Introduction I believe that I have many skills and experiences that will allow for me to be a great counselor. I have seen first hand, experienced first hand, and learned to deal with things first hand. I experience anxiety, but have learned how to cope and deal with it. It is not always easy when there are so many things that can be thrown at you through life. I have a lot of motivation, qualities, experiences, and goals that I can bring to counseling. Motivation What motivated me the most to enter a helping profession was high school. All through high school I saw children being bullied, stressed out trying to be someone they were not, and pushed down for being slightly different. Counseling is a profession that allows people to listen …show more content…
I am a good listener, great encourager, research oriented, I am also very compassionate and sympathetic. These are all really good qualities to have that will make a very good and opening environment for clients. People all want to feel welcomed and invited into places. My personality will provide a welcoming environment along will all of the qualities I …show more content…
I know how to listen, be persistent, trust worthy, and open minded. I also have had plenty of experiences that can help me to relate to other clients I may come in contact with. This will allow me to be more effective as a counselor. I have many goals as a young aspiring counselor. I think that the standards and goals I have for myself will allow me to uphold high standards for all my clients, which will show them that I believe in them. I have the personality, drive, and want to help people and this is why I chose the counseling profession. It will not always be easy, but it will always be rewarding knowing I did help someone, or at least tried to. It takes one person to make a positive impact and change someone’s life. I want to be that
As the standards of the counseling profession are continuously being shaped, I desire to play a role in the educating
I have extensive knowledge of the theories and techniques of counselling, and I am someone who can talk to people about their problems and feelings in a confidential and healthy environment. I am committed to providing my clients and their families with compassionate care, and to giving them a comprehensive, recovery oriented support service.
My main reason for wanting to counselor individuals, families, and groups is because I enjoy helping people and I would like to see them overcome their current issues. Also, I enjoy reading about psychology and counseling. Honestly, I am more passionate about studying the field of counseling than I am practicing it. I feel that my journey may lead me to researching. But throughout my career, I plan to display professionalism to help my clients.
I first knew that I wanted to be a counselor as a child. No one in particular inspired me to want to be a counselor, but I do feel that I chose marriage and family therapy due to the issues that my family has or had and never thought to seek counsel. There are many families out there that have issues but do not believe in therapy. My own parents do not see the usefulness of as they say, going to sit on someone’s couch and pay them to listen to your problems. As a child I can recall sometimes thinking if I just had someone to talk to that would understand. That is why I chose to become a marriage and family therapist, to help all the people that want help.
The counseling setting feels like a very sterile environment, but with techniques that are the basis of problem solving and integration of therapeutic processes I am confident I will learn to be a proficient counselor. Competency is an inherent skill that is developed within the profession of counseling. Responsibility, and the ability to recognize when a referral is needed by calling for appropriate services when person is presenting problems that are beyond your skill set that will be gained by experience. Getting the facts in the open and assisting people you can better help with a referral to a specialist will be a skill that will have to
I want to be a counselor because I hold a heart filled with love, a hand willing to help and ear to listen. In this social world, everyone has a story wrestling with emotion that needs to be heard. It just comes down to one person who is willing to be there.
The choices we make early in life have an enormous impact on our future. I have always known that I wanted to directly impact people’s lives and my personal experiences have set me on the school-counseling path. In the future, I would love to influence another generation of students to soar for their dreams.
It was during my senior year of college that I decided I wanted to become a school counselor. Up until my senior year in college at Penn State I did not know where I wanted to take my career but I knew I wanted to work in a school setting and I knew that I wanted to work with kids. When it came time to choose an internship site for my last semester, I chose an alternative school called Buxmont Academy in Bethlehem where I would be shadowing two of their school counselors as well as engaging with the students themselves. I got to work with these children on a more personal level, gaining an understanding of their emotions, experiences, and difficulties, as most of these children came from broken homes, and drug and alcohol related settings. I am interested in becoming a school counselor because I want to help. When I become a counselor I want to make a difference in a child’s life whether that be by simply giving them support that they might not have in their lives or helping them make changes to better themselves and their futures. A counselor has such an important role in helping to shape young children and that is something that I want to be a part of.
As a professional counselor I need to be open-minded, wiling to explore, and have the ability to except the mistake I make and let them be a learning tool. When first starting out in the helping profession it can be overwhelming when realizing how much there is to learn, especially in the areas of relationships and rational skills. With all the education and training I will receive before being able to start my journey into the helping profession there will still be times when I make mistakes. But as a professional I need to realize my mistakes and allow them to be a
What is the reason why I am choosing a counseling profession? I want to felicitate healing. I want to bring healing internally by sorting people problems. There are many people that are suffering. Due to someone has died who meant a lot to the client. I want work as a conduit, a channel for sort out pain and grief with understanding and a pace of mind.
However, in this short matter of time, I believe I am able to acknowledge some my strengths and weaknesses as a new counselor. At this point, I feel my strengths involve a sense of humor, empathy, genuineness, creativity, reflecting, restating and most importantly, a heart to serve others. Not only is making someone smile the highlight of my day, but being present with an open heart, mind and ear is what drives me to be a helper. As there are good qualities about myself, there are also weaknesses as well. For instance, I need to improve on my listening skills. I think I am still having difficulty listening to what is being said, how it is being said and why it is being said along with catching non-verbal gestures. As I am still get nervous during session, I think I get too caught in the “content” of the conversation versus catching the emotion/feelings behind what is being said. Another weakness that I have, is not recognizing the moment when I should ask the client to explore more about a comment they had said. Bearing in mind that I am still growing in the counseling field, my goal is to build on my strengths and sharpen my
The journey to becoming a counselor starts far before applying to graduate school. It begins even before the thought is realized. The development of one’s personality plants seeds that lead to many paths for growth. Stepping back to evaluate your own personality can allow for greater understanding that will aide you to fully discovering the path to take.
There are multiple personal qualities that I feel will allow me to become an effective counselor. Empathy and compassion are qualities that have always come naturally to me. Even if people are acting in a way that I disagree with, I try to use perspective taking skills to understand their motivations or reasons. In addition, I strive to stay open-minded and curious about the experiences of others rather than making judgements. This helps me to learn from others rather than remaining stuck in a rigid pattern of beliefs. I also try to go beyond simply taking the perspectives of others by looking for ways that I can help them move in their chosen direction. At this point in my career, most of the help I can provide comes in the form of listening
With basketball completely out of the equation, my quintessential career path would be to become some sort of counselor. Before jumping to conclusions assuming a counselor is someone who just sits back with a pen and notepad all day giving the occasional “how does that make you feel”, a lot of things need to be taken into consideration about how much time, and effort and strenuous work is required to pursue this career path. A counselor (depending on what field) is typically someone who uses therapeutic techniques to help patients strengthen existing qualities and skills used in everyday life. Ideally I would like to become a school counselor to begin coping with the minds of the youth, then hopefully move on from there. In order to do so
As a future counselor, my job is to listen and understand my client. It is to help my client find his or her voice and it is also to train my client into specific skills that will help them grow as an individual. Although I do not know if I want to be a counselor yet, I feel comfortable with the idea of it. Being a