
I Am A Great Or Horrible Thing

Good Essays

Flooding, depending on how one deals with it, can be a great or awful thing. The day after Houston’s historic flood started with gloomy gray skies, horrendous humidity, and me sitting on the couch staring blankly at the T.V. The ecstatic voices of each advertisement after advertisement filled my ears. This was supposed to be a day of excitement and fun but it seemed as if the rain had destroyed those plans. I was leaving to New York for the summer and wouldn’t see my friends for months. Sick and tired of sitting down half the day, I called them up to see if they had any idea of what we could do to spend this last day together. They came up with an idea to make the most out of an otherwise terrible day. In no time they showed up, I was taken away in a car headed towards the bayou.
When we arrived, the water was raging against the banks inching closer and closer to the roadside. The trees were halfway underwater, not a single living creature in sight, and the sun was hidden behind a blanket of menacing clouds. As we unmounted the long blue canoes from the truck, we examined what we were about to do. Our examination didn’t take long since we were teenagers we simply said screw it and decided to jump in the river. Taking turns each of us jumped in the canoe and canoed up and down the river. Since it was his canoes, Grayson, a short dark bearded guy with an overconfident air and shorts that were way too short, was first to go. His experience with canoes made it seem as if it was

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