
Huxley's Writing Style

Better Essays

The Writing Style of Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley was one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. His intelligence is obvious to anyone who has ever read his work and seriously considered the concepts contained within them. Aldous Huxley has written everything from poetry to intellectual essays, fiction, non-fiction, scientific papers, and even accounts of psychedelic experiences.
Aldous Huxley is most famous for writing Brave New World. Other prominent works include The Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell, Island, Brave New World Revisited, Moksha, and many others. His essays are impressively written and the ideas contained within them are truly intellectually stimulating. His poetry is truly beautiful and the ideas that they …show more content…

In the end of chapter three the sections become shorter and end in a babble of unidentified voices which represents the very strange sight of this brave new world.
Other stylistic devices Huxley uses to make the reader feeling closer to the characters and the story are the direct speech (for example the dialogue of John the Savage and Mustapha Mond which fills nearly a whole chapter) and also the fact that he chooses the present simple.
Aldous Huxley is not an author who writes only for amusement. He wants the people to reconsider their way of life and maybe tries to alarm our community with his novel. Every action in his novel should have a special effect on the audience. An example for his expressive style of writing is the fact that Huxley even chooses names which should enunciate something and which we can connect with our world, for example Bernard Marx, who stands for Karl Marx, the father of the ideas of Communism or Lenina, similar as Lenin, the man who led the Russian Revolution.
Also very special is the practice of Shakespeare´s lines. They pervade through the whole novel. These quotations are mostly used by John the Savage and are purposely put there by the author to underline John´s attitude of life, for example his wishes for having a real, fulfilled love. Shakespeare stands for aspects of life that are completely deleted in the Brave new world like love, dramatic, poetry or sorrow.

Huxley writes in a style

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