The song "I Hope You Dance" was written by Tia Stillers and Mark Sanders. Tia Stillers was going through a heartbreaking divorce when she co-wrote this song. She wanted to get away, so she rented a condo in Mexico. Tia was sitting on the beach reflecting the divorce, she was kept criticizing herself by saying things like I should throw myself into the ocean and become shark bait, I am worthless like a grain of sand, I should quit being a songwriter etc. This is where she got the line “ I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean”. One day when Tia was on her way to work, then someone called her and asked her if she would like to come to a writer's retreat since someone couldn’t make it. The writer’s retreat was in the mountains, …show more content…
I feel like this song is trying to tell society that you will go through tough times in life, things will be hard, and love life even when it is not great. Other people could be going through things a lot worst than what you are going through, also you should not give up on life because things will get better for you. You should take risks in life, and those risks will end up being a good thing, you will never know until you try. Be yourself, find your own path do not follow people, do what you want to do and do it for yourself. Tia Stillers went through a tough divorce, after months of being hurt and thinking there was no hope for her, she realized things do get better. Tia’s divorce inspired her to write this song and this song won an Emmy for “Best Country …show more content…
“May you never take one single breath for granted”. Do not take anything for granted, not even a single breath. “God forbid love ever leave you empty handed”. Every relationship you will have no matter whom with, you will always learn something. “Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance”. This line meant to me that you should give faith a chance you "show you that good things do and will happen even if it seems like it is impossible. “And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance”. This is a metaphor, also an important line because it means that when life give you an opportunity to sit out or take action, you always take action. “Never settle for the path of least resistance”. I thought that this meant you should never go towards the path that has been done a million times. Go your own way no matter how hard it might be. “Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin'”. Life is about is about taking chances and it is worth it. “Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin'”. Loving someone might be hard at times but it is worth it, they will make you stronger. “Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter”. Do not let anyone break you and make you feel ashamed of yourself. “When you come close to sellin' out reconsider”. If you want to quit, do not quit keep trying until you succeed. The most important line is “I hope you dance”. You will notice that this line will always be
“My Wish” is a song recorded by Rascal Flatts, written by Jeffery Steele and Steve Robson. The song was written for one of Steele’s four daughters. What I’m getting out of this song, and what I believe many others do too is to live every minute like it’s your last. “I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow” the very first line is about someone who’s going somewhere in life. “And each road leads you where you want to go,” (line 2) This is saying that hopefully the path you’re taking in life is the one you want to fulfill. “And if you’re faced with a choice and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one that means the most to you” (line 3-4) What Steele is saying that if one has to make a choice, it should be the best choice for that person, not what someone else wants you to do.
As the author said, sometimes the fate can be changed by choice you make. It encourages the reader that it is always possible to change and fix destinies before it is too late. One important quote that the author wrote is, “This book is meant to show us how... our destinies can be determined by a single stumble down the wrong path , or a tentative step down the right one." (Moore xiv).
My story has a meaningful story behind it. The story is deep for me and even for the artist and probably for many other people. Hearing songs like this can inspire you. It inspired me to be thankful for the people in my life. One day they can be here the next they could be gone. You never know what’s going on in their lives.
Aphorisms are used in books all around the world, but many people do not recognize them. An aphorism is a brief statement, usually one sentence long, that expresses a general principle or truth about life. The great authors Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson both focus on transcendentalism which is, a philosophy movement that developed in the late 1820s and early 1830s. The book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, and the essay “Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson, have many good aphorisms that reflect transcendentalists views. The provisions of Thoreau and Emerson’s writings provide substantial ideals for us as we navigate through life.
The first piece was entitled “You, Me, & Us”. Due to having troubles catching the MARTA bus, I missed a good portion of this performance and had to view the rest of the performance on the teleprompter. The dancers were moving in a circle with a person in the center and all of the dancers were wearing earth tones. The music was very serene and at the conclusion of the performance, all of the dancers hugged each other. From what I saw, this performance represented how all humans are interconnected on this Earth, this can be seen by all of the dancers hugging in the end and also the title of the piece.
About their dance routine. This means that don’t start to think differently about your routine or play because you could think that was bad, just remember the good things you put into the play. This significant to me because I always tell myself “aw I should have done this it would have been better”, but then I know that I did well and other people think that
The night was coming to an end; parents were slowly showing up to collect their kids. The DJ announced it was the last song of the night. It was our theme song. Jaimie and I swayed together on the dance floor belting out the words we knew by heart when we heard what sounded like
I have never seen a more devoted dancer then you. You worked so hard to make it into so you think you can dance, and I was happy when you
“The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.” This was a very inspiring quote from Eminem. To me this quote means that you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, so today just live your life to the fullest. There are many people who live by this quote
I Hope You Dance by Mark D. Sanders is about taking chances in life. He is telling you no one can tell you what you are worth in life cause in the end that’s up to you. Take chances be bold don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, you are in control of your life not someone else. I believe that this would be a wonderful song to play for the unwinds in their final moments. It would be a reminder to them that even though their life was short they truly lived. Even with the end drawing ever closer they would know that when one door closes another one opens for them. Maybe not in their current state but they would still have a chance to live in the lives of others ensuring that they could continue on and take risks again.
Many people doubted that I would successfully make the team. Although I was a tenacious person, I was tremendously nervous but nothing was going to stop me from dancing. In spite of it all, I once again made the dance squad. At this point, I had a mission to accomplish due to the time I had to sit out and endure the pain of my
The purpose of my dance is to let people into my mind open up and be vulnerable. The theme is about questioning friendships this summer I went through an emotional spiral with the people in my life and questioning who I should let in or not. I was a bit frustrated with people as well I'm usually the kind of person to mask my feelings or just push them aside but not this time . So I dealt with my feelings in a positive way and wrote it down in a way to release stress then wrote a song about it with my friend Katt. So it was pretty natural to choose this song because I can connect to every word since I wrote it .I found the choreography really dificult really because It was easy saying what was wrong with me
Did you know that this song was not written by Rihanna? In the year of 2013, a Nashville-based singer songwriter name Mikky Ekko wrote this emotive ballad that landed in the Top 5 on 28 charts. This song topped many singles charts in different countries. The lyrics in this song brought about empathy and emotional responses, but the lyrics also added to how the media would now view Rihanna and Chris Brown’s previous relationship. This song is not about a previous relationship of Rihanna’s, but a song written by someone who thought the song sounded very vulnerable to himself. I will discuss what the lyrics mean in general, what the lyrics mean to me, and what the lyrics could be saying about intimacy.
I have a lot of talents, but I can't fit all of them into three paragraphs! So I will tell you just a few of my talents. First I'm good at dance. Second I'm good at spelling. Third I'm good at writing poetry.
My three goals that I want to accomplish within the next few weeks is to not lose count when dancing, to become a better all around dancer, and to understand how to choreograph dances to music. My main learning types are visual and musical. My second way that I learn is interpersonal and intrapersonal. My least way of learning is linguistic, logical, and bodily. I am hoping to be able to achieve my goals by the end of this class by using my learning skills.