In order to set myself up for success this year, I will have to transform myself and become something new. I will have to surpass all of my past expectations and achieve new heights. I will ascend my mind into greater heights than ever before. I will change the way that I think and my perspective on school. I cannot allow a single shred of doubt to enter my mind for even a second. I will listen to that one lone voice that says," You can do it. You can win.". I will not believe in luck. Luck is the last dying wish of those who believe that winning can happen on accident. I will use my hard work and determination to push through anything that stands in the way of my victory. I will never give up on pursuing my
Some of the goals this year is to get good grades on most of the subjects. What I will do to accomplish that is I will listen in class and study for more than one day. Something I’ve done right I want to continue doing is to read a lot of books and writing excellent essays. I also want to do better in Social Studies. I will do this by studying history facts every week.
When junior year ended last summer, I felt like I knew exactly what was coming my way-- after all, I watched three different groups of my friends go through senior years of their own. It was finally my turn to experience senior year, something it seemed I had known about for years, and I felt like senior year would be easygoing and uneventful. Now, it has taken just a few short months to realize how incorrect I was. If senior year has taught me anything, it is that one never really knows what comes next for them, even if they have a good idea. The monumental highs, as well as the deepest of lows, have kept me on my toes throughout my senior year.
My goals for this year are to get good grades so i can be a doctor or join the F.B.I’s B.A.U, be there for anyone who needs help or just needs a friend, and stop bullying so the students at Lyman Hall can become even closer as a family. All my life the only thing i ever wanted to do was to help and protect others, friends, foes, or strangers, I don’t care. I love and care about every single soul on this planet equally. And if i achieve these goals i might just be able to do that!
Early College High Schools (ECHS) are innovative high schools that allow students least likely to attend college an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and 60 college credit hours. Early College High Schools:
I hold myself to high standards and believe that if I do, I will be successful in most things to everything. Besides my personal goals, I also have goals for this school year in the Everest core. I want to be more balanced by leveling out my school priorities with my extracurricular priorities. I will do all of my schoolwork is done by 6:00 pm, and then I will allow myself time for my extracurricular activities, like dance. I also want to improve my grades in Science and Social Studies. I will do this by studying for 15 minutes in each subject every night before putting my attention elsewhere. Finally, I want to improve my attitude by being more courteous and kind to others. With the teachers and students at Century Middle School, I can receive the help that I need to keep me in line. All I want to do is fulfill these goals to make those around me proud of my accomplishments throughout the year. These are my Everest goals for this school year, and I believe that if I try to stay on top of my work, I can complete and fulfill my
Although, there are times in my two years here in RHAM Middle School where things did get hard, but I still worked hard and tried my best and did everything to be best ability. I made sure I worked hard in all my subjects and I made sure I kept all my grades up even during sports. There are many things that I have accomplished in my middle school year, and there are many things that I am proud of. One of my accomplishments were having fantastic grades in all my subjects this year. In my seventh grade year I didn’t have really good grades, I guess because it was my first grade in middle school it was just stressful and nerve racking. My main goal this year was to try a lot harder than I did last year, stay focused on my school work inside school and out, and make sure to keep up my grades and have no C’s during any quarter
My eighth grade year of Middle school. I had many challenges, with making friends and subjects. But one challenge was mathematics.I knew my eighth grade year was most important when it came transferring into my high school years, yet I didn’t do anything to raise my grade in mathematics at that time. It wasn’t until two I had a very low grade in mathematics on my report card at that I realized I needed to do something about my low grade. So after that report in math, I really was determined to really bring that F up to at least a B or A. So I remember I started to go to after school tutoring to get help with my math subject. They placed me with a teacher named Ms.Alice. And she really helped me with my subject.
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths,” (Walt Disney). The overview of my Junior year in high school was, I believe, the best school year so far both in academic and my personal achievements. As a person I had a major growth, I become more active in school in which was a huge step for me, and academically, well I’ve never seen so many A’s since Freshmen year, well that is if I examine only second semester but overall I felt that my grades were better than last year. This year I became a person who is more open-minded, one who sees the outside world, my mind has opened a door which helped me find the inner me that was stuck in for the past 2 years of high school like if I were a bud that has finally opened. I shockley impressed at myself, willing to accept any new challenges this year which truly helped me become a better person in education and personally.
“If she's sets her mind to something, she's going to do it. She sets her eye on the prize and works as hard as she can to get there. She does this with everything she does. Even if it's as simple as getting a bulletin board done, she plans What’s she's going to do, and then gets to work. I think that's why she's succeeded this year. She doesn't give up and the staff applauds her for it.” -Chantelle Simon
Have you ever thought about going to school in the summer? I think we should not have year around. Here are some reasons why i didn't want to go year around school.
To me, success is knowing that I have done everything in my power to achieve my goals. If I do my best in school, study as hard as ever and the academy doesn’t accept me, so be it. Everything happens for a reason and if I do not get accepted in the academy that’s ok. As long as I did my best, I will be fine with whatever happens. The most important thing to me this year is to enjoy it. This is my last year of middle school and next year I am off to high school with new people in a new environment. Keeping the friendships that I have made at my middle school is important to me. Lastly, my family has always, and will always, be an important part of my life. No matter what happens to me or what I do, my family will be there supporting. So therefore this year my values are my friends, education, and
I’ll start this paper with my fourth grade years. Then into my fifth grade years. Next, to my sixth grade. Finally, to seventh grade year. These four years of my life have been a blast and now I get to share this awesomeness with you! All these memories are never going to leave me and just know that what I tell today is what makes me. Now let’s begin…
I have many hopes for my next four years in high school. I wish to do well academically and work hard to keeps my grades high. I also hope play at least one sport at my time at O’Dowd. I want to maintain my enthusiasm for learning that I developed in earlier years. I hope to meet new people and establish friendships. I am very enthusiastic about my hopes and goals for high school.
I have really high expectations for myself and what I am capable of this fall at Mount Olive College. I have very high goals for myself and have revised what I believe to be a well guided plan to achieve them. I feel eager and excited to unleash my mind, thoughts and the power of my determination. I know that it’s going to be a lot of hard work and its going to take a lot of time. Also, with that comes the bittersweet of sacrifice, of parts of my life that I am going to have to change in order to succeed. But my grandfather has always told me “anything worth having is worth working hard for.” I am my biggest critic and supporter all in one. I know that the only person that can stop me from doing what I came to do is me. No one else has the
So far this year in 8th grade is not really that bad. I thought the first week the teachers weren't going to hold off and we were going to get a ton of homework. Fortunately I was wrong and also glad that the teachers understood that we were still getting used to the new hallway, new classes, and new way of doing things. I really enjoyed going back to the paper copies of agendas because nobody ever used the online ones and now both me and my parents know what I must have done. For the record this school year is off to a great start in my books and I hope other students can stay the