marquel’s Comprehensive Re-Entry Case Plan. She has participated in a video conference with Marquel since his commitment. She is aware of his placement in the Virginia Beach CPP Program. She has not visited him at the facility, but she has had contact with him via phone. She is currently unemployed. Upon Marquel’s release from DJJ, the anticipated parole plan (CRCP) will be for him to return to her home with intensive supportive services via 294 funding. Additionally, in the event this placement is no longer available, an alternative placement will be sought via 294 funding for a group home placement or
CPSW did a home visit to meet with Ms. Berner and to discuss about her safety plan since the children are moving with her on10/29/16 from the foster provider. Ms. Berner was late for her appointment and CPSW waited a 40 minutes for Ms. Berner. Ms. Berner apologized for being late. CPSW explained Ms. About safety plan. Ms. Berner understood and she signed them. Ms. Berner stated that she will be doing a house arrest for two weeks and the recommendation of her criminal court is to obey law and continue taking her medication on time and seeing her therapist. Also, cooperating with her PO and CPSW. CPSW consulted with the supervisor and she has approved both children to move back with Ms. Berner. Goal 1-2
CM emailed Andrea Orlando (Daytop Program Coordinator) a copy of Dre’quan’s (youth) updated biopsychosocial (BPS) and court order. Ms. Orlando reported the clinical director will review youth’s documents and will determine admission date. Ms. Orlando will continue to keep CM updated regarding youth’s status. CM provided CM’s contact information.
UCM:CPSW received a text from Morgan (Fits) reporting that she has received the referral from Amanda and that she is available on Monday's and Friday's at 11-1pm. Amanda will start on 1/28/17 at 11am Brookdale location. Also, CPSW called foster parent and Amanda about Monday appointment and that Morgan will contact them regarding supervisied visit. Goal 1-2
Client is a possible 2010E, CM will update client psychosocial evaluation and re-submit housing package to PACT. Psychosocial will be initiated on 8/6/2015.
MSTT met with Jake at the Valley Youth House to see how he was doing. Jake stated he is doing pretty good there because he has a lot more freedom there then he does at home. When asked what he means by that Jake explained his mother trys to control everything he does and at the Valley Youth house he as some freedom. MSTT and Jake discussed what his plans are once he returns home. Jake stated he does know at this time if he wants to go home. Jake explained Cody from CYS came to speak with him and explained to him he could be placed in a indenpedent living situation. Jake stated this is something he may be considering it because he's not sure if he wants to go home. MSTT will continue to meet with Jake and assess how he doing and develop a plan
Youth is willing to reside with caregiver after completing program. CM was informed youth has been on day and overnight passes with caregiver. Youth continues to meet with Ms. Coviello (therapist) for individual and group sessions. CM was informed that youth is on phase 3 in the program and will transition from program once IIC is in place. Youth shared with the team her excitement to return home and look for employment and alternative education programs.
CM contacted Ms. Feliciano (parent) to inform her that CM spoke to the IIC and B.A. regarding Devin’s transition. CM and Ms. Feliciano discussed Devin progress since CMO opened and Ms. Feliciano agreed to transition Devin out of CMO and link him to outpatient at Hoboken Medical Center or Jersey City Medical Center. Ms. Feliciano is aware that Devin next meeting on October 7, 2016 will be Devin transition/ IEP meeting. CM informed Ms. Feliciano of IIC and B.A. clinical recommendations.
The client met with his counselor for his 1x1 session for a case manager with his STOP worker. Client is currently in compliance with his STOP contract. Client has cooperative during his time here at the program is making progress regarding his TX plan. Client has attended outside NA meeting and church meeting after his 60 day blackout. Client is set to get his ID on Friday. Client appears to be willing to do the necessary work. Counselor will meet with the client next week to discuss a plan of action once his leave the program what tools that best fits if he gets frustrated. CADC -1 Yolanda Smith
UCM:CPSW received a text from Ms. Borkovec reporting that she has scheduled an appoitnemtns with Phyllis Wheatley and her first intake appointment is on11/29/16 at 3pm. Also, CPSW reminded Ms. Borkovec to schedule with her mental health assessment and let this worker know time and date for her 1st session. Goal 1-2
SOCIAL SUPPORT UPDATE: Client continues to report family members here in New Jersey, but she can’t live with them. Client mentions one of the residents in the “K” dorm sometimes appears to have a mental problem. Client report she gets along with residents in her “P” dorm. In the meeting she was talkative and talks over the CM.
Once CM received the updated psychiatric evaluation CM will submit 2010e application. Client also has an active LINC IV (plus) voucher with expiration 3/23/2016. Client submitted copy of housing log. Client is MRT acceptance its pending.
Discussions: Ms. Rodger (Mother) reported that Corey has numerous absence from school, as a result, he was summoned by the Juvenile justice center(JJC). She stated that Corey was ordered to complete 20hours of community service and attend school, but he's been noncompliant. Ms. Rodgers expressed concern with core's attitude towards the situation and the possibility of him getting sentenced to a juvenile center. Corey stated that he doesn't feel supported and loved by his parents. Corey expressed interest in emancipations and said he's in the process of inquiring about it. Niki (FSO) reminded him the perquisites which he may need to fulfill before granting emancipation.
A major influence on health in a community is the availability of services and opportunities within the neighborhood. Public health can be further influenced by the social environments. Accessibility to health care along with education and employment opportunities are fundamental factors to be considered (Riegelman & Kirkwood, 2015). These elements create both advantages and disadvantages for those living within the neighborhood. If we want to improve public health outcomes, we must consider and evaluate these along with many other contributing factors.
Monday, June 19, 2017 at 10:32 am, I was contacted by Juvenile Services at the Jefferson County Court House and requested to come to their office. Shannon a Juvenile Services case worker advised me she had a minor named Robert Cuevas in her office, and he wanted to make a statement in regards to a theft he was a suspect in (17-5089).