Many people ask why is there such thing as optimism, or why are there optimist? Well, many people believe that if you don’t think good about yourself or life, you won’t push yourself toward your goals. They are right, without optimism there won’t be any goal setting, people will just be doubting themselves.
In the very famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream speech, he states that he wants all segregation to just go away. That is his goal in life, to just make everyone’s rights equal. The best way to describe optimism is how you feel about life and yourself.
I think that most of the optimism came from my grandpa that died three years ago. For example, when he was diagnosed with cancer, he went to the lake to go tubing with
William E. Gladstone states” Justice delayed is justice denied.” Meaning when justice is not served in a timely manner, it means you receive any justice at all. In the” I have dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. he talks about the injustice people of color were receiving in the 1940s-60s. “Cairo: My city or Revolution” by Ahdaf Soueif tells of a family who lives under the rule of a dictator. And the story “Lolita in Tehran” by Azar Nafisi and talks about a woman in Tehran being discriminated against because of her gender. All of these texts give us instances where people were being denied freedom. I believe that freedom should be demanded rather than being given.
One major reason that college athletes should not be paid money for athletic performance is that it would result in unfair recruiting processes for aspiring universities. As college basketball and football already is, people have already received illegal payments to attend a college so that coaches and universities can assemble a super team so that they can obtain championships for their school. In an article published on ESPN by Mitch Sherman, he thoroughly investigated all of the possible recruiting scandals in college basketball and he accredited the money being offered to these people: “34 of the most premier programs in college basketball out of the 351 Division I basketball programs have offered a sum of at least $10,000 to NBA prospects
Nevertheless, the enhancing of the wellbeing is a question that begged for research. So, Scheier and colleagues focused on various aspects of situations in their research and measured the level of optimism derived from these situations. It turned out that positivity enhances wellbeing due to high embracement of optimism. The article supports the articulation that there is power to positive thinking although it is not that simple and direct. All, believing in the good that future holds is crucial in relating to the many aspects of life.
The United States had struggled with racism and segregation for many years before 1963. However, Martin Luther King Jr had a global goal to end racism and segregation. In the I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr, the speech was given on August 28th, 1963 in front of countless African Americans fighting for their right to freedom. Martin Luther King Jr’s argument utilizes diction, imagery, and similes to demand that America needs to change the social norms that have developed over time.
A little over 50 years ago, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I have a Dream Speech” in front of thousands addressing the racism in America. Though racism was a big issue in the United States during the 20th century, and may still be in a few areas today, he was not only addressing the problem of it, but the equality of men. In his speech he quoted words directly from the Declaration of Independence stating, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” (King, Jr). Even though the United States was founded two whole centuries before the MLK’s speech, there was still an issue about the equality of some.
There are times in this world when rolling out of bed and putting on a brave face is the only thing that seems sensible enough to get you through the day. You slurp down your morning cup of coffee, glare at yourself in the mirror, and wonder what’s the point of it all? Why am I living my life half exhausted wandering from place to place doing what I’m told when I’m told to make myself a living? This is exactly how a pessimist often thinks;, they tend to see only the worst in a scenario or believe that only the lowest possible situation will happen. I have chosen not to live my life like that, I have chosen to not only try to lead each day with a positive mind and a healthy attitude, but I have also decided to spread optimism to others by the simple gestures such as a smile. I will admit that at times being an optimistic person isn’t always easy because
Being positive are ways people can get through certain obstacles as well because they are expecting good things to happen. Furthermore, optimism can make you more persistent because people try to figure out what they can do to make the situation better or how can they learn from the struggle? In the poem, Nikki Giovanni learned to be optimistic because in the 1st and 2nd stanza, “If I can't do what I want to do then my job is to not do what I don't want to do it's not the same thing but it's the best I can do.” In these lines, she is still trying to be optimistic with her life because even though she is unhappy it was the best she could do, so she is going to not let the negativity affect
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” These notable words are a part of one of the most iconic speeches in American history. Given by Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28th, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., the “I Have a Dream” speech was a part of what he described as “the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.” This speech, among many others given by others, would make King one of the nation’s most admired individuals. However, this positive notability would not exist until after his death. During his lifetime, the people’s opinion of him would fluctuate. This can be understood by examining his life, politics, and, most notably, his advocacy efforts for the advancement and equality of people of color.
A question that has been asked since the foundation of our country was made is, “Can the death penalty be considered Constitutional?” Thomas Jefferson was known to have written letters with the same topic. Now only thirty-one states, along with the federal government, still believe that the death penalty is within the boundaries of the Constitution. Twenty executions of the death penalty occurred last year, 2016, and approximately 1500 have since the 1970s (Pennekamp).
In the same way that hope has colored the past, optimism and positive thinking has the ability to affect present situations. When enduring struggles or facing fears, hope can provide feelings of comfort. It can be used as a coping mechanism. Maya Angelou relates a tone of satisfaction when she weighs the conditions of her life
Being “optimistic” is to have confidence in having a successful future. A future that is going to fill every goal we have ever dreamed of achieving, conquering our greatest fears, and accomplishing the un-accomplishable. “Everything will be okay in the end,” and “Do not worry, it will all fall into place eventually,” are things we say to ourselves almost constantly. Why does everything only have to be “okay” later on in life? We should not just be optimistic about the future; we need to aspire to be optimistic about the present.
Wrestling with the almost indescribable topic of war, Hemingway layers A Farewell to Arms with deeper meaning in order to allow for in depth interpretation of his characters and overall thematic message. Throughout the novel guns come to symbolize the direct control of violence and eventually reveal how Henry has changed as a character and the overall destruction that war brings.
I am guided by Winston Churchill’s wise words, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist see the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill was the prime minister of Britain during World War II and from the second Churchill was sworn into office he faced many adversities, such as leading England which was on the verge of defeat. However, he would not have accomplished any of these feats unless he had used optimism. Optimism has the power to improve even the worst situations; it is the light at the end of the tunnel that will guide you through your troubles. Last summer I learned the importance of optimism when I went on a very physically demanding kayaking trip in Lake Superior.
Moreover, ways of thinking, taking actions, and putting a decision can create a different result when being optimistic. So far it is easy to be an optimist but in fact, be an optimist is just a theory. No matter how hard you have tried then still sometimes you cannot handle your heart and emotion. Some pessimists may say if they cannot deal it like a magic. You cannot be the pessimist for a whole life. Dream would be just a dream when you do nothing. So there are many easy ways on how to act like an optimist. These tips will help you to evoke the optimistic spirit.
Optimistic and pessimistic attitudes constantly affect the outcome of people's lives. In my life, I try to keep an optimistic attitude about the things I do because I know it will help lead me to more desirable ends. There have been many situations in which optimism has helped me through difficult times. Two areas in particular have provided me optimistic experiences: athletics