
I Hope You Dance Analysis

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The song "I Hope You Dance" was written by Tia Stillers and Mark Sanders. Tia Stillers was going through a heartbreaking divorce when she co-wrote this song. She wanted to get away, so she rented a condo in Mexico. Tia was sitting on the beach reflecting the divorce, she was kept criticizing herself by saying things like I should throw myself into the ocean and become shark bait, I am worthless like a grain of sand, I should quit being a songwriter etc. This is where she got the line “ I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean”. One day when Tia was on her way to work, then someone called her and asked her if she would like to come to a writer's retreat since someone couldn’t make it. The writer’s retreat was in the mountains, …show more content…

I feel like this song is trying to tell society that you will go through tough times in life, things will be hard, and love life even when it is not great. Other people could be going through things a lot worst than what you are going through, also you should not give up on life because things will get better for you. You should take risks in life, and those risks will end up being a good thing, you will never know until you try. Be yourself, find your own path do not follow people, do what you want to do and do it for yourself. Tia Stillers went through a tough divorce, after months of being hurt and thinking there was no hope for her, she realized things do get better. Tia’s divorce inspired her to write this song and this song won an Emmy for “Best Country …show more content…

“May you never take one single breath for granted”. Do not take anything for granted, not even a single breath. “God forbid love ever leave you empty handed”. Every relationship you will have no matter whom with, you will always learn something. “Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance”. This line meant to me that you should give faith a chance you "show you that good things do and will happen even if it seems like it is impossible. “And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance”. This is a metaphor, also an important line because it means that when life give you an opportunity to sit out or take action, you always take action. “Never settle for the path of least resistance”. I thought that this meant you should never go towards the path that has been done a million times. Go your own way no matter how hard it might be. “Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin'”. Life is about is about taking chances and it is worth it. “Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin'”. Loving someone might be hard at times but it is worth it, they will make you stronger. “Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter”. Do not let anyone break you and make you feel ashamed of yourself. “When you come close to sellin' out reconsider”. If you want to quit, do not quit keep trying until you succeed. The most important line is “I hope you dance”. You will notice that this line will always be

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