Poor Whites and Trump In the article “I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump Trump Trump” by Jonna Ivin, the author poses the question “why do poor whites vote along the same party lines as their wealth neighbors across the road?” Knowing that what the upper class votes for is what benefits them, so why would the poorer underclass whites want to vote for something beneficial to those who are above them even if it’s “against their best interests” as Jonna Ivin puts it. The author, Jonna Ivin talks about a survey that showed that if any Republican voter agreed, or slightly agreed with the statement “People like me don’t have any say about what the government does” they would be 86.5% more likely to vote in favor of Donald Trump. He [Donald Trump] …show more content…
Ivin talks about how the poor whites along with the blacks were actually slaves to the upper white class, the poor whites and the blacks were so alike, living in poverty, and struggling to get money to survive, so if they had seen it that way, that they are equal, to the blacks and they should do something about the government with their right to vote, they could’ve made a drastic change, because the slaves at one point outnumbered the elites. It wasn’t that simple, the elites put through the poor whites heads that because their skin was white, they were better than black slaves even if they both lived in poverty, the thought of having white skin was believed to give them a boost in their say, believing they were being heard. The elites wanted to stop the blacks from getting freedom, because they needed black slaves, and if they rumored that blacks, once granted freedom, they were “portrayed as a danger to all” the rich and poor had one common enemy, the black slaves. The upper class wanted the lower class whites to join their side to stop the blacks from gaining any rights and being freed, so being influenced by the upper class, poor whites thought they were fighting for what was best for them, but really they were helping the richer whites in this situation, being manipulated and believing these crazy things about black slaves and what could possibly …show more content…
No one cares about me” Ivin repeatedly adds, this statement she uses, represents the underclass poor whites, they need to feel that they have a voice and his supporters believe that he cares about them. Trump supporters use the excuse that's he's already rich to give reason to “he can't be bought”. The wealthy elites depend on the white underclass, so that is why they [the wealthy elites] have persuaded the underclass to vote along with them to “help keep America great”. Here Jonna Ivin questions “who are we keeping America great for?” I agree with her questioning here, it's not the 1600’s there are no slaves, the wealthy elites shouldn't have control over the “poor whites” they all need to think for themselves, and they shouldn't be putting ideas through people's heads. White underclassmen need to open their eyes because they're in denial, they want a voice in our society, the government hasn't failed the wealthy, they've failed everyone but them. The poorer underclass whites believe Trump cares and will take their opinions into account, but open your eyes America, he won't, he lies, and he doesn't care, it's not about making America great, it's about making the great even
“Racism was used aggressively to divide poor white southerners from slaves. The relationship between the wealthy and the poor was aggressively exploited by the rich white slave holder to ensure the poor whites non-slave holder that they had a similar cause” (Shaping America: Lesson 16). This caused non-slave holding whites to have a similar view as latter. Non-slave holding whites were in direct competition with slaves and more often than not were forced out of work due to the free labor slavery had offered.
Whites have always considered themselves superior to blacks, no matter if they were slave owners or not. Blacks were considered lower than humans, making them a main target of oppression of whites. So even when a small group of blacks were given their freedom, they weren’t truly liberated from the chains of slavery and oppression. Blacks were freed in the early 1800s, giving a limited amount of blacks the freedom they deserved. These blacks were usually rural, uneducated, and unskilled domestic servants who had to work hard to survive in the society that shunned them. Free blacks were still given restrictions and laws because of their status in society. In the early 1830s, a law in Virginia was made to prohibit all blacks from getting their education. They even took it to the level where free blacks who went out of state to educate themselves were not able to come back and return to their own state. The worst restriction was that blacks could not testify in court. When a slave owner claimed that a free black was their slave, they could not defend themselves, and would have to conform back to their slavery. Despite the terrible treatment given to blacks, some rose above the oppression and became successful, therefore achieving their goals and potentials of being a free black man, leaving a huge impact on society in the 1800s.
Even though they are mixed, they do not united as one, each of them have their owned destiny that they wanted to fulfill. Among the three races the two most misfortunate were the Negro and the Indian, these two races have nothing alike, except that they were both treated by the whites or European like a lower animals, who view themselves as a superiors in intelligence, and in power. And those who are inferior rank in the country have to obey and suffer from their tyranny. Negro have been brought from African by the European as slaves to help their master in plantation and agriculture, but he makes them subservient to his use, if they cannot subdue, they will get server punishment or even put to death. Even though they are descendants of the Africans, Negro of the United States had lost their connection with their own country, losing their custom and languages that their forefathers once speak. Losing themselves to the European, they are stuck between the two communities’ one who sold them, and the other who repulsed them. Without a place for them to be, or a place to them to call home, except a place that they know which is their master home. Once the Negro became slaves his lost all his right as a human, he is now a property
(CL) These indentured servants were not only white but also black and regardless of race they were treated equally poor by their masters on the large plantation. (CL) Although it was unlikely for an indentured servant to survive the time of their contract due to malnutrition or poor housing, of those that did, a black man was equally qualified to attain land as a white man. (CL) One black man, Anthony Johnson, even owned indentured servants of his own. (CL) As the situation was in the early to mid 1600's the large gap in society existed not amongst black and white people, but rather between the rich and the poor. (CL) There was in fact a feeling of commonality or perhaps camaraderie between the poor at this point in history regardless of race because they were united by a common experience.
Any notification of a minority being successful led to a white revolt. Jealousy towards blacks among the white population became an epidemic. The white argued that the black community did not deserve to climb high in the economic ranks.
As a first generation child whose parents immigrated from another country, I was fortunate enough to receive excellent education and opportunities that was not offered to them. During that era, those privileges may have been difficult to obtain due to racial segregation, poor living circumstances, and/or lack of time and commitment due to work. As of today, these issues are no longer a major problem. Although, education has never been better and opportunities have been even more achievable, David Brooks argues that the upper/middle classes are preventing the lower class from “joining their ranks” because of the egocentric methods that modern day families now utilize to their advantage. In his New York Times editorial “How We Are Ruining America,” Brooks explains how we (as the upper/middle class) have been ruining America by preventing the lower class from receiving the same privileges. Brooks then elaborates his argument by giving several examples like: improved parent supervision and planning, zoning restrictions, cultural codes, and even gives a personal experience. Even though Brooks provided a substantial amount of evidence, he mostly utilizes his powerful tone and writing skills to support his argument.
T.H. Breen’s and Stephen Innes’s book “Myne Owne Ground” did an outstanding job of showing readers the differences in perspectives of African people living in Virginia, one of the thirteen original colonies. It went in depth and showed how an indentured African person was competent and was capable of acquiring a wealth comparable to what a wealthy white person has. However, it would never be recognized by the general white population. There are two main themes in this book, whether the society, which was introduced in this book, was color blind or not. On one hand, the authors made an argument that the African people was able to live normally and be viewed as relatively equal to white if they were rich and owned plenty properties. On the
It was said that in the aftermath of the uprising, the tavern keeper would become the king and the slave a governor. However, a white man would still have a more powerful position than a black one. Likewise, even as the black men imagined being more powerful than white men, they envisioned white women as “passive bodies to be handed over from one man to another…” They contemplated women as just pieces of property that did not serve any other purpose other than having children or sex.
The black slaves resisted and tried to run away they wouldn’t give up. Even though there was laws in trying to stop the blacks from running away, they still ran away. There were laws made that if anyone were to find black slave they should do to them what they feel be appropriate. Man slaves were killed or burnt in the book there was a case were a black slave was burnt in a slow fire for 8-10 hours. In some cases both white and black slaves ran way together but the punishment wouldn’t be the same white would only extend there period of serving as slaves and the black salves were hanged or killed. Even then they could see racism how the whites that committed the same crime would get treated differently then the black slaves. The black salves couldn’t do anything besides being slaves, so thought the white people. Even the white servants were treated different, not only were they working for a set period of time, but they were treated as humans and they had rights, and would receive land and pay at the end of their term. The white people justified their own slave trade because in Africa slavery existed too. This was
Alexander writes about racial bribes that occurred in history. The poor whites are offered practical privileges to further the separation between blacks and whites. During the old Jim
This election, many people see a solution to this problem through Donald Trump’s political campaign on a platform of “Make America Great Again”. Trump is running, creating new jobs and improving the economy, which appeals to many people who are in the lower and middle classes who have been left behind by economic inequality. Trump’s largest base of support comes from white Americans who do not have a high school degree. This group usually has a very small income, if any at all, because they are less educated. In contrast, those with a college degree have a much easier experience finding work out of college. This means that those without a high school diploma are looking for economic change in order to gain an advantage and proceed with their economic pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Other groups with large support for Trump are people with mobile homes and “old economy jobs” which are, similarly, groups with lower incomes. Trump appeals to these groups such as the “old economy jobs” because they are losing their jobs as new technology emerges. As “old economy jobs” decline, the demand for new jobs increase; the creation of which Donald Trump endorses. Donald Trump is definitely not a traditional conservative, but he has the ability to attract these groups with his platform through his populist appeal. Thus, a person who is lower in the economic gap would lean towards a candidate such as
The producers of the show deliberately disregarded mental health experts on how to film Hannah Baker’s suicide. The TV series is based on a book by Jay Asher that shares the same name. In the book, Hannah’s tragic demise occurred by hanging herself. Controversially, the producers decided to change the ending for the purpose of the show, having her cut instead. The modification to the story occurred because they wanted to show the brutality of suicide rather than the misconception of quietly drifting off. While knowing this definitely helps sway people away from committing suicide, but medical experts know, sometimes showing is not better than telling. Before the show even began filming doctors highly advised not to show her death on screen,
Blame is a rhetoric idea that can be imposed on anyone and anything. Macbeth is blamed for the murder of the king, yet it can argumented that Lady Macbeth is also at fault here, but one thing comes to point: the one who killed the king is guilty. Although Lady Macbeth planned and manipulated him it gives no excuse to murder because Macbeth had a choice and a voice for that matter to stop his actions from happening. Moreover, Macbeth had dangerous thoughts overcoming his mind during scene 3, murder of the king was imbedded into his thoughts, this would lead Lady Macbeth to easy manipulation now that a seed was planted. As to say that the seed was watered and a wretched flower bloomed. To point out, Macbeth was a warrior, that had recently defeated
The stereotypes in the story, makes it difficult for the readers to conclude the race of each character. People assume that the African American character would be illiterate and uneducated and the white character to be well-educated. During the time period of the story African Americans did not have access to a decent education; making it harder for them to learn just the basics. Whites had access to good education, making it easy to believe the white character is more educated. It is also believed that a person that is well educated will have a better lifestyle when they are older. A well-educated person will have a better job, paying more, and have a better opportunity to afford the means of a luxurious lifestyle. An under educated person will most likely live in poverty, struggle for their basic needs, or live in a declining neighborhood. Behavior is a harder stereo type to use to distinguish a race. Many assume that whites have an entitled attitude toward life. Whites had access to a good education and jobs, they had a “I’m better than you” attitude. On the other hand, many think African Americans were upset because of how easy it was for whites to have better access to the basic necessities such as education and housing.
The American declaration of independence stated, that: “All men are created equal”. But in the 19th century only whites were born with equal opportunities. Africans were imported as slaves and had to work on the fields of the whites. Until 1865 the Negroes were treated and looked at as something lower than human. They were compared to apes, and therefore just owned the same rights as animals. They were raised believing that whites were superior. It took them years to realize that they have to stand up for their rights. The uprising turned into a brutal civil war.