
Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual And Homosexuality

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In a scientific investigation on human homosexuality, there is an ongoing debate over the claim, “being gay is innate.” The debate is raised due to the unequal sense of the term, innate, in scientific discourse. As well as undetermined scientific evidence on how being gay arises. To understand why, and to lead us on to some of the scientific researches done around this, we will firstly evaluate the meaning of innateness. Then pick out a particular component out of those meanings and critically examine two main studies to conclude with the most plausible view on this unsettled debate.

Multiple meanings of innateness
Firstly, the concept of innateness is a very dubious term when used in debates about whether a particular trait is innate or …show more content…

Handful of challengers to biological explanations have been tested and examined. One of the famous neuroscientists, Simon LeVay conducted a study on, “A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men.” LeVay’s main claim was that, a difference in brain structure (the anterior hypothalamus which participates in the regulation of male-typical sexual behaviour) correlates with sexual orientation. He hypothesised that that INAH 3 in homosexual men to be smaller than presumed heterosexual men and the presumed heterosexual women would be similar in size. And as a result, he hypothesised that INAH 3 is dimorphic and suggests sexual orientation has an underlying biological factor. He brought the idea of the anterior hypothalamus being involved in sexual behaviour of a typical male through a study on nonhuman primates, which showed that lesions in this region in male monkeys damage heterosexual behaviour but excluding sexual drives. The study took three subject groups who died in California and New York and the brain tissue from presumed homosexuals have only been available from AIDS epidemic. Six subjects were presumed heterosexual women, where one woman died of AIDS and others died of other causes. Sixteen subjects were presumed heterosexual men where six died of AIDS and others died of other causes. And nineteen homosexual men who all died of …show more content…

Hamar illustrates this through family tree studies and the X chromosome. Where, rates of homosexuality in maternally related males were shown in family trees of male sexual orientation compared to the insignificant rates in paternal relatives. Which brought up the chances of the implication in the X chromosome. As males have an X and a Y sex chromosome, a trait inherited from the mother’s side (X chromosome) might be influenced by a gene on one of her X chromosomes. Moreover, there’s been further experiments that demonstrated the effect of X chromosome, Xq28, being shared by a number of gay brothers. (Simon LeVay and Dean H. Hamar, 1994) Conversely, we should question about the confounding variables that can play a role in the biological aspect. According to paper on, “Sexual Orientation of Adult Sons of Gay Fathers,” there are at least three possible environmental transmission routes. Firstly, children may pick up their sexual orientations by imitating their parents. By this concept, a child may acquire the desired love preferred by his same-sex parent. Secondly, when trying to remove the associations of homosexuality to those who are inclined to become homosexual, it rather increases the rate of homosexuality. However, this point is only an opinion in journals concerning this issue and not from academic journals. And

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