I decided to become a teacher, because of my passion for helping others and education. My teachers growing up influenced me greatly and instilled in me the enthusiasm for learning in all aspects. As they not only taught me the essential school curriculum, but they also instilled in me the ability to appreciate education and the profession. I want to teach High School English either eleventh or twelfth grade. I want to teach upper level English course, because of my interest literature and writing efficiency. These grade levels are important in the aspect that it paves the way for higher student learning and preparation for life. It is also in this time that allows for a deeper understanding about literature and how that relates to greater ideas about life. Some professional skills that will help me on my career path to becoming an English teacher, include my content knowledge. I have an extensive background in literature, which includes the ability to critically analyze literature of my varieties. I am also well versed in compositional skills. In addition to my content knowledge of the English subject, I have the ambition to share my passion and knowledge about all aspects of the subject to my future students. Oklahoma State University’s L.E.A.D.S core values, has set an example for what I strive to achieve in my professional career. As a future teacher, leadership, professionalism, human growth, diversity, and service orientation are the foundation for success in this
As a current student with a goal of becoming a future English educator, my perspective of the education system is broadened.
I want to go from the low level of writing skills I believe myself to have now to being college ready and extremely confident with my writing. I honestly want to be able to look back at my pieces of writing and be embarrassed, and see the mistakes I made clearly. As for my role as I student I want to take in as much as possible and put it to use, never give up on myself and work as hard as possible on everything. For the role of a teacher I need someone who won’t give up on me and can teach my clearly what I need to do to be a great
Over the last eight years, I have been a reading/literature teacher in a middle school composed of 6th through 8th grade. I find that my teaching style has evolved since finishing my undergraduate work due in part to the following theorists.
I am writing this statement to apply for admission to the Ph.D. program in English at Kent State University. After earning my Master’s Degree in English and Comparative Literature from Tours University in France, I worked for nine years as an English and English as a second language instructor in higher and secondary education institutions in France, the Middle East and in the state of Ohio. Now I have decided to take my professional career to another level by undertaking a doctoral program that will prepare and capacitate me to teach English language and literature in higher education institutions.
While in college, English teachers will have studied and analysed many different aspects of English literature and its relation and effects on society, including major writers, periods and types of writing, plus general educational theory and practice. If a student was to teach in the state public school system, they will be required to receive a teaching certificate and to become licensed in their selected field of study. Unlike the public school system’s requirements to become a certified teacher, a private school teacher may not be required to fulfill these expectations.
As I mentioned in my personal statement, I want to become a high school English teacher in my hometown after graduation, which is the first step of my career goal. Instead of being
Teachers shape who we are as people. After the age of five, we are around them more than any other adult, and they guide us as we learn and grow both academically and socially. And it can be said that not all language arts teachers were created equally. I have found that English and reading teachers are either everyone's absolute favorite and most memorable, or their absolute least favorite and these teachers are accredited with years of hatred towards reading and writing. Throughout my eleven years of education I have experienced both of these extremes, and both have had different impacts on me as a writer.
As I think of my career, one thing comes to mind is improving the education system in the classroom setting. I plan to get certified to teach secondary education or more specifically the subject of English. My career will begin at the high school, I plan to teach High School English for at least five years. During these years, I hope to continue my own education to receive my master’s degree that way I can better improve my abilities. In doing this I can also improve my teaching abilities, thus helping my students’ education experience.
A career as an English teacher requires one to be adaptable and well-educated. A teacher
I have studied English and Education at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. During my time at the university, I gained a thorough knowledge of English Literature, writing, and teaching pedagogue. Through this experience, I have developed and changed my teaching philosophy. I have had the opportunity to see new and exciting teaching techniques and observe under some great teachers with excellent ideas. I plan to create a safe, creative, and comfortable classroom environment for my students. I believe students learn better when they feel they are being heard and their opinions matter. I plan to use a wide range of reading the material, and instill a strong emphasis on writing and grammar in my classroom, I feel that this is the most effective way to give my students a voice and to believe that Language Arts is important.
As a student who speaks English as a second language, my number one weakness is to find the right way and the right words to express my thoughts and opinions. Often time I find my mind flowing with thoughts, opinions and ideas about the topic but having a hard time to translate all of those words from Russian to English and put them together in the best proper way. With that being my disadvantage, i earned my strength in finding good resources and facts to support my point of view as well as helping my readers relate to the topic that I 'm writing about. The goals i have for this class is to become a better writer, being able to put my thoughts in words that can be easily understand and appeal to my readers, grabbing the attention and interest with my strong introduction.
English teachers play an extremely important role in our country’s education system. The whole role of an English teacher is to teach students literature, how to write grammatically correct,
The English language drew fascination from an early age. I began speaking full sentences before fourteen months. I finished the Lord of the Rings trilogy before public school. Soon after, my reading progressed to Poe and Lovecraft in primary school; in secondary I read Hemmingway, Dickenson, and much of what the Norton Anthology series covered. After graduation, I spent my professional career in the information technology industry due to the high rate of pay. However, the computer field was not a fulfilling career. Being led back to education, I considered becoming a History professor the first semester; though, the summer before the second year became a revelation. English combines history, philosophy, and the language itself. Therefore, fulfilling the main desire of having a job that is doing things I enjoy for a third of employed hours or more. Education has always been a pre-requisite. I get bored easy with employment that does have a reoccurring intellectual stimulation. I enjoy a job that constantly requires one to expand their knowledge and do independent research. The project and prerequisite research will be invaluable in preparing for a competitive job field.
My Cooperating Teacher who received the Teacher of the Year Award from Woodbridge High School in Irvine Unified School District, Ms. Christine Haley is an evident reminder that the excellent teachers are not born by chance. Ms. Haley’s interview responses clarified why she has become such a role model for her colleagues as well as students. It is evident that her thorough knowledge in literature, composition, and linguistics confidently leads her students to greater subject interest and strong work ethic, too.
I have developed an array of skills throughout my life experiences which I will be able to bring to my studies. One of my strongest strengths is my ability to read analytically and to pick out relevant information from a given extract or section in a book. I have developed this skill throughout my years of studying up to A Level and now degree level, with my studies in English Literature being particularly helpful in developing this skill. I am a naturally helpful and caring person, and have wanted to be a primary school teacher since my early teenage years. My passion to be a primary school teacher led me to complete work experience in a junior school. This has given me a good understanding of primary aged children and will enable me to link course materials to real life experience which will benefit me and help me to understand certain concepts.