
I Am Malala Hardships

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The Hardships of life in The book, I Am Malala, broadened my perspective of life. This book helped me perceive life as an important gift; it led me to realize that humans have to perfect themselves from the inside rather than the outside. As Malala said, “It doesn’t matter what I look like. I am alive. I was thankful (Yousafzai 145),” it occurred to me that you have to be content with who you are on the inside to live a blissful life. If Malala was just a pretty face with nothing behind that face, then no one other than her family and friends would have known, let alone cared if she had gotten shot, but because of the words and knowledge behind that face, the day she was shot turned into a global phenomenon. This tragedy led to a world …show more content…

For the children in Swat Valley, such as Malala, it is a privilege to go to school, whereas in America going to school is the norm. In America, there are laws such as NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND, but in Swat Valley Taliban discourages children from going to school especially girls. Malala says, “Please bring my schoolbag, exams are coming up (Yousafzai 151),” even though she is in the hospital with a bullet wound, Malala still thinks about her upcoming exams and how she needs to study for them. It is ironic that people, like Malala live in a place where education is a privilege and people who are able to get it, have a vast amount of passion for it. Children in America don't understand the importance of education in the way these children do, since children in well off countries do not have first hand experience of what life is like without …show more content…

What is love? Love is an, “Intense feeling of deep affection for a person or thing (” Malala uses the motif of love to convey her affection for her father because, “The first words,” she, “spelled out was father (Yousafzai 134).” Malala shows an intense feeling of love towards her father because of the connection they made due to their love and importance of education. Without this bond and the idolization towards her father, Malala would not have been who she is today. Malala uses the motif of the lack of freedom to explain the life of a girl in Swat Valley which is not very easy. “What an interesting country this is, where some girls are free to cover their bodies and others are free not to (Yousafzai 179),” Malala states. Malala is flabbergasted by the sparseness of clothing girls in Birmingham are wearing due to her background. Even though this might be a decent amount of clothing, Malala had not witnessed that because of the lack of freedom she had back in Swat

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