Funding from TRiO would ensure that I complete my education. I am certain that I will be able to handle and complete the required coursework for my degree. The only reason I would not be able to go through with my education would be failing to pay for tuition or another expense. Other than that, it is inexcusable for me not to complete college. Being extremely driven to achieve my goals, falling behind in classes would be entirely out of my character.
I have a profound attachment to my education. At times, I prioritize it above socializing with friends on the weekends. I am not afraid to sacrifice my time and sleep to complete my homework and studying. I have a couple of motivating factors behind this drive to complete my education. For one, I am fascinated by the material being covered. I love going to class and learning about chemistry and math. The “Aha” moment feels so satisfying when I pick up a concept in class. Also, I am motivated to graduate and to be able to find a promising career in engineering. Ultimately, I hope that my hard work pays off and I can be in a career I am fascinated in. In all, this amounts to is my drive of finishing college not demising.
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On top of school, I also began working as a tutor at the University’s Math Center, as well as a soon to be mentor for Dean’s Future Scholars. However, I understand that it would be difficult for me to work to pay my way through college, being that the hours I currently work can barely cover my expenses. As it is, I am striving in college, not having to worry about making a monthly payment of tuition or taking out a daunting student loan has made it an overall pleasant
I am fortunate enough to have parents that can afford to send me to college, and support my choice to pursue a higher education. By attending college, I will eventually graduate with a degree and later earn a high paying career. Along with this, I have found college to be a way to discovering who I am. I have been able to move out, take over my own bills, and earn responsibility by doing so. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to attend college. Financial reasons typically hold individuals back from attending universities, and that later may affect their lives. Although I attend class daily, the true effect college will have on me in the future goes unnoticed. An education is something that is highly valued, and so important. Everyone should have the chance to have an education, but unfortunately, it does not happen. College for me, is a privilege. Therefore, I will work hard to earn my degree, and later put it to
I am not employed at this time and have made arrangements to live with my parent to relieve financial burdens in order to focus all my time and attention to acquiring my master’s degree in social work. I will continue my volunteer work at the YMCA once a week teaching a computer/internet skills course which will not interfere with my studies. I hope to organize a free self-esteem building support group in the near future. My volunteer work only takes a few hours a week and it is very close to my home. I will be committed to my studies and field work full time for the next two
While many students will have to spend lots of money paying for college, I will be earning paychecks. I know that it will take some time before I earn paychecks large enough to pay for a house of my own, but I am confident that with hard work and patience I will be living independently sooner than I would if I attended college. In his article, “10 Rules for Going to College When Nobody Expected you to,” Joe Rodriquez actually said, “don’t worry too much about the high cost of college tuition”(12). On the contrary, the high cost of college tuition is something that everyone should worry about. It’s easy to say “don’t worry about it” when you are not the person who has to pay for something. There are news stories all of the time that talk about the enormous amount of students who have debt that they can’t pay because of the lack of jobs for college graduates. College tuitions costs have risen drastically over the past decades. Going to college is good idea for students who know the job they want requires a degree. If a student is unsure about their future career, then they should consider working for a while before they spend money on college
ACA is quickly becoming a way of life for Americans. With its many challenges, sometimes it is difficult to determine exactly what needs to be done in order to stay compliant. Nowhere is staying compliant more important than with payroll and the ACA. If you do not remain compliant in this important area, it is possible for you to face fines and penalties.
Noted authors, Brandon Chambers, is quoted saying, “If you are going to fear anything fear success. Think about what you are doing and when you succeed what life you will have.” There are several different reasons why I could stay home, work and not go to college; I could go to work every day and make more money for the house, it’s easier, and I would be less stressed. Now, on the other hand there are many reasons why I should go to school; such as further my education, make my family proud, and make myself proud. I am attending college for several different reasons. One reason is to further my education. I hate feeling like I don’t know something, I like being the person everyone comes to for information. Also, because I want to
I’ve always been taught that nothing is free in this world, consequently I have been working my entire life. I always helped around the house doing little things, but eventually it turned into larger chores such as doing the dishes, vacuuming, dusting, taking out the trash, and more. As a reward for doing these tasks my parents would give me an allowance of about ten dollars a week. Eventually I wanted to make more money so one summer I began cutting lawns around my neighborhood, and this started to bring in a little extra cash. But I was limited to the season. As the end of my junior year was approaching I decided I needed to start thinking about my financial future. My SAT scores weren’t the greatest; therefore, college seemed almost impossible. That summer I decided to get a job at Wendy’s to get some experience in the real world. Until I started working at Wendy’s I had no real plan for my future, but after being an employee for over a year I realized I wanted to go to college to pursue my degree.
What motivates me most to pursue a college degree is opening new doors for career options and inspiring my daughter through my own actions to pursue lifelong learning. I have waited until this point in my life to take this first step for many reasons. I feel that I had a lot of fear of failure that kept me from pursuing this higher learning. I am in the right place mentally at this stage in my life and feel like I can fully invest in this experience and make it truly a success and representation of what I can do. I am also highly motivated by the fact that my career is truly stalled because I am not competition for someone that has equal experience and a degree. I plan to conquer that competition through this process.
Unlike other students, I fully believe that my education contributes to my ability to solve problems and think logically. With these skills, I am confident that I can be a functioning member of society and help make the world better. In addition to the skills that an education can provide, however, I genuinely find my studies to be interesting and I enjoy solving the problems that the classwork requires. This gives me the drive to do things that other students can’t muster up the motivation to do, as well as provide the best work that I possibly can.
Learning is not for the lazy. I’d like to think of myself as adaptable. However I have been known to procrastinate a time or two. Because I like to procrastinate, I make sure that once I receive something to do that involves a deadline, I get it done first before anything else. Once I complete a task, occasionally I’ll reward myself with Chinese food for dinner instead of cooking, or going to a movie. I’ve found that this helps keep me motivated. Another thing that keeps me motivated is looking at the big picture. I want to have a degree and get a high paying job. This will take me 4-5 years minimum. My options are: do nothing and be disappointed at myself when five years flies by and I’m still working at the post office, or I can stop being complacent and do what it takes to get the degree to get the job. I refuse to look back in disappointment and this is what keeps me going. My family and friends also do a good job at motivating me to succeed. I’ll be the first in my family to get a degree from a college, so my mother and sister are very supportive and I’ve been privileged enough to meet a handful of people I’d like to consider close friends who also encourage me and keep me in my
After my first two years of highschool, I learned that I lacked motivation. This was because academics have always come easily to me, so I saw no need to put forth as much effort with my coursework
I had seen many people before get too bogged down with one particular aspect of their life such as academics or athletics that they burnt out and lost interest in subjects that they once loved. This has always seemed really sad to me but also a waste of resources and time. If I spend a lot of time dedicated to something, I want to ensure that I will still love it after all is said and done. I have always been very focussed on my academics. I work hard in all my classes and take pride in doing well, but I also don’t push myself to take too hard of a course load because I don’t want to lose the enjoyment I get from learning and studying. I am also very dedicated to crew but I have worked hard to ensure that crew isn’t the only extracurricular thing I do. If it was, I am sure that I would get tired of it and want to quit, throwing away all of the hard work I have put into it already. On top of being very invested in crew, I am very involved in my church youth group. I relish in the community I have found there, as well as the opportunities to serve those in my community and outside of it. I also volunteer at the New Canaan Nature Center. I have been doing this every week since I was in 5th grade and I work with a close childhood friend of mine. This was a very long way to say that I think it is important that colleges know that I love to learn, I love to keep busy, and above all, I am able to find a balance with which I can enjoy these aspects of my
Throughout my whole academic career I have worked a minimum of 3 jobs while attending school. As the oldest child, the financial burden of my family rested on my shoulders and then in 2004 I became a single parent. That, in combination with witnessing my family and close loved ones’ demise through numerous illnesses, provided me with my viewpoint on how I need to approach my life.
Yet still take the initiative every day to get up and work on school work and for some of the millions of students go into a campus! But what truly drives a college student to want to learn? Is it the need for a batter paying job? Is it to benefit your family? Or to maybe just tell yourself “ Hey I did this!” I think it could be all three but when it comes to most high school students getting overwhelmed with the things that are going on in their home lives and bring it to school when they should be paying attention. “High schoolers dropping out can be attributable to the social climate, particularly those elements dealing with student participation and the severity of the problem environment.” (Pittman, Haughwout, December 1987) As we age we realize that college is going to be required of us at some point so why not do it now. We as college students psych ourselves up for this awesome experience, to find that it is stressful and way harder than we thought college was going to be, we learned in high school. So, we go into everything blind thinking one way to find that it is another. But no matter what gets in some of our way we keep going knocking out one class at a
Unfortunately, my family is unable to afford all of my education, so I hope to use my skills, my love of art and business to help me pay for college. I have dedicated time and put effort into my schoolwork and extracurricular activities to come as an advantage when paying for college.
Have you ever faced a time when making payroll was difficult? That is a common occurrence in many small businesses. Cash is not flowing as expected. Too much money is tied up in inventory. There are tons of accounts receivable pending. But, there is not enough cash to pay the employees. Factoring is one way to make payroll when money is tight.