Have you ever looked at yourself saying, "I hate my life"? I wanted to be happy. I longed to be one of the happiest person in the world. But I also, desired meaning in my life. I started searching for answers to some of my questions:Who am I? Why in the world am I here? And where am I going? I also wanted to be free because my whole life I was captive with fears. Freedom to me was not just doing what I want to do, but
More than that, I also longed to be free. I wanted to be the freest person in the world. Freedom to me was not simply doing what you want to do. Anyone can do that. Freedom for me meant having the power to do what you know you ought to do. Most people know what they ought to do, but they do not have the power to do it. So, I started looking for answers. My name is Nathaniel Mihnovich, and I am here to share about my life and my world. So what is life? For me, Life was not a normal thing. Life is like a game where it is difficult to quit or win. When you take a good look at society and life in general, I think you will see that we are all just playing one huge game.
Like I mentioned, my name is Nathaniel, but I go by Nate. I am eighteen years old, and I am a senior in high school and plan to graduate and further my education at a good university. I was born in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world, so as you can imagine, I have not had a normal lifestyle. I grew up in one of the dangerous neighborhoods where I could not safely go
My name is Justin Schultz I was born in Elmhurst which is a suburb of Chicago. Most of my child hood was spent playing with my friends and my brother. My brother was three years older than me and his name is Joey. My Dads side of the family all lived near us and my mom’s side of the family lived in Dubuque. We would visit my dad’s parents often and my mom’s parents would come up like once a month and because the water in Dubuque was good they would always bring a jug of water.
I was Born December 21st, 1925 in Cincinnati Ohio. My parents are Nick and Johanna Kamenshek. I was an only child my whole life but I had large dreams. I dreamed of becoming a nurse and I wanted to help everyone, small problem with that. My only way of becoming a nurse was by enlisting but my mother was worried and wouldn't let me
Freedom. Freedom was a thing all slaves wished of even if they didn’t know what it was. Just the sound of being free lighted them up. NightJohn tell us a story on how he was free once and went to far up north no one could ever get him, but he came back to being a slave so that he could teach slaves to read and write. He knew this was risky but still did it and never got caught.
| The search for meaning and purpose in life is an important aspect of life. According to this psychologist, people are always striving to meet their needs.
Imagine not having any purpose, or at least so far as you can see. This would be quite depressing, since everyone wants a purpose and a reason to go through trials. This theory is illustrated in the book, “The Alloy of Law”, by Brandon Sanderson. Sanderson uses third person point of view and diction to reveal how self-discovery brings happiness.
If an individual asked many different people from around the world what they thought the meaning of life is, this individual is destined to receive numerous answers that would vary from living a happy life to bringing about happiness to others. However, the most recurrent response would likely be something to the extent of “living a happy, healthy life.” Very few ever accomplish what McCandless achieved, an actual state of happiness and contentedness within one’s life. “ many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind…”(Chris McCandless, Into the Wild) McCandless had the naive idea that if one wants to find serinity within oneself, the individual must have the courage to venture out of one’s habitual lifestyle and mold to unaccustomed experiences. McCandless also infers that finding meaning in your life is not only accomplished by experiencing unorthodox mannerisms but by taking life lessons from these experiences and applying it to better yourself in the future. When ordinary needs have been fulfilled, an individual tends to seek more. Some take up religion or even drugs but others, such as McCandless, strive for personal fulfillment or
In sum, life is supposed to be about more than happiness. We are supposed to do something important, adhere to some ethic, and serve a greater good. We live for a goal, a principle, or a destiny—not just for pleasure.1
Clearly, having gone through something as significant as recovery from substance addiction, my idea of what my purpose in life is changed significantly some years ago. While I don’t intend to victimize myself for choices that were my own, its significance and impact on my life cannot be understated.
I don’t really know where to begin but i’ll give it a try. My names Jethro (JuJu) Melse also known as Jet. I turned 16 this month on the third of September. I was born in Orlando, Florida. But was raised in Paterson ,New Jersey. My nationality is Haitian. Im also a Christian. I am also the first born. I grew up with two younger siblings. But I had a lot of responsibilities from a young age. I will be telling you the story about me.
I was born May, 30th 1989 at Wadley Medical in Texarkana, Ar. I was born to Kym Crispino from Queens, NY and William Lee of Hot Springs, Ar. My parents were young when they had me. We were very poor at times, but they always made sure I had what I needed. I was an only child, but grew up around plenty of cousins. I have lived in Texarkana my entire life. My parents split up when I was twelve, and my mother and I moved out into the country on a dead-end street with no children in the area, I became very sheltered and a little socially awkward.
There’s nothing waiting for me at the top, so I’ll just climb a more challenging rock face. Why? Because it gives me purpose. But why do I want purpose? Because it makes me happy. Using that statement many conclude happiness to be the meaning of life.
I am Briana Roper, I am seventeen years old, I was born on October 18, 1997 in Washington North Carolina. now I live in Greenville North Carolina. I live with my mother and step father plus my six brothers. My step dad is a truck driver, my mom works at Asmo, my little brothers go to North West Elementary. I am the only daughter that my mother has and the only granddaughter plus the first born out of all the kids in my family. I do not know my real father, I never met him. I go to North Pitt High School, class of 2016.
The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life. Is it not? We all go through each day trying to figure out which road out the infinite amount of paths will lead us in a better direction where happiness is prominent and society is flawless. However, not every single human being is going to fit on that narrow, one-lane highway to success. Bad choices, accidents, fate, family matters, society, temptation, anger, rage, addiction, and loss of hope can all be deciding factors in opting to choose that wrong path to self-destruction. The adverse thing is, once you've traveled so far down the road, you get so discouraged that you feel like you can never turn back or make up for the "lost time."
My full name is Christina Kaysone Chantharavongsa and I was born March 23, 1995 in Bridgeport Hospital located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. It was a little city and a small world since a ton of people would know each other. My parents were in an arranged marriage and were both moved to the United States from Laos during their high school years. But I’m actually half Laotian and Thai since my mom’s side is Thai from Thailand although she was born in an Asian Southeastern country called Laos. I’m the second oldest out of four children with two sisters and one brother. The order goes from Sarah, Christina (me),
Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like “who am I” or “The importance of their