I am Krystal Hentkowski. In this paper, I will try to explain an event that I feel will help me to achieve my goals in graduating college. I do not feel that I am a great writer, so please be patient while reading this. My desire to graduate college came from a conversation with my teenage daughter. Her name is
Emma. One night while eating dinner we were talking about her plans for when she finishes high school.
We have always told her she will continue on the college after graduating, but we also find it is important for her to understand why we think it is necessary. I was shocked during this conversation when she asked a question I was almost embarrassed to answer. “Mom, did you go to college?” I just answered with a quiet no. I explained
6.What are two goals you have for yourself as a writer in this class for the upcoming year?
Because I have identified several tools given to me – and that I am aware of my purpose, I can now set goals. My most immediate short-term goals as a college student include: becoming proficient at balancing my time well, soaking up the information that I am being taught, making great grades, serving my community, traveling and studying abroad, and attaining internships and scholarships.
I have goals in my life, just as the great Odysseus had his own goals; Odysseus wanted to return home and slay all of the parasitic suitors, living off his fortune. My goals, on the other hand, are not so gory or dangerous, but it is also tiresome to achieve my altitudinous goals. I want to go to a nationally ranked college in business after I graduate, that is why I am
My College and Career goals include graduating college and getting a job. I wish to attend the University of Alabama. I plan to major in occupational therapy or speech therapy. After I graduate with my bachelor's degree I wish to get my master's degree. After I finish my schooling I want to receive a job that allows me to provide for my family. I wish to receive this job in my degree's field. After receiving this job I wish to improve to reach a leadership role.
While in college I hope to achieve academically, growing in all ways possible. In the writing aspect I will learn how to write more clearly and more fluently, I will be able to describe fully what I see and feel while journaling. While learning new writing skills I also hope to improve on the skills I already have. Becoming more expressive with all of my writing I feel is very important, improving on that will flourish my writing. I will improve my mindset with my writing and academics, not over thinking on assignments. In general I will improve in all things I already know and do. To develop these new and improved skills I need to take advantage of all
Harriet Tubman once said, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world” (brainyquote.com). This quote is always inspiring to me, since I can see my own life experience through it. Studying in the United States has been my dream since I was young. During the first semester of my freshman year, UCWR110, the university writing class, makes me feel the essence of the quote. Thanks to UCWR110, I have improved my reading strength, my patience in reading in English as a second language, as well as my passion in writing in English. I realize that writing plays an important role in my everyday study and it is a key to my dream.
Secondly, I want to give back to my community, to come back and my goal is to help others by talking about their future and higher education. By going to high schools around my community, and be a mentor and support students with questions and goals of their future after high school. I am always positive any
College writing to me is a new chapter in my life. I am only a junior in high school, which means I have quite a ways to go when it comes to learning and maturing as a person. As I take on this new chapter I expect to see my writing change along with me, for I’ll have new experiences and feelings to put forth in my writing.
This goal is a long term goal. The things I will do to lead up to this goal is to read books or story to learn how to write one. Also I will start writing at a young age so when I get older I will have all the information that I will need. Then I will go to college and learn how to write and other things to do with writing. Next, I will ask my resources to get the things I need to do. Finally I will get people to read it and what
Hard-working, determination, and a set mind show how I can prove myself and demonstrate the likelihood of success. My goals in college are keeping my Dean’s Scholarship for all four years, getting through college, and make it into the academy to make my way to my dream career in the FBI.
Writing about dreams and aspirations is difficult when you don’t really have any specific dreams or aspirations to write about. I am currently a freshman in the exploratory major. This means that I have no idea what I want to study or even what I want to do for
I want to be able to have a wide range of vocabulary and be trained to write a paper for any subject or matter. I think being a successful writer will really help better my life. I hope this writing course advances my free write, and personal writing the most. I plan to give this course 110% to help become a successful writer for the future. I want to be able to look back at my writing and be proud of my work and possibly inspire people to want to become a successful writer. I want my weaknesses in the past to dwindle down. I know it will take a lot of time, but I’m willing to do it. I hope to be able to write a 500-700 word paper in no time without any struggle. For the future, I want my grammar to be as it should on my level. I think my writing will improve over this course, and I just can not wait to see it
My intellectual goal was completed. I have over a 3.0 gpa. I have achieved this goal by going to tutoring sessions with my teachers to help me with test. Also, by doing all my homework.
Above all, my personal goals are to learn as much as I can and make my family and myself proud of what I’ve accomplished. I’ve realized that college is a great opportunity to further my education and I want to take advantage of that by taking in as much knowledge as possible. The reason for this goal is to know that I did the very best I could when I graduate college. Not only will that make me proud but it will make my family proud too. Staying motivated, focused, and determined is going to be the key to
If you ever entertained any ideas about writing professionally, you will want to look at setting long-term goals as a writer. Create a big picture: what kind of writing will you be doing further down the road? Would you like to a published novelist with a library of books to your credit? Do you intend to be a nationally-acclaimed reviewer for cultural magazines? What is it you are hoping to achieve for the future?