
Application Essay Example

Decent Essays
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I am a girl from a small rural community, in Western Prince Edward Island with dreams bigger than the Island itself. To achieve my dreams and ambitions, I need help, and I believe that not only will I be a perfect fit for Mount Allison and its community, but also Mount Allison and its’ community will also be a perfect fit to me. I come from a low income household, raised by my single mother, having nothing in life handed to me; I have worked very hard to be eligible for post secondary schooling both in regards to my financial situation and my academic studies.

I consider myself a quiet achiever; I do not look for approval for what I do. I stand for what is right and put my heart in everything that I do. When my hard work pays off, as it usually does, I do not gloat. I am passionate about helping others to better themselves, not just advancing myself. I also lead by example, encouraging people to work hard by putting my all into whatever I am working on at the time.

I am not the stereotypical high school student, I do not find joy in partying or being out at all hours of the night as I feel nothing of value will arise from it. I can make friends and enjoy myself in other contexts, safer contexts that are not frowned upon. I participate in many sports and volunteer activities which have produced situations where I have made many wonderful friends. However, I do have some difficulty coming out of my shell, I feel that Mount Allison, being a small close knit university, will

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