
I Too By Langston Hughes Essay

Decent Essays

Poetry is a type of literary work that seeks to convey a message in a rhythmic and aesthetic way to engage the senses, in what is known as a poem. When it comes to the types of poems, there are numerous. First there are two main branches of poetry: open and closed. Closed-form poetry follow patterns of lines, rhymes, meter and stanzas, while open-form poetry does not follow any rules. After that, there are lyrical, narrative, descriptive, and didactic styles of poems. From there, it breaks down into even more types of poems, depending on the number of lines in the poem, number of syllables, the rhyme scheme, amount of words, and what the poem is about. Despite the endless types of poetry types, every poem will follow an open or closed form, establish poetic tone, and convey some type of …show more content…

Written by Langston Hughes, the poem “I, Too” is about the thoughts and feelings of being an African American throughout years of slavery and racial discrimination. Hughes starts off the poem with the first signs of racial oppression: “I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes…”(Hughes) The poet is conveying that he is a black servant or slave that is in a white household, and who is treated unequal and looked down upon. He then explains that he does not take it too heart, but rather laughs it out and ‘eats well.’ In the next stanza, the poet shows feelings of hope and determination: “Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table when company comes…” “Nobody’ll dare say to me, “Eat in the kitchen,” ” (Hughes). Langston Hughes explains that tomorrow, meaning the future, he is confident that African Americans will achieve equality. The poem starts off with the phrase: “I, too, sing America.” The poem ends with “I, too, am America.” By doing so, Hughes conveyed essentially that he was equally an American as the white

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