
IHRM culture

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Culture • Culture – a community’s set of shared assumptions about how the world works and what ideals are worth striving for. • Culture can greatly affect a country’s laws. • Culture influences what people value, so it affects people’s economic systems and efforts to invest in education. • Culture often determines the effectiveness of various HRM practices. Culture • Cultural characteristics influence the ways members of an organization behave toward one another as well as their attitudes toward various HRM practices. • Cultures strongly influence the appropriateness of HRM practices. • Cultural differences can affect how people communicate and how they coordinate their activities Cultural environment …show more content…

The four dimensions are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity. Long/Short term orientation Power Distance Power distance is the extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organisations accepts that power is distributed unequally. Countries in which people blindly obey the orders of superiors have high power distance. High power distance countries have norms, values and beliefs such as:•Inequality is fundamentally good, •Every one has a place; some are high, some are low, •Most people should be dependent on a leader, •The powerful are entitled to privileges and •The powerful should not hide their power. High Power v/s Low Power countries The US, Austria, Ireland, Norway and New Zealand represent cultures with low power distance. These societies exhibit characteristics almost the opposite of the features listed above. France, India, Singapore, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia are examples of societies with a high power distance. Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these. Countries with citizens who do not like uncertainty tend to have a high need for security and a strong belief in experts and their knowledge. Countries with low uncertainty avoidance have people who are

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