The book I'll Be There written by Holly Goldberg is a fictional work and is written in third person point of view. It was published in May 3, 2011. The title I'll Be There is based on a famous song made about forty years ago by Jackson 5. Holly as a little kid, she didn't want to wear shoes until she was ordered to wear shoes by the authorities. But, as soon the authorities were not looking she automatically took of her shoes. Holly felt that she need to feel the ground if it was squishy, hard, rough, or smooth, but, what she really meant was that she wanted to feel the world and connect to the footsteps she took in her life. That is why her book I'll Be There is based something around of what she felt as a kid. I`ll Be There is about four …show more content…
This book is really related to what teens now in days should really start thinking about instead of just focusing in themselves. I`ll Be There really makes you think and that is what I really like in a book. The feelings that the narrator describes are really bright and outstanding and make you feel them while reading. One thing I liked about this book was that when there are two characters separated you read about both and don't leave one out. When Sam and Riddle and the bell family were separated the book stated how the bells felt and their actions. Also when Sam and Riddle were abducted by there dad and spent weeks in the wilderness. A particular saying that helped me imagine Sam was that he did not know nothing about electronics or about socially connecting. Although the book was wonderful it also had some bad points the characters were not described physically but mentally. While reading the book i had to imagine how they looked just by knowing how they were mentally described. Even Though it has that effect I really would like to read the sequel Just Call My
In my opinion I thought that this book was a very good book. In this chapter I will describe the setting, theme, plot and conflict etc. This book had a few different settings like
7) I can imagine myself re-reading this book again in 10 years because this book is amazing and it is perfect for teenagers and young adult readers. This book is griping and beautifully written. When reading this book you get thrown into the apocalyptic setting. I would recommend this book to my friends because I loved it and all the other books in the series. It’s just great.
This book is a very good book. It is not one of my favorite books, but it is in, or somewhat close to, the top ten list. It has an intriguing story and has some humor in it to make sure that it isn’t all mellow.
I feel that, this novel is a good read for teenagers, because by reading it they can learn to accept there differences and themselfs . In our world today, nobody likes to be different, in fact most people try to change themselves. In the novel, it talks about how Calvin became secofenic. At first when Calvin found out the news , he imedily says that his mental illness was is a death of being normal. In the end Calvin learns to accept himself, and I think that teenagers need to do the same because, in world full of normal people, we need people who stand can out and make a change.
Furthermore, I also like how he added the theme and message about how a child needs a good role model or someone to look up to for good advice and decisions. For example, the other Wes Moore looks up to Tony but copies him towards stealing and killing. I like how the book states that if you have someone you can look up to, you will create a better life and a better future for yourself. However, I think the transition from first person point of view and third person point of view threw me off a little. Sometimes when I finish reading the book in the morning and continue reading later in the day, I pick up the book and start reading again. I usually get confused on which Wes Moore the author is talking about. I always have to read one or two pages previously to see whom they are talking about like he or I. To conclude with, I enjoyed reading this book and I think this book could help kids follow a right role model to have a better
It captured my attention from the beginning. I like how the Rand was descriptive words to help me have an image of what was happening in the novel. I like the story line. I like the idea of someone breaking way from everyone else and being different from others. That they are able to think for themselves and that it is ok to be different from others. I also liked how the novel had some romance because I do enjoy romance novels. The Language Police written by Diane Ravitch, I did not quit enjoy the book. I do not really like books like that. I do not recommend this book if you are not interested in how the bias panel chooses stories for children. I do recommend the novel, Anthem. It gives the reader a sense of individualism, there is a story behind
As the overall book, I actually kind of liked it because it was kind of hard to understand because they couldn’t use “I” and I like challenges. They had to use “We” instead of using “I” to explain they self or the story. The book was okay as a whole but still kind of hard to understand I got kind of irritated after a while, while I was reading the book because of the way it was written.
One of the things about the book that I personally liked was the characters, some of them were easy to relate to, even if you couldn't you could relate someone you knew with them. For example, David is not one of the main characters from the story but the more you learn about him, the more you realize how ambitious he is, wanted to change his career path almost every week, standing up to Mr. Neck. I think he's one of the things that helped Melinda find her voice.
Another thing that I liked about the book is that at the beginning, the wake/vigil/funeral was so accurately described. Funerals are awkward, tiring, and numbing. Meursault
Participants would be provided with a consent for them to participate, and this form would indicate a description of the research. After obtaining the consent form, both caregiver and participants would be informed that the surveys are anonymous. During the completion of the surveys, the participants will be instructed to complete the entire survey with accurate information. In addition, I would inform the participants that they will not be time, and the surveys can be discontinued at any time.
My favorite part of the book was the warning signs to know when a stranger is a potential threat. This was fascinating to me because I’ve been told since I was just a little boy to beware of strangers. But with all these warnings about strangers I had never been told how to recognize when a
government ruled by a constitution, but limiting the rights and freedom achieved during the revolutionary process from 1789 to 1815. The political unrest is a constant in this period, the product of the revolutionary process that country passed and the Napoleonic wars, counting with several disputes among the political groups.
To start off, a part I did not like about the book was the part about Ove’s dad. I felt as though this complicated the plot a lot and was not necessary to the base of the book. It did not need to be added into the book because it had no effect to my understanding of what was happening in the book. If anything it made me more confused because it went back in time, then it came back to the present and it was confusing what time period we were in at the moment. A good part of the book was when Parvaneh was becoming friends with Ove because he needed to get out of his daily routine. Ove needed someone to shake up the life he had been living for many years. I would not recommend this book to adolescents because the book was confusing at some points and the humor was guided towards the adults. Personally, I would read another book by Fredrik Backman because the book was still very well written. I also could understand the book, for the most part. To continue, this book would be better read by adults because the humor was more guided to that age group. Also, this book is still relevant today because people do not live forever. We have to learn to move on from the bad times just like Ove did. When a loved one dies we feel grief, but like Ove we use the people around us to begin to feel better about what happened to us. In conclusion, this was a good book and I would rate it three out of five
Leadership of Napoleon There are some important characteristics to be a leader. Napoleon, the leader in Animal Farm by George Orwell, is trusted by his henchman in the farm so that he can be a leader even he when does something wrong. The abilities of followers is one of the traits to be a leader and these greatly affect the success of their master. Three things which Napoleon has can make an effective leader. Napoleon could keep his status as a leader because of his firm hangers-on and believers, such as Squealer and the dogs.
I really rooted for her to save her brother and was surprised at at all the plot twists. The varying point of views can be a somewhat confusing but as the novel progresses, it helps the reader piece together the story. I really liked how the point of views all tied together in the end too. The characters are all very realistic and have their flaws, which helps the reader relate to them. One of my favorite quotes of the book is “Cruelty isn't a personality trait.