
I Want To Payroll Research Paper

Decent Essays

Funding from TRiO would ensure that I complete my education. I am certain that I will be able to handle and complete the required coursework for my degree. The only reason I would not be able to go through with my education would be failing to pay for tuition or another expense. Other than that, it is inexcusable for me not to complete college. Being extremely driven to achieve my goals, falling behind in classes would be entirely out of my character.
I have a profound attachment to my education. At times, I prioritize it above socializing with friends on the weekends. I am not afraid to sacrifice my time and sleep to complete my homework and studying. I have a couple of motivating factors behind this drive to complete my education. For one, I am fascinated by the material being covered. I love going to class and learning about chemistry and math. The “Aha” moment feels so satisfying when I pick up a concept in class. Also, I am motivated to graduate and to be able to find a promising career in engineering. Ultimately, I hope that my hard work pays off and I can be in a career I am fascinated in. In all, this amounts to is my drive of finishing college not demising. …show more content…

On top of school, I also began working as a tutor at the University’s Math Center, as well as a soon to be mentor for Dean’s Future Scholars. However, I understand that it would be difficult for me to work to pay my way through college, being that the hours I currently work can barely cover my expenses. As it is, I am striving in college, not having to worry about making a monthly payment of tuition or taking out a daunting student loan has made it an overall pleasant

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