Entry Level Skills I worked as a psychiatric research assistant at New York State Psychiatric Institute for two years. The position required interactions with families that had a criminal justice experience, mental health issues, substance abuse/dependence, or was within the immediate area of the 9/11 bombing. As a stage one recruitment leader I was in charge of going over the informed consent process, answering any questions the family (2-4 members) had, and HIPAA privacy laws with each family member prior to participating in the research study. Prior to scheduling the baseline interview I was in charge of explaining what the cortisol hormone is, how we planned to measure the sample that would be provided, and gave instructions for the participants to collect the sample three times a day for two days in a row. The final part of stage one was explaining a twenty minute activity that would be video recorded, an interaction of the parent and child. If done incorrectly the coders were unable to score the interaction and I had to revisit the family and have them do it over. If I failed to completely explain any part of the research study or what was required from the participants, then the family became confused, guarded, or cancelled their appointment. I learned that being clear and concise is very important and that giving concrete examples is helpful. I found that the families with a criminal justice experience, in particular, that I had to use layman terms as the parents
Currently, I am working as a medical assistant for Dr. Richard Bell at Associates in Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, a private practice of four physicians located on the campus of St. Luke’s Hospital in Chesterfield, Missouri. I currently work forty hours per week and plan on keeping this position until next summer. I work alongside Dr. Bell to perform both clinical and administrative duties. As integral part of the practice, my clinical duties include: taking medical histories, explaining treatment procedures to patients, collecting and preparing laboratory specimens, instructing patients about medication and wound care, preparing and administering medications as directed by the physician, authorizing prescription refills as directed, and removing sutures and changing dressings. I also serve as a scribe for Dr. Bell by converting his handwritten patient visit notes to an electronic record.
For the public defenders and prosecutors, I will ask the head of each group for verbal consent to carry out the research. For the homeless population, I will use convenience sampling when sending out surveys. I will walk around the general vicinity and ask the clients, if they can spare 15 minutes for the research. They will be asked to complete a series of questions. The surveys will differ depending on the group. For the public defenders, the questions will focus on the scope of the issues that their office faces. When it comes to the prosecutors, the questions will focus on whether or not, they want any change to the current state of affairs. Lastly, for the clients, the questions will focus on their experience with the criminal justice system and what kind of changes they
The purpose of this assignment is to explore the appropriate steps to take in order to successfully research topics in the counseling field. Research helps explains things in a more detailed and practical sense. We learn more through research and gain more understanding about the topic. Research is very important if you want to prove the integrity of a study especially when writing a paper. Conducting a research and citing sources will make it more believable.
7. In an exploratory study such as this, one problem is defining what the "data" are -- the information we should collect. Also, what should have been done to minimize the effects of experimenter bias on the outcome of the study? What were the dangers of the principal investigator assuming the role of prison superintendent?
I currently work for West Point Public Schools, I will be starting my seventh year with in the district. During my time at West Point, I have been involved in several different roles. I have been a sixth grade teacher where I taught the lower level reading, and language arts classes. All of the sixth grade United States History, along with being the sixth grade special education case manager, and served as one of the upper elementary reading coaches along with being a special education behavior teacher.
In Act One, in response to a comment about the defendant's story being phony, Juror 10 states, 'You know what you're dealing with.' Here, this juror is assuming that a person like the defendant naturally lies. He follows that later with the statement, 'Look at the kind of people they are. You know them.' In this comment, he is lumping all people like the defendant together and deciding that they are all the same.when the conversation leads into a discussion about a kid killing his father juror 10 continues his prejudice by assuming that the environment to do such a thing.he states “well it's the element they let the kids run wild maybe it serves em right”.he follows with another similar comment “you're not going to tell us were supposed
Very interesting post. Working in Psych must be hard. I would imagine this field would be difficult for some HP to set aside their own personal beliefs and judgement. I feel like as humans we always judge what we don't understand. I would assume that this field of work could lead to compassion fatigue and burnout due to the types of patients they care for. For example, when I worked in MedSurg I had a patient on the unit that was a "frequent flyer" and attempted suicide multiple times. She would stay on my unit they could place her on behavioral health, and it seemed like every time she was admitted I was always working. I never had her as a patient but I had spent a lot of time talking with her through the night. Some of the nurses that cared
Parental engagement has been a challenge for child protection workers. When a family is going through issues like violence or substance abuse it is hard to focus on the children. Not having connection or communication with children can
As a researcher, an interview would be an enticing design to obtain insight to how the traumatic events affected the adolescents. Using a structured interview would allow my research to be easily replicated, as there would be a designated list of closed questions. Additionally, closed questions would be easier to test for reliability, as they are easier to quantify than other interview questions. Furthermore, having a set of closed questions would allow the interview process to move at a fairly quick pace, resulting in completing interviews in a short amount of time. Notably, structured interviews could be completed with ease, allowing my research
In my current field placement I work with adults who are seeking help with mental illness and substance use. The program is a Partial Hospital Program (PHP), however, there is housing available to those who are homeless. The program is a two to three week program and while the patients are there, the case managers provide group therapy, help with scheduling aftercare and find housing for those who need it. A large percentage of the patients have untreated mental illness and have been self medicating with substances.
This research is important because understanding what makes a juvenile delinquent is necessary to know. Parents can be educated on what is affecting their teen to contribute to delinquent behavior. The family structure has been avoided by many citizens. Educating the public on the family structure can make a different in a teen’s life.
As a criminal justice and psychology major, my primary experience has involved extensive research related to both fields. Specifically, my research experience has involved independent and collaborative work in designing and conducting different types of research projects that adheres to research method procedures and ethics. Through my studies, I have also attained knowledge regarding the structure of the correctional system, with
By constructing theories or representations we can increase our understanding of criminal conduct. Through improving our understanding we can create effective, and operational strategies to handle crime issues. We must have a sufficient amount of accurate and documented research, and or experiments to prove the validity of our research. Research is attaining the information and data needed to generate a theory. We gather research by creating specific controlled experiments to reach a conclusion that will satisfy, or otherwise attest our theories.
Attributes of Catherine Catherine falls in love with a man at war who leaves her brave and heroic. She is also yet vulnerable and is willing to give up herself to be one with Henry. During this period, World War One was taking place in italy. Catherine meets an ambulance driver, Henry Frederic, and falls in love with him.
We began the interview and recorded all their answers through a recording device for a more profound analysis in a better environment. We used a semi-structured interview study for our research. We conducted this type of interview because we wanted the patient to feel comfortable in the interview. But aside from that, we also wanted to follow the protocol during the interviews to gather all the information we needed. Consent was obtained from all the participants.