Cynffig Comprehensive School 68538
HY3 Assessment ‘Personal sources pack’
Assignment title
‘The Holocaust was the result of Hitler’s long-held grand design to pursue a programme of annihilation against the Jews.’
Pack Created by: Ryan Buckle
Attributions in normal text and sources are in boxes with italic writing.
History HY3 sources
Document 9
Speech delivered by Hitler in Salzburg, 7 or 8 August 1920. (NSDAP meeting) Source: D Irving, The War Path: Hitler 's Germany 1933-1939. Papermac, 1978, p.xxi The following quotation is from a shorthand transcript.
"This is the first demand we must raise and do [reversal of the Versailles Treaty provisions]: that our people be set free, that
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Also includes a list of allowed marriages. Structuralists
Document No.14 Jennifer Rosenberg’s interpretation of the holocaust, online article.
Himmler discussed his proposal with Hitler of sending the Jews "to a colony in Africa or elsewhere" and Hitler responded that the plan was "very good and correct.”
Document No.15
Access to history (ATH) Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust (second edition). By: Alan Farmer, pg. 70.
Hitler made a speech to the Reichstag in 1939 January.
“If the International Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be a Bolshevising of the Earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, But the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.”
Document No.16 Christopher Browning, "La décision con+cernant la solution finale" from Colloque de l 'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales, L 'Allemagne nazie et le génocide juif It is Broszat 's position that Hitler never took a definitive decision nor issued a general order for the Final Solution. The annihilation program developed in stages in conjunction with a series of isolated massacres at the end of 1941 and in 1942.
“The War Against The Jews” by Lucy Dawidowicz explores a very dark time in history and interprets it from her view. Through the use of other novels, she concurs and agrees to form her opinion. This essay will explore who Dawidowicz is, why she wrote the book, what the book is about, what other authors have explored with the same topic, and how I feel about the topic she wrote about. All in all, much research will be presented throughout the essay. In the end you will see how strongly I feel about the topic I chose. I believe that although Hitler terrorized the Jews, they continued to be stronger than ever, and tried to keep up their society.
The efforts the Nazi party expended on carrying out their ‘final solution to the Jewish question in Europe’ involved changing the structure of a whole country’s economic, social, and military sectors; a mobilisation completed by many various competing and collating departments and agencies, all of which were expected by their superiors to show initiative in their operations. This mode of command lends plausibility to the theory that the ‘final solution’ of the holocaust was not necessarily a result of a direct command by the Führer (No records of any such order exist) but rather the culmination of the departments of the Nazi state vying for approval from their superiors by following the ideology to its ‘logical conclusion’ with Hitler’s approval. This could be seen to support Berghahn, as it was the confusion and rush to meet growing needs that drove the party to extermination over deportation. It also supports Kershaw, who
The Final Solution is the most controversial topic of German History as its origination is not clean cut, whilst it would be simple to place emphasis on Hitler and his World View for the destruction of all Jewry there are other factors such as WW2 which must be taken into consideration in analysis of the Final Solution. Other factors include the polarised view of a lack of formal mechanisms and coherent policy, both of which were fuelled by an honest desire to pursue the will of the Fuhrer to commit, as described by Layton ‘The darkest deed of the Third Reich.’ Throughout this essay it will be
According to Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch there is 8 stages of Genocide and in his opinion Genocide is a progress that is developing in the eight stages and which is predictable and not inexorable. At each stage there are possibilities to stop or at least influence Genocide and Oskar Schindler’s deeds are one example of moral courage and active resistance to the worst Genocide in the history of humankind during the Second World War. The following text will deal with evidences of Stanton’s eight stages of Genocide in Steven Spielberg’s film “Schindler’s List” and Schindler’s attempts to stop Genocide in the different stages.
In the pre-war years, the Nazi Party wanted to find a solution to the “Jewish question” – meaning what to do with them (“Final Solution” Learning). On July 31, 1941, Heydrich submitted the “draft of the measures he proposed to undertake ‘to implement the desired final solution of the Jewish Question’” (“SS”). In the fall of 1941, the Nazi soldiers implemented the plan and began to effectuate it by experimental gassings in the Auschwitz extermination camp and then moving forth to surrounding camps (“Final Solution” Learning). Between then and 1945, the top SS soldiers continued to give the orders to torture, mass shoot, gas (especially in constructed extermination camps), enforce murderous labor, and other means (“Holocaust”). The ideas, which were thought of by Himmler, Eichmann, and Heydrich, are what allowed for this brutality to cause such a large scale genocide. Despite the eleven million
Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, and within eight years, a program was started that lead to the murder of over six million Jews. This program, known as the Holocaust, can be partially attributed to Hitler, and his thoughts and actions. This debate is an important one in discovering the nature of the Nazi government, and the influence that people and circumstances have on the government. It allows us to know how much of the Holocaust was planned by one person, and how much the rest of the government was at fault. The knowledge of the origins of the Holocaust will help us prevent another Holocaust from happening.
Studies of the Holocaust have provoked passionate debates. Increasingly, they have become a central topic of concern for historians particularly since the early 1970s, as the Holocaust studies were generally limited. However, one of the most intense debates surrounding the role played by Hitler in the ’Final Solution’. That is, whether and when Hitler took a decision to initiate the extermination process. Of course, this issue has caused incredible controversy and naturally such a contentious topic of debate has radically produced large amounts of new data and literature. Conflicting, an interpretation has caused further disparities between historians over Hitler’s role in the Holocaust. For this
Despite Hitler's many accomplishments, one goal he failed to achieve was to “exterminate” all of the Jews and non-Aryan races. Despite the mass genocides performed in concentration camps, Hitler failed at completely removing the population. Today, many Jews are still standing tall and healing from the effects of the Holocaust. In order to understand Hitler’s actions, one must take into consideration the many misconceptions he had about these people. His hatred towards the Jews hindered him from understanding and ultimately this lead to his downfall. In Hitler’s eye the Jews were not a religious community. In fact, the Jews allegedly had their own mission to exterminate the whole of mankind, therefore the world needed to unite in order to eliminate
Functionalism versus intentionalism is an ongoing historical debate about the origins of the Holocaust. The two questions that the debate centers around on are; was there a master plan by Adolf Hitler for the holocaust? The intentionalist argument is that there was a ‘master plan’, while functionalist’s ague that there was not. The second question is whether the initiative for the Holocaust and the Final Solution come from Adolf Hitler himself, or from lower ranks in the Third Reich. Both side agree that Hitler was the supreme leader, and was responsible for encouraging the anti-Semitism during the Holocaust, but intentionalists believe that the initiative for the final solution came from above, while functionalists argue that it came from the lower ranks within the bureaucracy.
Through the course of history, the Jewish people have been mistreated, condemned, robbed, even put to death because of their religion. In the Middle Ages, they were forced to wear symbols on their clothing, identifying them as Jews. The dates 1933 to 1945 marked the period of the deadly Holocaust in which many atrocities were committed against the Jewish people and minority groups not of Aryan descent. Six million innocent Jews were exterminated because of Hitler’s “Final Solution.” This paper will exhibit how Adolf Hitler used the three anti-Jewish policies written in history, conversion, expulsion, and annihilation to his advantage.
Genocide was not new in WWII, nor was it an isolated incident, but the ease with which the Nazi’s were able to significantly reduce the Jewish population was only the beginning of a new era in warfare. Personal responsibility would take a back seat to nationality, patriotism, and advancing technology.
When it comes to interpreting the Final Solution, there are two main schools of thought that provide different explanations for how and why National Socialist Germany killed millions of Jews. The first interpretation is the functionalist view, which explains the Final Solution as something that came about by the chaotic and anarchical nature of the Nazi state. It places much importance on improvisation and radicalization. While acknowledging that Hitler played a key role, this view sees Hitler’s role as “a mobilizing and integrating agent”. The second interpretation is the intentionalist view, which explains the Final Solution as something that was planned and organized by Hitler. Placing emphasis on the “coherent and consistent ideology implemented through an all-powerful totalitarian dictatorship” is vital to this view. Of the two different interpretations, it seems that the intentionalist interpretation of the Final Solution provides a more convincing explanation for how and why National Socialist Germany killed millions of Jews. The combination of Hitler’s racial ideologies and the Second World War provided the motivation and the means to execute his plan to murder millions of Jewish people.
This source is an article from World History: The Modern Era and I found it on the database ABC-CLIO. The article states that, the Holocaust was the Nazi plan for the total annihilation of the Jewish people and the actual murder of close to 6 million of them during World War II. While the Nazis also murdered many millions of Poles, Russians, Roma ("Gypsies"), Serbs, Czechs, and political opponents, most scholars believe that only the Jews were slated for total annihilation. The article states that the main cause for the Holocaust was anti-Semitism, a hatred of Jews long held mainly by Christians, which became secularized in the 18th century and in its extreme
(Hitler’s Book “Mein Kampf”) The Nazis claimed that the Jewish people and religion was the source of their downfall, and the genocide of the Jewish people was their only option.
“In my speech before the Reichstag on the first of September 1939, I spoke of two matters: first, since we are forced into war, neither the threat of weapons nor a period of transition shall conquer us; second, if world Jewry launches another war in order to destroy the Aryan nations of Europe, it will not be the Aryan nations that will be destroyed, but the Jews...Once the Germans Jews laughed at my prophecy. I do not know whether they are still laughing, or whether they are laughing on the other side of their faces. I can simply repeat — they will stop laughing altogether, and I will fulfill my prophecy in this field too.”