Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Strength can be defined in countless ways and the strength of someone is unmeasurable. I believe the strength is the unique elements of a person, which help them overcome a challenge. In other word, without the strength a person can’t overcome the obstacles. Strength is the key to open up a new door in your life; door full of opportunities, which will make people grow and improve. There is an old Japanese saying: “Juunin Toiro,” which means ten people, ten colors. This is saying everybody is different and unique. This goes the same for the strengths of each person. People have different strengths as they cope with the difficulty differently. My strengths are that I am global, resilient, and empathic.
When I face a problem, I think up of a solution in two ways. I would think as an American and I would think as a Japanese. Solving and coping with the hardships with two perspectives has helped me become global and also better problem solver. I moved to U.S. from Japan when I was 8 and I have been immersed to both of the cultures evenly. Thus I have two perspectives towards the world as if I have two minds. Moving away from Japan has given me an opportunity to see the weaknesses of my culture. It has also made me realize that I was living in a small world where everybody thought the same way. On the other hand, by having the Japanese cultural view I realized weaknesses of the American culture. Although America is an enormous country
“The strengths perspective embraces the principle that all clients possess them. Strengths can be the client’s willingness to accept help, the client’s positive attitude, their ability to overcome hardships in the past…” (Arnold, 2008, p. 1) In the strengths perspective, the strengths of a person to resist the stressor and problem areas in their lives are what the focus is on. (Hutchinson, 2016, p. 111) What this means is that it is assumed that regardless of who the person is or what they have done, they have strengths that can help them
My second key strength is showing gratitude to others. If someone does something for me or helps me develop a new skill. I show gratitude to them by thanking them, and I tell them that really appreciate their help. I am there for that person when they need my help.
The strength and weakness for women and men was used the their advantage or disadvantage some weakness through my experience were lack of motivation, limit skills, lack of will power, substance abuse, pregnancies, financial stains, timing, and life changes altering plans. Strengths were will power, motivation, positive influences, growth developments, exposure to diversified culture, higher education, support systems. Those whom chose to self-sacrifice themselves overcome obstacles reached their goals. Those who work hard knowing one day they would see the big picture realized the success or
I believe that my strength are that I am a fast leaner. I do not give up easily, and I also make sure if I am going go to do something I do it to the best of my abilities.
Strength is a quality that continues to carry mankind through existence. Without this attribute, humans would fail to carry on living. One can show physical strength by being able to push hefty objects, or mental strength by being able to endure the most unfavorable conundrums. For a person to survive any conditions, this toughness is an absolutely necessary trait that they must have. The Most Dangerous Game, a short fictional story by Richard Connell, and Who Understands Me But Me, a poem by Jimmy Santiago Baca, are both examples of how in any situation, it is possible to survive with forms of resilience. Characters from both of these stories are able to sustain themselves with their strength, whether it be physically or mentally.
Strength is that part of your intellect or nervous system that is more effective and productive than other parts. Throughout your experience of life, your actions or reactions drive different thoughts, behavior and emotion in your brain. The requests that are processed more efficiently and rapidly are known as your strengths. Nowadays, strengths-based approaches to work and life are gaining a lot of popularity and often they are used to improve leadership and create more productive and efficient work teams.
After exploring the contradictions in the lives of the Joy Luck Club such as, strength and weaknesses, obedience and independence, individuality and society, joy and sadness, and hope and despair. It really got me thinking about my strengths and weaknesses as a person (and where they came from). Obviously, people's strengths and weaknesses are subjective so during the course of this writing session I will either use my own personal opinion of what my strengths and weaknesses are. Or I will state who said what my strengths and weaknesses are.
I have many strengths, which keep me going. Some of these strengths are my family, which I get a lot of support from, my persistence, and most importantly, my hard work. Although I have amazing strengths, I also have weaknesses. One of them is that I am very shy , sometimes. The other one is that I can be a bit of a perfectionist. I'll just try to fix all of my flaws and focus on the things I'd like to accomplish.
Based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment my top five strengths are strategic, deliberative, learner, maximize and individualization. As an individual, I rarely look into my weakness. I believe that when your too focused on your weakness, you forget about your strengths. Everything the book said is true, and we need to take the time to look at our strengths and make it perfect. It is true that in this world or the school system, we are taught to look at our weakness and correct it so that we can become stronger in our life. This book brings out the truth that I longed to hear for a long time. Invariably, I hear my professor tell their students that for them success in life, they must practice and look at our weakness. This book proves it wrong because for us to become successful, we must stay to our strengths’ path.
“Historically American laws have reflected the truth behind how white men feel about black men. From the Black Codes, to the Jim Crow segregation laws, to the war on drug policies, to stop and frisk, to now stand your ground there has been no evolution. Emmett Till, Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, and Justin Davis are all illustrations of this.” - David Banner
In addition to my personal challenges my personal strengths interfer. A personal strength I have is talking , I love sharing my opinion. Another personal strength I have is giving good advice because I love helping people solve their problem or help make their lives easier. Lastly another personal strength I have is just listening because I am a good person to vent to because I don’t judge. Therefore I always spread positivity and lean a hand.
Trying to decide what your personal strengths are, is hard. For myself, I have grown in my strengths, and I’ve experienced my weaknesses. My personal strengths consist of: positivity, encouragement, laughter, and love. I pick these four because I feel that I am truly strongest in these aspects of my life. Being positive is a big factor in everything I do. I always want to be happy and joyful; not only to display Christ in me, but to make others feel the way I do. I want others to appreciate life and to feel any kind of uplift in his or her spirt. Positivity plays into encouragement. I make it my goal to make others feel better about themselves. My goal coming into college was to learn and know every person(s) name that I got the chance to meet. Just taking a few minutes out of your day to truly get to know someone, is such a blessing. It not only blesses me in new friendships, but it also blesses others because they feel that someone genuinely cares about them. Laughter is another characteristic I strive to pour out onto others. I laugh at practically everything. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. I’ve learned the importance of laughter, and I just want to make one person smile every day. Love is my last of the four attributes. Love is so important to me. I love creation (Trees, birds, squirrels), God, and I love people. I just want the love that God has given me, to pour out onto others. I want others to know that I love them. These are my personal strengths
The four short years that people spend in college can be some of the best years of their lives. Meeting new people, learning new things, and getting involved in clubs all contribute to this. Although these years can be great, they also have the ability to damage our lives forever. Many students fall victim to peer pressure, which occurs when a person or certain group of people tries to force an individual to conform to how that person or group acts. Peer pressure can affect college students physically, mentally, and socially. I feel as though this issue should be addressed much more when it comes to college life.
Prayer in public schools has been a controversial issue in our country for a very long time. According to the First Amendment, the government shall not establish any official religion. Therefore, as long as the government doesn't make it mandatory for the students to pray, they should be allowed to at least have that choice. One minute set aside for a student to either have a moment of silence or to have their own prayer isn't hurting anyone, as long as students are not forced to pray. By taking away that right, it is violating their rights as American citizens and their right to have freedom of religion.
I like to think I have many strengths. After review of my character/ personality test, I can see what they are. I am a task-oriented leader, which drives me to finish a project. I have a strong individual work ethic, which allows me to be responsible and not rely on others. I am good at building and leading