Everyday thousands of animals are brutally murdered by people that participate in the recreational activity that is hunting. Hunting is an activity that involves a person attempting to kill or trap an animal. Hunting is mainly done to animals in the wildlife and often in cases are used for food, clothing, recreation or trade. In my opinion hunting is morally wrong. Hunters cause injuries, make animals go through a lot of pain and suffering. They destroy their families and habitat, and leave helpless and scared baby animals that are dependent on the animals they hunt, behind to starve to death. A lot of state wildlife agencies are funded by hunting, trapping and fishing licenses, because of this they promote the killing of wild animals, and even sell wildlife trophy hunts to those who enjoy killing them. For example, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) recently received $45,000 from the sale of a killing tag for California Desert Bighorn Sheep, which was sold at the 41st Safari Club International Convention in Reno, Nevada (Anti-Hunting). In addition a study of 80 radio-collared white-tailed deer found that of the 22 deer who had been shot with “traditional archery equipment,” 11 were wounded but not recovered by hunters (Dicthkoff). Twenty percent of foxes who have been wounded by hunters are shot again. Just 10 percent manage to escape, but “starvation is a likely fate” for them, according to one veterinarian (Renny). A South Dakota Department of
Hunting is a common activity all around the world, and if performed properly, can have many benefits to us and the rest of the planet. The art of hunting has been around since the beginning of time. Living off of the land used to be a necessity across the world, until the mass production of food came along. In America, people do not usually need to hunt to survive. However, the population of animal species needs to be controlled. Too many of one type of animal can cause a drastic change to any ecosystem. Food supplies decline quickly, leaving many animals without food. Hunting can help keep the population of a group of animals at a good number, making the lives of the other
From gophers to the mighty Cape buffalo, people across the world love hunting animals. It has been a favorite past time for countless years and a survival need as old as the dinosaurs themselves. One local millionaire however, took the sport severely too far.
60 percent of united states public land aloud hunting. Quick kills are rare and animals suffer prolong painful deaths when hunters severely injure them. Bow hunting exacerbates the problem; dozens of scientific studies have shown that bow hunting yields more than a 50 percent wounding. Hunting is often called a sport which disguise a cruel, needless killing spree as a socially acceptable activity. The concept of sport involved competition between the two consenting parties, the adherence to rules and fairness ensured by an intervening referee and achieving highest scores. Most animals who are slaughtered for their fur are raised on notoriously cruel fur farms, millions of raccoons, coyotes, wolves, bobcats, nutria, beavers, otters and other fur bearing animals are killed every year. Various types of traps like snares, underwater traps and other types of traps. But the steel jaw trap is mostly used in Fur trapping. When an animal steps on the spring of the steel jaw and it shut on the animal lib. The animal frantically struggles in excruciating pain as the trap cuts his or her flesh. According to People for the Ethical
A 43 year old New York woman named Rosemary Billquist was shot dead with a pistol by a hunter who thought she was a deer. Rosemary was killed when she took her dogs for a walk in her home town near the Pennsylvania border around 5:30 on Wednesday. As police investigate they say that Rosemary was walking in a field when a man hunting nearby mistook her for a deer and shot her once with a pistol. The hunter heard her scream, called 911 and stayed by the girl’s side until emergency crews arrived. She was then taken to a hospital where she was then pronounced dead. Officials said the shooting occurred about forty minutes after sunset, when it is illegal to hunt. Police said the hunter had not been charged and the investigation was continuing.
There are hunters all over the world that use the sport as more than just enjoyment and a goal to get a trophy. Over 200 million animals are killed every year from hunting for the purpose of food and land protection. Farmers who grow corn and vegetables need to kill animals that eat the precious
Hunting has become a staple of American traditions since the beginning of the first hunter/gatherers, to the Native Americans who have lived in the U.S for millennia, even all the way until present day. Much of today’s society looks at hunting as a cruel activity when in reality it has more of a positive effect on the environment than it does harm. There are an abundance of benefits that come from hunting. Some of the benefits of hunting are: it is the biggest contribution to conserving wildlife, the meat is healthier than commercially produced meat, many jobs are being supported out of hunting, and every hunter wants “to bag” the trophy animal; however, there are a few cons to this, which include poaching and interference by the activist
To put this on equal terms, think one day you and your family are taking a leisurely stroll down the park. While walking down the spark another person randomly tries to kill you. But, no one but your mom is wounded with a poisoned wound without an antidote. Frighten you would not be able to know or think straight with the sight of someone dear to you dying right in front of your eyes. Now if you would please take that picture and put it in terms of an animal being hunted by another species far more advanced, without a way to protect themselves. Is it really morally right to kill another living thing for sport? Especially when the animal involved is on the endangered species list, to be fair, it is on the endangered species list for a reason because it is on the verge of becoming extinct. So let me ask you again why should anybody think it's more to hunt and kill animals that are endangered or simply in our backyards. it is morally wrong to continue trophy hunting as a Leisure activity when endangered animals are
In conclusion, I don’t agree with big game hunting because statistics show that non lethal nature viewing benefits more than simply killing animals for money. Not only that, but they kill the animal, only taking the parts they want and leaving the rest to rot. To kill an innocent creature for bragging rights is simple
Hunting allows a person to reconnect with nature. For many, hunting isn’t just about the chase and the thrill of catching their game. For many, hunting
How do you feel about hunting? Do you think it is bad or good? Hunting is a way of life, it is food on the table, the important thing is it is good for the environment. Hunting helps to control the population, it helps with predators, it helps with the crop production, it is a good stress reliever, it helps you get good exercise and many more reasons why hunting is great.
Hunting is the practice of pursuing wildlife in order to kill it. Individuals who hunt do so for a variety of reasons while wildlife activists oppose hunters’ views and practices. Many people in rural areas of the United States hunt in order to harvest lean, organic, healthy meat for personal consumption. Some individuals hunt because it is tradition and a significant part of their heritage. Others choose to hunt as a means to escape the ins and outs of a chaotic society while taking in the serenity of the great outdoors in a therapeutic manner. Some hunters enjoy hunting for the thrill and the challenge of the chase. Other reasons people hunt include trophy hunting, travel to exotic locations, spending quality time with family and friends, and wildlife conservation. Individuals who are against hunting typically argue that hunting is inhumane and is considered cruelty to animals. Due to the benefits of properly managed ethical hunting, hunting should be legal within the United States.
When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil" he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. I hunt. I have hunted for years and I don't see anything wrong with it. The reasons I hunt are for the meat, I think it tastes better than store-bought meat and it doesn't have any additives in it, and for the time I get to spend out in the mountains. However, there are some people who are against hunting.
I believe that Hunting should stay legal because you can get a fresh and healthy product, Less people will be poor because they are saving tons of money by not going to the store to buy meat, and it’s a fun thing to do with your free time.
Humans have been hunting on this planet for over two million years. Our ancestors used complex hunting techniques to ambush and kill antelopes, gazelles, and other large animals dated back to times before Christ. People all around the world still carry on the tradition, but the view on hunting is not the same as it was back then. The world is so industrialized, and people think hunting is cruel and useless because you can buy meat at grocery stores. But in reality, it is the reason the wildlife they see are not extinct. Harvesting game not only benefits the hunter with the meat, but also the land, the wildlife, and controls the game population; therefore, without it wildlife would starve, and land would not be managed.
Buzzle: Hunting Pros and Cons. Last but never least, sport hunting should be banned due to the fact that it causes the endanger and extinction of animal species. “One glaring negative of hunting for sport is over hunting. This occurs when hunters kill too many of a species, threatening their survival.” (Life123). Species become endangered when they are over hunted, and if hunters take it too far, the species will no longer exist. “…there are many animals that have been over-hunted and brought to near extinction, one example being the American Buffalo. Another example was the over-killing of the Cougar. Although this animal was hunted to protect cattle from being attacked, it led to this species nearly becoming extinct.” (Buzzle) The substandard thing about species becoming extinct is that they might not reappear until millions of years later. Imagine how long that would