
IEP Team Meets

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When the IEP Team Meets
The goal of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is to provide a roadmap for progress for a child with special needs. To create or update a child’s IEP, there are fixed requirements that must be met at all meetings. Meetings must take place at least once per year, though additional meetings can be scheduled for several reasons, such as the evaluation of progress toward goals, or to modify the IEP, and meetings require specific people to attend. Each person at a child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting has a distinct role and expertise for contributing ln the process of writing the IEP. Their expertise will help guide the creation, implementation, and evaluation of individualized goals, and a set time frame in …show more content…

The Parent Center Hub (n.d.) stated “The IEP has two general purposes: (1) to establish measurable annual goals for the child; and (2) to state the special education and related services and supplementary aids and services that the public agency will provide to, or on behalf of, the child” (The Big Picture, para. 2). There must be a statement for the child’s present level of performance, measurable annual goals, evaluation procedures, including state and district assessments, a statement about the special education the child will receive, the related services and aids she will require, and details about the child’s least restrictive environment (extent of nonparticipation), with a statement of the modifications and accommodations that will be provided so the child may be active in all aspects of school life, such as extracurricular or other nonacademic activities. The IEP must also have a start and end date. Since Destini has not reached the age of 16, a statement of postsecondary goals is not required. The child’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance will allow the IEP team to discuss how her impairment affects her learning. Wrightslaw (n.d.) stated “Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance are objective data from assessments” (Content of IEP’s, para. 4). Academic achievement refers to academic …show more content…

Then they will discuss and create the statements required for each component of the IEP, as listed above. Special factors that may interfere with implementation and success of the IEP must also be discussed. Does the child’s behavior interfere with their learning or the learning of others? Does the child have language needs due to limited proficiency in English? Does the child have communication needs? Are they deaf or hard of hearing? Do they need assistive technology devices and services? If any of these factors are relevant for the child, the team must address the factor in the child’s IEP (Parent Center Hub. (n.d.)). A statement addressing each factor will be created with goals, interventions, supports, and strategies for each particular

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