
Hussein Vs Bonaparte

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As we have seen over the years, many people have risen to power. While many have risen many have also fallen. So what allows some to rise and stay in power and not others? Dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Napoleon Bonaparte remained in power for many years. Comparatively Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq for 24 years, while Bonaparte, the dictator of France, held power for fourteen years. How are their methods different from each other? How could one be in power longer than the other? While analyzing both of them, I found that Saddam Hussein was more willing to use violent methods to control his people, while Napoleon Bonaparte was more civilized and believed that he didn’t need to use violence. So does violence secure one’s place in power for …show more content…

The University of Leicester states the attack, initiated during the Iran-Iraq War, initiated by Saddam Hussein. The attack, meant to eliminate all rebel resistance in the city. Sadly, there was an innumerous amount of civilian deaths in the attack. This also is not the first time that the city was attacked. Halabja additionally was bombed on April 26, 1974, and that same year the Baathist regime attacked demonstrators in the city with helicopters and tanks. The chemical attack authorized by Saddam Hussein. Through his dictatorship he responded to situations with violence. Through harsh threats and acts of violence, he was able to maintain his power longer. This pattern, seen throughout the novel The Invisible Man shows the use of violence being used to control others throughout many scenes in the …show more content…

The protagonist experiences these threats while he is attending college. The dean, Dr. Bledsoe, asks the protagonist to drive around an important person to the college, Mr. Norton. The protagonist drives Mr. Norton to places that he wants to see, one of the places that the protagonist takes him to see is in the poorer sections around the college. While driving around, Mr. Norton becomes ill and the protagonist takes him back to the college. After they return and while Mr. Norton recovers from his ailment, the protagonist gets called down by Dr. Bledsoe. Once the protagonist arrives, Bledsoe lectures the protagonist about how he endangered the college and Bledsoe’s position as the dean. The protagonist believes that he did the right thing, annoyed at Bledsoe’s ignorance of the situation lashes back at Bledsoe, Bledsoe’s confident response is “your arms aren’t long enough to box with me” (Ellison). This quote is a reference to the saying your arms aren’t long enough to box with god. Bledsoe substitutes god with himself, showing his arrogance and portrays his belief that he is superior because of his position. The threat the Bledsoe is consistently pushing does work and the protagonist leaves without an incident after this discussion. This goes along with people controlling others through

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