
I Am Legend: Doctor Allice Krippin

Decent Essays

The movie I am Legend begins with Doctor Allice Krippin discussing how she has taken the measles virus and altered its structure to make it beneficial to the body rather than it being harmful to the human body. Doctor Krippin claims that the genetically engineered virus can possibly cure cancer. Initially it does appear that the genetically engineered measles virus was in fact going to cure cancer. During the human clinical trials part of the research, researchers took ten thousand and nine cancer patients and infected them all with the new strain of the measles virus. At the end of the human testing phase all ten thousand and nine subjects were cancer free. The newly designed measles virus was in fact on its way to cure cancer; until it ultimately mutated. Fast-forward three years after the human clinical trails and the human population Of New York City appears to be extinct. The only sign of human civilization is one man, Robert Nevile and his dog Sam. Robert was a Lieutenant Colonel in the US army before the virus mutated. Colonel Nevile studied the out break and spread of viruses while assigned to the army. …show more content…

Robert studies the virus and how it works but struggles to find a way to reverse and cure it. The Krippin virus has two separate strains one that is air borne and the other that is a direct contact strain. The Krippin Virus apparently causes an extreme drive for blood, primal aggression, loss of pigmentation in the skin and eyes, hair loss, enlarged pupils, elevated heart rates and sensitivity to sun or ultra violet lights. During his research Robert has learned that his blood strain is immune to the Krippin virus, meaning he cannot be infected. Robert is not the only person in the world who has the immunities to the Krippin

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