Mario Lyn
March 1, 2015
HVACR Profession Research Paper
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR), this a career that I have decided to be involve in because of its great impact on our lives and also its job security. This is one of the career field that have to be considered a necessity no matter the season. Throughout this paper, I will cover the training requirements of the program, the progression of the field, job prospects and safety and health risks to the trade. As the economy begins to grow, we have also seen a growth in the HVACR technician’s role and it shows how essential this field is as more commercial businesses and homes development making this field even more marketable.
Formal education is a
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Most technical and trade schools offer a 6 month or up to two year certification program for this field or even obtaining an Associate degree. An apprenticeship program is a combination of on the job training and class instructions and this could take 3-5 years to complete. “Apprenticeship programs frequently are run by joint committees representing local chapters of various organizations.” (, 2014). For an apprentice, no examination is needed for entry level. Not all HVAC technicians have to be licensed; however, workers who handle refrigerants must earn a specialized refrigerant handling certificate through the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) by successfully completing an exam. Most trade schools, unions and employer association assist with the preparation of the exam. Those who seek to become HVAC Journeyman or Master must obtain state licensure. Based on Maryland’s Department of Labor Licensing, in order to obtain a master license, one must be licensed as a journeyman and regularly and principally employed to provide all areas of HVACR services for at least three years of active experience. One has to work a minimum of 1,875 hours in the year prior to applying for master level; pass the master examination with a score of 70% and currently hold a journeyman or higher license.
Imagine a straight A student, getting a full academic ride to a state college. Now imagine he decided to take his first sip of alcohol at his first high school party. He starts focusing on parties rather than his studies; he starts going to more and more parties. Eventually he smokes his first joint, no big deal right? Wrong, marijuana is called the gateway drug, meaning it is the drug that gets you to try worse drugs. He starts trying other things with his friends. He is presented with his first pipe, with crystal meth in it. He didn’t like it at first, but he discovers that he likes the high. he likes how he feels a rush when using it. He starts to use it once every week, then it becomes
Air conditioning service and heating repair isn’t something that most people spend too much time thinking about, but being comfortable in your own home and business is something everyone should take seriously.
People judge others through stereotypical analysis, where untrue, negative thoughts about a person are based on precedent assumptions. The Youngers’ faced these issues when trying to move into a predominantly white neighborhood called Clybourne Park. The family was alienated by the neighborhood in multiple ways. In one particular way, the community board thought that the Youngers’ would make the predominately white, upper-middle-class neighborhood unclean because of them being the only black family to move into the neighborhood. There were times when the Younger family received unwelcoming looks and unfriendly responses from their neighbors. These types of accusations were morally wrong but not unusual for this era. To properly get an analysis
I am a senior with two years till graduation, but you may ask yourself, “Why does a senior need two more years? How could they be considered a senior in this scenario?” I am glad you asked. I have enough credits from previous colleges to be labeled as a senior but the requirements for my career change have left me with more than a few holes to fill in my degree audit thus making me a perpetual senior. My degree is in biology and chemistry with a minor in math, but I began as a mechanic. I began working on automobiles in my hometown of Minneapolis, receiving a degree from Hennepin tech and landing in New Jersey fixing jets for the military. The life of a mechanic is not a glorious one. It is long, hard, dirty, and painful on the good days, but when you add military regulations into the mix it becomes unbearable.
I feel like the Career Academy classes definitely did a very good job of introducing us into what college is going to be like. Especially with the deadline on Sunday nights. With normal high school classes, you are able to push things off and not do them and then also turn them in late and still receive credit. This caused me to really learn how to use my time more wisely and not give up any extra time that I have. It also gave me a much better perspective on what working with an online teacher is really about. I know that next year I will be taking more college classes on line so this class helped me to know what I will need to do for next year.
In order for me to complete this career assessment paper, I initially took an Interest Inventory survey. Upon completing this process, it revealed that my personality profile score was (I, C, A). These three letters represented my strengths and interests in determining which career field would best suit me.
When people look at possible careers they might like to have in the future, most don’t consider a job in the military. There are many jobs that the military offers, and most of them can transfer into the civilian life. Being an instructor in the high school program called Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is one of them. The responsibility of a Jrotc instructor is to instruct a group of students, or cadets, and to provide lessons in leadership, responsibility, teamwork, and “to motivate young people to be better citizens” (“Army JROTC / JROTC Mission Statement, Cadet Creed and JROTC Core Abilities”). These instructors are heavily involved in molding these individuals to be the next leaders
Human Services is a career that serves and helps the people from the community in time of crisis. Human Services helpers are designed to help people through crisis or chronic situations where the person feels they need help and guidance to move forward with their life and rediscover their personal power. People sometimes need help with food or housing the loss of job, and getting out of dangerous situation for example domestic violence, drug abuse. Some people also face an internal challenge such as depression, a physical or mental disability or a health crisis. As a human services helper we are there to assist people meet their needs and get them the services and support that they need.
To be a human resources profession requires the mastery of a set of skills and knowledge either through education or personal experience. “Professions produce uniquely expert work, not routine or repetitive work. Medicine, theology, law and the military are “social trustee” forms of professions. (Abbott, 1998) Being an effective human resources professional requires a work ethic based on effectiveness, efficiency, and attention to detail. Professionals can have a wide-range of post-secondary formal education that have earned them the title of a professional. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. have all attended a higher level of education for up to eight years and in return are the subject matter expert in their field of study.
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My 1st career is Nurse, I want to be Nurse because I want to take care my family and every one. In my family we need a Nurse, Doctor, and other career that can take care them when some thing happen to them. they need some one to take care of them
I have been working on my academic career for many years now. I am currently in my third year of community college, and have come across multiple teachers who have helped and inspired me in many ways. A teacher not only teaches the content of their course, but life skills as well. They are kind, caring, considerate, and understanding of their students. A teacher who goes above and beyond for their students is one that will make a difference. One teacher who I believe has made all the difference to me, was my accounting professor.
I want to be a nurse practitioner when I grow up. A nurse practitioner ,or commonly known as NP, can treat and diagnose illnesses and can also conduct lab tests.(“Welcome to Top Master’s In Healthcare Administration”)
We all have feelings or internal parts. They “talk” to us all day long. We hear them every minute of our lives from the home, work, school; sometimes very opinionated, chatter. But don’t you wonder who controls where our mind goes? Which part of us makes the final decisions? Is there some larger aspect of us that references a broader perspective, an appreciative and compassionate way of seeing things?
I was raised by my wonderful mother, and God family in Burton, Michigan along with my older brother and sister. My career goal of becoming a physical therapist stemmed from a growth defect I experienced during middle school that my primary doctors simply ignored. It was not until I went to a physical therapist that I was given a chance to get the medical care I needed that led to a corrective surgery. Once I was healed, I continued playing sports as my family instilled a love for athletics that will never go away. A drive that pushed me through my 14 year soccer career that was a large factor in who I am today. These experiences gave me a form of discipline that has carried into my college career which began at Adrian College, but an injury I suffered during my senior year in high school ended my time on the field, and my inability to play soccer at Adrian College.