When Santiago finally found the Pyramids, he follow the omen and found a place starting to find his treasure. There’s few people went by and grabbed the gold that Santiago had, although those gold was not there’s. It let me think about my childhood, my brother and I will take turn to watch TV, because we just had one TV in the house. When it’s my turn to watch TV, sometimes he would grab the controller and changed to the channel that he wanted to watch. He’s taller and older than me, there’s no way that I can win if we fight. It just like the situation in the book. I am Santiago, my brother is figures, he grabbed something that is not his.
Reporter stated the following: He (Brycion) is the victim. He was asleep in the bed and woke up. He (Ben) was hunting him. He said he found me and took a whole of my man part. The mother got involved because she told Ben to leave. He did not say if the mom called the police because Ben left. This happened last night. He told Dr. Brumfield this morning he had to tell her something. He was then brought into my office. When we questioned him he said Ben drives a vehicle. He said Ben stays at home and is not in school. We have not called the mom because she will come at 9 for IEP meeting. We will talk to the mom at the meeting. If the mom does not show up for the meeting we will call her. It sounded like this is the first time this has happened.
It was hard to imagine it had only been four months since the shooting so much had happened.
That voice rang with anger. Ah shit, I pissed him off again, didn't I? Talk about working for a guy who's hard to please. Oh no. I'm such a terrible narrator. You must be asking three questions. Who am I talking about? Who am I? Why am I reading to this? First off, you chose to. Second, I'm talking about Nevada Ramirez, Dominican-American drug lord extraordinaire. I hope that doesn't ring with sarcasm. And your narrator that you are stuck with has a name too. Harold Lockhart but I prefer Harry, however, my undercover name was Benjamin “Benji” Waterhouse. Now we're all caught up back up to the present.
How long have I been here? How long since I gave up my pride to grovel at the feet of ---?
The guilt only seeped through the cracks when he least expected it, and no place was safe. Not the stillness of the forest, not in Leona's voice or Logan's. Wherever he was, it was too, waiting for a split second of vulnerability to bury its fangs within, Benson was a tiny white mouse in a glass tank with a Burmese python who hadn't eaten in months. There was no escape, no matter how many times he cracked his skull against the glass, it wouldn't break. He was too weak.
As I begin to ascend the mountain, Indians and Spaniards wait at the foot of the mountain, as if they are the Israelites and I are alone is off to speak with God. I know that from this peak I will be able to see the western water, what I have already decided to name the South Sea. I take a musket with me. The Spaniards have been warned, if they follow me, I will use it, because discovery is a tricky matter and I wants no competition. I begin my ascend slowly up the pristine slopes, over the mud and the leaves.
He wanted to save enough money to return to Spain and buy back his flock. His dream of finding and fulfilling his “Personal Legend” long forgotten as some silly dream. But as he was packing up his things to go back to Spain, he finds Urim and Thummim, two stones the wise king gave Santiago to help him read the omens. And all the sudden, minute by minute, his dream of going home to buy a new flock and become a shepherd again is became less and less important. And then Santiago remembers that it isn't his dream. “I can always go back to being a shepherd, the boy thought. I learned how to care for sheep, and I haven't forgotten how to do so. But maybe I’ll never have another chance to get to the Pyramids in Egypt.” And with that, Santiago sets off to find his treasure. He doesn't go back to where he started, he didn't go home and relax in the “normal” like others, he chose to adventure and discover his “Personal Legend”, and his treasure. He was determined to prove to everyone, and himself, that it really was
I walk into my room and throw my bag carelessly on the floor. I’ll study later. I don’t go to my bed but move over to my window and stand there, not knowing exactly why. I open the windows, and even though it’s the middle of winter, the cold wind is most welcome here. I feel my hair blowing around my face and I know it’s going to get impossibly tangled but I don’t care. My lips are dry and too thin top isn’t doing much to keep me warm but I still don’t care. I’m not really sure where my thoughts are taking me but I’m already gone.
“Come on kids, it’s time for a trip” I say. I walk silently ahead of my young son and daughter. I can hear Jorge kicking pebbles off of the path. My young daughter and son follow patiently behind me, unaware of the certain doom that awaits them. I don’t want to do it you see, but I know that I must. “I do this for love. Because of Roberto.” I remind myself. Quite a few years back Roberto, my husband, was cursed. He was serving in Nuevo Leon, in the Spanish Inquisition and had arrived at a witch woman’s house to arrest her when she placed a curse on him, a curse that would forever change our lives. Roberto was cursed to live forever and to be young, though he did not see it as a curse. I was not cursed and so I have continued to age, which
Pressed against the cold wall, I emitted a set of vehement screams. I struggled against my shackles, rattling them vigorously. I let forth more screams, as a frigid object was thrust mere inches from my face. The motion recurred, but this time, the blade slashed off my ear. I howled in torment, feeling the blood gush from my wound, hoping that someone would hear my agonizing pleas and rescue me. Each time I screamed, my shouts echoed back, surpassing my own in volume. The imitations continued relentlessly as I attempted to shout more forcefully. I shouted until only one stone remained in the wall my betrayer, Montresor, was building around me. I no longer had hope, the fight was dying from me. Surely this was just a joke, a frivolous farce?
"The secret of happiness is to see all of the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil in the spoon” (35). When Santiago was talking to the old man, he was learning to find his personal legend and his treasure. Santiago was not focusing on one thing but was focusing on his surroundings. Finally,
Hi my name’s Hector, I’m looking for a nice laid back home that I can call my own, and be the king of. I was brought into CHHS, with six other cats. We were all living in a country home that had been foreclosed on, with nowhere to go, and no one to care for us, a nice individual brought us to CHHS so we could find a family, and have a real chance at warm loving life. I don’t think I had a whole lot of socialization in past, so as a result, when it comes to new relationships, I’m very level-headed. I don't leap in paws first, if you know what I mean. So when you get me home don’t be surprised if at first you don’t see a lot of me, but don’t worry I'll be thinking a lot about you! Once I’ve had some time to settle into my new environment, I will
Throughout Santiago’s journey to fulfil his Personal Legend the boy is rewarded with not only treasure as a physical substance but also in the form of knowledge gained and experiences lived. Santiago is aware of the importance of his treasure in all forms and displays this awareness after finding the chest of Spanish gold coins, “He placed Urim and Thummim in the chest. They were also a part of his new treasure, because they were a reminder of the old king, whom he would never see again” (pg. 88). Thus, Santiago’s character portrays the message that once a destiny is realised and fulfilled, the pursuer will be rewarded in many forms. Contrastingly, the crystal merchant in which temporarily employs Santiago, is a character used in juxtaposition to show the danger of fear and the life of one who will never fulfil
The story follows a young boy, Santiago, as he travels across land and sea to fulfill his quest for self-discovery and knowledge. In the beginning of the story, Santiago is afraid of the unknown and fear itself, even when he is called to adventure. After much contemplating, Santiago takes a leap of faith. He realizes the promise of a magical treasure and discovery of his Personal Legend (one’s destiny in life) in a far away land is more alluring than his predestined life as a shepherd. In the act of giving up all that is dear to him, he redeems himself of his past uncertainties through the symbolism of the treasure as a catalyst. The Alchemist offers insightful wisdom to the boy on his quest, “ ‘Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” You’ve got to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense’” (Coelho, 122). Coelho uses tangible treasure to guide the story and serve as Santiago’s objective, but the knowledge he receives along the way is the treasure that is worth more than gold. The Alchemist carefully notes that by devoting himself to his quest changing his state of mind, upon finality, he can fully appreciate the wisdom and lesson he will
It was a dark gloomy night and Santiago was in the fields of andalusia for his 60 sheeps to digest themselves. During the dream, Santiago sees that a boy was telling him to go to the Egypt Pyramids for the treasure. A king of Salem named Melchizedek, advice a boy to go to the Pyramid because the boy consulted him about his dream and also quipped he wants to become a traveller.