I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore is about a boy named Number Four. Number Four and eight others escaped their planet Lorien, during an invasion. Now, they are in hiding from the people that destroyed their planet. All is well except, the nine people that escaped had powers and can not be killed out of order by the people that destroyed their planet. One through three were captured, and killed and Number Four is next. He has hid his whole life, and he’s ready to fight back. He is tired of hiding and is ready to fight for his planet back.
I found this book to be very entertaining and well written. I really loved how the author wrote about the invasion throughout the book instead of right in the beginning. I loved how well the characters were developed. Number Four was developed as a shy kid that isn’t afraid to stand up for himself. His new friend was developed as a paranoid nerd, and lastly, his love interest was developed as a strong, and independent girl that was an avid photographer and wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself. I loved the point of view because the story was narrated through Number Four’s eyes and I felt as though I
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I am not personally a fan of science fiction however, I was really enjoying the book, even though it is highly unbelievable. I would rate this book a 7 because I don’t particularly enjoy science fiction, but this book always kept me on edge. I loved how the characters were developed more and more throughout the book. I felt like I was in the story and felt the same hate towards the bullies that Number Four felt. Also, I loved the setting and how I was more and more informed about Paradise as well as Number Four’s old home. I decided to read this book because my brother had said it was very good, and he isn’t a fan of science fiction either. I think that people that love a good mystery, and love a good cliff hanger every chapter, they would really enjoy I am Number
In my opinion I thought that this book was a very good book. In this chapter I will describe the setting, theme, plot and conflict etc. This book had a few different settings like
This book is great for people who enjoy gore, suspense and a little romance. If you love to see good character cooperation and the characters in a lot of life or death situations where you really don’t know if they’ll make it or not this is the book for you. This books also shows that even the underdogs can still make a difference, and that gives us hope in life when there seems to be nothing left. Again if you love gore, suspense and a little bit of romance this is the perfect book for you, you won’t be
7) I can imagine myself re-reading this book again in 10 years because this book is amazing and it is perfect for teenagers and young adult readers. This book is griping and beautifully written. When reading this book you get thrown into the apocalyptic setting. I would recommend this book to my friends because I loved it and all the other books in the series. It’s just great.
This book is a very good book. It is not one of my favorite books, but it is in, or somewhat close to, the top ten list. It has an intriguing story and has some humor in it to make sure that it isn’t all mellow.
I rate this book a 4. It was a great and interesting book, that hooks you in. it also has great message to teach. However the reason I did not give it a 5 was because in some parts there could have been a little more action or drama and details.In certain chapters
In the book I Am Number Four, Four is a 15 year old boy currently living in Paradise, Ohio. Four is one of nine children who were the last survivors of the planet Lorien. Lorien was destroyed by a race called the Mogadorians, who were known for their obsession of war and complete domination. The Mogadorians now hunt the nine children and their guardians, or cepans, due to the special abilities of the children. Each child was to be a future guardian of Lorien once their powers, or legacies, developed. They were the now the only defying power between the Mogadorians and their domination over Earth. In order for the Mogadorians to defeat a child, or Garde, they must kill the Garde in order. This meant One must be killed to defeat Two, and so forth. The Mogadorians were able to successfully capture and kill One, Two, and Three, meaning Four is the next target. Four and his Cepan, Henri, must maintain a low profile while still preparing for an
As the reader gets further into the series, they see the world developing around them. It all starts with what Cia’s colony, Five Lakes, is like.Then it adds in the city and you can see how detached the colonies are. Throughout the actual Testing the characters experience what the “Unrevitalized” land, from the “Eight Stages of War” is actually like, with mutant creatures and plants that have ravished the terrain. As Cia interacts with all the different leaders, she discovers other groups, and how their society was before the war. Everything about the world connects with one another and the reader really gets to feel as though they are there. It just all makes sense with what had happened and how they had worked around it. The author shows a great skill of building her world gradually, that it really makes the books seem more realistic and makes you want to keep
There were a few points in this book that taught me about life and how crazy it can be sometimes. The photographer named Fulgencio was very afraid of hitch hiking to Mexico City with a stranger, especially with all of us expensive equipment. On the ride, Fulgencio is so paranoid that the guy is going to kill him, he grabs a machete out of the back of the truck. In doing so he gets kicked out of the car and loses all of his photography equipment anyways. This taught me that we need to trust each other more, Just because there are a few crazy people in the world, we shouldn't let them give us all a bad name. I mean, the guy picked Fulgencio up when he was in desperate need of a car, and gives him a ride. He should have been thankful, not picked up a machete and threaten the guy. Another thing this book taught me was that just because your sister doesn't want your kid anymore because she
Overall, the book is really good and sticks to those three main ideas of courage, weakness and truth throughout it. As both a reader and a writer (I write my own little novels) this book is really goods and i would recommend it to anyone who asks
I really liked the book. It was very enjoyable to read. I would recommend it to my friends, because I think they
I did actually really like this book. I was not sure if I was going to enjoy it when the project was first assigned, but after reading for a while, I became really interested
What do I like about the book Insurgent? I like everything about the book Insurgent. I couldn't tell you anything that I dislike about this book. First off I liked all three of the books, Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant, but the reason I like this book so much is because of the action and romance in this book. Pages 300 through 301 talks a little about the attacks that won't stop until a divergent turns themselves into the Erudite leaders.
What did you learn from reading the book? Did you like the book? Why or why not? Would you recommend this book to your friends? Why or Why not? One thing that learned from this book is that life was very hard during the war. I thought that this book was very well written and interesting. One reason why I like Number the Stars is because the way the author wrote the book. She kept the reader interested and made you want to read more. I would recommend this book to my friends because it was exciting yet serious and you always wanted to go to the next chapter to find out what happened
I loved this book so much. There is so much action and is so much better and exciting with so much amazing detail and description. This is one of my favorite books ever. When you read it, you don’t want to put it down and it makes you feel like you are with the characters in the book and you know them so well. I recommend this book to anyone who can read at this level.
Four was well written and thorough enough to explain the story to readers. They were able to see struggles to overcome, emotions to feel, and anticipation for what’s next to come. The author lets others see what happened before they met Tris. I personally enjoyed reading this book and