Hurricanes are large, swirling storms. They are faster than a cheetah. A hurricane can perform speeds of 74 mph or greater. Each year is different in hurricane count, but the most hurricanes that have ever happened in one year in the Atlantic Basin are 12, the least was 2. The Eastern Pacific Ocean has as many as 14 hurricanes a year. Hurricanes form over the water of 80 degrees or warmer. The atmosphere must cool off very quickly the higher you go. Hurricanes also need the wind blowing in the same direction and at the same speed to force air upward from the ocean’s surface. Hurricanes can destroy buildings, trees, beaches, homes, and can take lives. To protect yourself from hurricanes you can check your roof of your house to prevent
Keep in mind, hurricanes can get up to 300miles wide. According to source 4, “though the strongest hurricanes will have winds excess.” Winds can reach 74mph during a hurricane. Strong winds and power make winds from hurricane reach 150mph. hurricanes hit these states Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. According to source 4, “hurricane Katrina killed over 1,000 people.” A hurricane center is called the eye. Hurricanes
Hurricanes are destructive, they form out of the middle-east of the Atlantic Ocean. They form from the ocean and form into cyclones with strong winds up into 110 mph winds and a lot of rain clouds.
A hurricane is formed over warm tropical oceans. A hurricane is a severe storm.Hurricanes happen in late summer or early fall. Hurricanes spread 70-90 miles wide. Hurricanes are found over warm tropical oceans.
They build winds that reach speeds of 74 mph of higher (119 kilometers per hour)
Student athletes in college are held to a higher standard than normal students since they are juggling a lot more in their lives. Student athletes have to set aside a lot of time for practice while still maintaining good grades and a social life. Some people believe that because of this demanding schedule that student athletes should be paid. Where on the other hand many believe that they shouldn’t since they choose to be on a sports team, this is a topic that is debated upon by many. One solution could be to lower the tuition for student athletes since they are offering their talents to the school. As long as the students stay on the team they will get some money off their college tuition every year.
Hurricanes are large, twirling storms that bring strong winds that can blow up to 74 mph or higher. There are two main ingredients that hurricanes need to form, warm water, and consistent winds. If a hurricane does form, it will include the eye, which is the clam center of the storm, around that there is the eye wall which is normally the strongest part of the storm, on the edges of the hurricane are the rainbands, which are swirling “arms” of clouds, rain, and thunderstorms, they can stretch out from the eye for hundreds of miles. After a hurricane forms it is tracked by meteorologists, and other scientists researching the storms, these people categorize it using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, this scale is measured in five categories, category one has winds 74-95 mph, category two has winds 96-110 mph, category three has winds 111-129 mph, category four 130-156 mph, and finally category five has 157 mph winds and higher.
Hurricanes are big storms in the ocean that are large, swirling storms with strong winds. The water that is pushed onto land is a storm surge and it is said that they are the most dangerous part of the hurricanes that go on the land. A Category one, winds can get up to seventy-four miles per hour. Category two, winds can get up to ninety-six miles to one-hundred-ten miles per hour, a Category threes, winds can get up to one-hundred-eleven to one-hundred-twenty-nine miles per hour. Category four hurricanes can get up to one-hundred-thirty miles per hour, Category five hurricanes are the worst ones of all and the wind speeds can get up to one-hundred-fifty-seven miles per hour and then it can destroy anything in it’s path. The Eye of the
First, hurricanes can only form over warm sea water eighty degrees Fahrenheit, or warmer. Evaporation from sea water will increase their power and makes it more dangerous. During a hurricane, they can be six-hundred miles wide across, they also have large and dangerous spiraling inward and upward winds. They typically last for about a week, but many are known to last longer. Hurricane’s strong winds and heavy
Hurricanes only form on warm ocean waters of about 80°F. This is why it is common in the tropics where temperatures are high all year round. Hurricanes also need wind action to form. Warm air, together with moisture from evaporation from the ocean surface rises, creating low pressure on the water surface, which is immediately substituted by cooler air. This process continues, and the resulting moisture-laden clouds begin to expand. Thunderstorms with rains form.
They can tear families apart, ruin whole cities, and kill thousands of people. Hurricanes start on the ocean spinning at least 74 mph and can get winds up to 200 mph! These ginormous storms, can be up to 600 miles wide, causing extreme damage, especially if they strike land. In the Northern Hemisphere, hurricanes spin counterclockwise, and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Hurricanes may appear, and sound fascinating, but I guarantee that if you are ever actually stuck in one, the are not.
Hurricanes are large gusts of wind that are concentrated usually in a spiral. There are three different types of this storm: cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. Why The Frankenstorm is called a hurricane is because hurricanes happen in and around the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. While the others (Typhoons and cyclones) happen in other parts of the world in other oceans. Hurricanes are the biggest storms and do more damage than all of the other storms. The season of these devastating natural disasters are from June 1st to November 30. If you live near the coast of the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans make sure you are prepared with the tips that will be stated later. Hurricanes usually happen over a week, but sometimes hurricanes last only a few hours, when some last over 3 weeks. Hurricane are named on a six-year rotation of male and female names. These names include Ivan, Katrina, Sandy and Andrew.
Hurricanes can also be devastating. They are giant, spiraling tropical storms that can pack strong wind speeds and trillion liters of rain. Storms are called hurricanes when they form in the Atlantic or eastern Pacific Ocean; they are typhoons when they form in the western Pacific, and they are cyclones when they form in the northern Indian Ocean. There are five types or categories of hurricanes, the scale of categories is called the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale and it is based on wind speed. The best defense against hurricanes is an accurate forecast that gives people time to get out of its way. The parts of a hurricane are the eye, is the "hole" at the center of the storm; the eye wall, is a ring of thunderstorms, and rain bands, bands
Hurricanes are the most violent weather forms on Earth. They may be called typhoons or cyclones depending on where it occurs but the scientific term for these storms is a tropical cyclone. Hurricanes can reach wind speeds of 200 mph. Most hurricanes last up to a week travelling 10-20 mph over the ocean. Hurricanes move counter-clockwise around the “eye”(the center of the storm). The eye is the calmest part of the storm, it only has light winds and fair weather. When hurricanes come into land they can cause lots of destruction, they destroy buildings, trees and cars.
Anarchy. Reincarnation. Transformation. Art itself cannot be defined by the limited vocabulary available to us. It’s so much more than we allow ourselves to access. Art means destruction, the total and complete reversal of everything we knew before. Art is yielding to the chaos inside us, restructuring our identities to the whims of that wily beast. When we create, we are born again in a new form. The process of creating something valuable is one that begins with complete and utter oblivion, and contorts into the manifestation of everything we are and everything we hold dear. My art has always been the thrill I find from exploring and critically analyzing issues of social justice. Over the years, my perception of these issues has changed dramatically, as have my outlets of expression, but the one constant has always been my capacity to find empowerment from raising my voice.
Often synonymous with open hostility, relations between India and Pakistan are influenced by numerous discordant factors. This essay will examine the primary antecedent, the Partition of India and its bifurcation into two states. In emphasising the collective trauma and fragile nationalisms that emerged, a connection will be established between the ensuing fear and distrust and its manifestation into policies and actions over the past six decades. Its ramifications will be considered in relation to each state’s security and regional ambitions, the Kashmir dispute and their acquiring of nuclear technology. Particular focus will be given to the Kargil conflict in determining if continued vexed relations could lead to nuclear war.