
I Ll Be There Book Report

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The book I'll Be There written by Holly Goldberg is a fictional work and is written in third person point of view. It was published in May 3, 2011. The title I'll Be There is based on a famous song made about forty years ago by Jackson 5. Holly as a little kid, she didn't want to wear shoes until she was ordered to wear shoes by the authorities. But, as soon the authorities were not looking she automatically took of her shoes. Holly felt that she need to feel the ground if it was squishy, hard, rough, or smooth, but, what she really meant was that she wanted to feel the world and connect to the footsteps she took in her life. That is why her book I'll Be There is based something around of what she felt as a kid. I`ll Be There is about four …show more content…

This book is really related to what teens now in days should really start thinking about instead of just focusing in themselves. I`ll Be There really makes you think and that is what I really like in a book. The feelings that the narrator describes are really bright and outstanding and make you feel them while reading. One thing I liked about this book was that when there are two characters separated you read about both and don't leave one out. When Sam and Riddle and the bell family were separated the book stated how the bells felt and their actions. Also when Sam and Riddle were abducted by there dad and spent weeks in the wilderness. A particular saying that helped me imagine Sam was that he did not know nothing about electronics or about socially connecting. Although the book was wonderful it also had some bad points the characters were not described physically but mentally. While reading the book i had to imagine how they looked just by knowing how they were mentally described. Even Though it has that effect I really would like to read the sequel Just Call My

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