
I Am Legend Vs World War Z Essay

Decent Essays

The world has ended because zombies and vampires are taking over from an experiment gone wrong. In the film I Am Legend and World War Z two cities has been quarantine to keep the disease from spreading. Dark seekers are human that has been infected by the “Krippin” virus and turned into vampires (I Am Legend). Ghoul are human that has been infected by the “Plalnax” virus and turned into Zombies (World War Z). Although vampires and zombies have some similarities, looking beneath the surface will reveal several major differences. The vampires are sensitive to sunlight, and they hide in the dark while huddling around as a group (I Am Legend). Sunlight is one of the vampires’ weaknesses, however the vampires are intelligent and they have the ability to think like human. During one scene, “Fred, how did you get here?” stated Robert, he was tricked into a trap that was setup by the vampires by using a mannequin as bait (I Am Legend). The trap shows the vampires …show more content…

The vampires are described as the walking dead, and they will feast on the living creatures. The vampires are attractive to noise and the scent of their victim (I Am Legend). Once they tracked their victim down, they will attacks with super human strength. If the victims come in contact with the vampires, they can also become a vampire. Dr. Neville dog, Sam, she was attacked and turned to one of the vampires (I Am Legend). Even though the vampires looked invincible, they can easily be killed by a gunshot. At the same time, the zombies from World War Z have similar characteristic because the zombies were human until they are infected by a virus. The zombies are the walking dead, that feast on the living. The zombies have super human strength and move as fast as the vampires in I Am Legend. If a victim were bitten by the zombies, they can be turned to zombies. The zombies can be killed by a gunshot (World War

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