
Hypocrisy: Immigration To The United States

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If one were to look up the definition of hypocrisy, the country of Germany could very well be the definition found. Looking back, the year is 1939 and Adolf Hitler has power of Germany. The borders have been shut, only blonde haired, blue eyed people are even considered people. Everyone, in surrounding countries not in his picture of white supremacy is put into internment camps, and treated like nothings, in order for them to die. While not everyone was okay with it, the majority of the country followed their leader. Now, less than one hundred years later, seventy-eight years to be exact, from the beginning of World War II, Germany is facing a different kind of immigration problem. Way too many people have been allowed into the country, and …show more content…

And while it would be considered racist to say it’s because of where they have come from, that’s the only way to explain the increase. When a country brings in people from a specific group and setting that is known for terrorist groups, terroristic attacks are going to come with them. Once again looking at The New York Times article, the topic of refugee crime is brought up. While not concluded to be terroristic, it still is an attack that should bring a certain awareness of the capability that the refugees have. Comparing this country to the United States, according to Donald Trump, the media of our country is biased and doesn’t report on the most important topics especially on immigration, just as is told of Germany in The New York Times article. Perhaps the most notable terrorist attack on German soil happened just this past December in Berlin. Found to have ties to a terrorist group, the driver of the truck killed 12 people, and just so happens to be an asylum seeker from Tunisia. This attack has had offshoots of terror organization. The driver of the truck was said to have been in contact with a circle of Islamic recruiters who were arrested in November (Telegraph). Many other terror threats have occurred recently including one a few days ago, on March 11. Two people were arrested at a mall in Essen due to having a connection to militant Islamic groups (Deutsche

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