
I Am Number Four Book Report

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I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore is about a boy named Number Four. Number Four and eight others escaped their planet Lorien, during an invasion. Now, they are in hiding from the people that destroyed their planet. All is well except, the nine people that escaped had powers and can not be killed out of order by the people that destroyed their planet. One through three were captured, and killed and Number Four is next. He has hid his whole life, and he’s ready to fight back. He is tired of hiding and is ready to fight for his planet back.
I found this book to be very entertaining and well written. I really loved how the author wrote about the invasion throughout the book instead of right in the beginning. I loved how well the characters were developed. Number Four was developed as a shy kid that isn’t afraid to stand up for himself. His new friend was developed as a paranoid nerd, and lastly, his love interest was developed as a strong, and independent girl that was an avid photographer and wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself. I loved the point of view because the story was narrated through Number Four’s eyes and I felt as though I …show more content…

I am not personally a fan of science fiction however, I was really enjoying the book, even though it is highly unbelievable. I would rate this book a 7 because I don’t particularly enjoy science fiction, but this book always kept me on edge. I loved how the characters were developed more and more throughout the book. I felt like I was in the story and felt the same hate towards the bullies that Number Four felt. Also, I loved the setting and how I was more and more informed about Paradise as well as Number Four’s old home. I decided to read this book because my brother had said it was very good, and he isn’t a fan of science fiction either. I think that people that love a good mystery, and love a good cliff hanger every chapter, they would really enjoy I am Number

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