Everyday I want to wake up a better person, and one way to be able to do that is this class. My reason for taking this class is too become a better writer and speaker.I want to develop my soft skills so i can be confident when talking to both professional and regular individuals on a daily basis. One thing I’m looking forward to learning is effective business writing and speaking. I wan’t to master those skills because my career goal is to become a real estate broker. With that in mind I will need to be able to communicate my vision to clients so that business goes smoothly and effectively. The reason I chose that career was because my mom is a realtor, and with her combine knowledge and contacts i’ll be able fully utilize my skills from the start without having to build a reputation. …show more content…
Being a physical therapist or gym owner has be a dream of mine so going back to school for that would be amazing. Right now I am interning at a local mortgage company, Pacific Bay Mortgage. I am in charge of there marketing and CRM. Being a Loan Officer is my back up plan if the Real Estate option doesn't work out. When I am not slaving away at my internship you can find me working out, playing video games or at school. My favorite hobby is competitive wifi pokemon battling many believe its just some children's game but in fact it is an strategic game similar to chess. Another hobby that I enjoy doing is biking with my little brother. Since I do actives such as those my communication skills are lacking. By lacking I mean it is sometimes hard to hold a conversation, or I tend to forget what I’m going to say. The confidence isn’t there and I hope that by taking this class it can help me to become a better
I don’t think I have every been the person that chooses to do something without having a passion or strong interest in what I am doing. I don’t pick organizations to be a part of without giving allotted time to them and being one hundred percent present when I am there. With this said, I am not choosing to pursue occupational Therapy school lacking a passion and interest in this field because I never am the person that does something with out fully understanding of where I want to be. I first started to look in to Occupational Therapy after I was able to work at a summer camp for children and adults with special needs one summer in high school. I had the opportunity to be with one child for the whole week where I was able to be her hands
I always knew I was meant to be in the health care field. I grew up with my mother being a registered nurse. I admired the work my mother did, but I knew that wasn’t the career path for me. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live independently, safely, and unrestrictedly. I want to be an occupational therapist for the direct role I’d have in a patient’s life and rehabilitation process.
If you were to walk around a college campus and randomly ask students what they were going to do with their lives you would most likely be answered with tears, confused looks, and some near breakdowns. Luckily for me I’ve always known that I’ve wanted to become an Occupational Therapist.
4 years of high school go by in such a blur. It is hard to think that in just a short amount of time I will be on my way to starting my career and high school will soon be in past. I plan to become a member of the United States Army. While I am in the Army I plan to become either an OB/GYN or a Physical Therapist, though I am undecided about which career to choose, I am sure about one thing, and that is that I want to work in the medical field and I want to be able to help others.
The career I have chosen to do is an occupational therapist. An occupational therapist does many different things. An occupational therapist helps many different people accomplish many different everyday life skills and tasks. For example they would help teach a stroke victim learn how to get dressed again. Also they would help kids who have autism learn everyday tasks, like tie your shoes, use a pencil, catch a ball, ETC. They also recommend special equipment to help the person preform these tasks easier. If someone has a chronical condition or arthritis an occupation therapists will also show them ways to exercise and relief any pain.
When I started learning in Touro College, I didn’t know on which profession I wanted to focus. Therefore, I started asking my friends for advice. One said to be a special education teacher and the other friend I should be an accountant, but these jobs didn’t seem exciting for me. I wanted to enjoy my job and not work just for money. Then, a good friend of my mother’s suggested occupational therapy and she explained what the Occupational Therapist does, who the therapist works with, and it sounded interesting.
Since I was a child, I’ve always had a strong interest in science. I remember receiving a telescope and microscope kit for my birthday one year, and it was the best gift I’d ever been given. That’s what truly sparked my passion for the field of science and, more specifically, the medical field.
I have always wanted to save lives and pursue a career that allows me to do so. Athletics plays a major role in my life and I want to be around athletes during my career. This is why I believe that being a Physical Therapist is the career I want to pursue.
When I was growing up, I loved helping people in any way I could. As I continue to grow older my love for helping people has not died. Knowing this made me realize I wanted to pick a career that was going to allow me to interact and help people all day. When I first heard about being a Physical Therapist I was a sophomore in High School, and my passion for this career field has only grown stronger with age. Becoming a Physical Therapist allows me to do what I love every day and there are many things I am excited about for my future career.
Many times you are asked the question, what do you want to do in the future? The answer to this question varies depending on your age. When I was younger I would have said I wanted to be a teacher when I got older because my mom worked with kids. However now that I am a senior getting ready to make a real decision that will affect my future my answer has changed. In five years I plan to be in graduates school working towards my degree in physical therapy. Right after I complete high school I want to go straight into college. To become a physical therapist you need to get your doctorates degree which can take up to eight to ten years. You also have to attend an internship to get experience with the field. It is good to have multiple job shadows so you know what you are getting yourself into. In order to be a physical therapist you need patience but also need to know how to get people to listen to you.
I want to become an Occupational Therapist Assistant because I have always dreamed of helping people young and old, and occupational therapy is perfect for that. I want to help people gain their independence and confidence back whether they are recovering from things like a stroke or an illness / disease. Each person’s situation is unique: some may live with someone who is able to help the patient out or they may not have anyone to help them so you have to adjust your plans to fit each individual. Doing that may be difficult at times but I have been through numerous situations that required hard work and I was able to complete them. Independence and confidence are important aspects of life, especially when it comes to day-to-day living. There will be people who can make a full recovery and will be able to live
Growing up, I’ve always been athletic. I’ve always loved the way the atmosphere and competitiveness of a sports game just completely engulfs me and takes me captive. I’ve fallen in love with the game and how it can make me drown in emotion. I hope to be around this type of atmosphere for as long as I can, that’s the reason I dream of becoming an athletic trainer or physical therapist. I believe in myself and I yield the faith that I can make it to that level. Albeit there isn’t a single prognostic sign that this is true in any form, but that’s what faith is, right? An intense belief in the unseen and unknown.
Did you know that most physical therapists see about 30 patients per day with varied injuries? A student who researches the nature of a job, it’s working conditions, employment facts, the education and training requirements, along with the future job potential and earnings will be wiser and more knowledgeable when determining a career path to choose. Physical therapy is an interesting career path because they help people with injuries recover, help people with disabilities achieve highest standard of physical function, and they teach stretches and exercises that allow patients to be active.
It took me some time to figure out what I wanted from life. As a person with a disability, there are many limits the world puts on someone like me. However, I do not put those limits on myself and try to push myself to the limits physically and mentally through activities such as contemporary dance, swimming, gymnastics, etc. This is one reason I want to major in Psychology. It has always been an interest for me due to circumstances in my life.
When I was younger, I hairline fracture my back. As a result of that, I had to go to physical therapy for a couple of months. The physical therapists there were amazing, and they really supported me in the healing process. They had me do a plethora of exercises and stretches, and were very involved with me. Becoming a physical therapist includes and extensive education plan, patient examinations and diagnosis, as well as pros and cons.