Unit 3.10 Understanding conflict management in the workplace
AC 1.1
Identify causes of conflict at work
Causes of conflict in the work place can be due to various reasons, good examples of these would be
Interdependence conflicts: This happens when a person relies on someone else’s co-operation on output or input in order for them to get there job done. An example of this would be if I was late getting a required weekly report on production performance to my boss on time which he needs first thing on a Monday morning to send out to report to the entire business.
Differences in style: This can happen when Peoples preferred way for getting a job done can differ. An example of this would be if 2 of my operators had 2
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During this stage people may pick sides and view their opponents as the enemy.
Stalemate can be the most intense stage and arises out of a conflict escalating. During the stalemate stage, the conflict has spiraled out of control to a point where neither side is in a position to back down; by this point, participants are not willing to back down from their stances, and each side insists that its beliefs are ultimately right. Even in a situation where a member of one side feels that there may be merit in the other side’s stance, there is an unwillingness to admit it because of a need to protect interests and save face.
Even the most intense conflicts calm down, this is due to one or more of the persons involved in the conflict realizing they are not likely to reach a conclusion if they continue with their unwillingness to look at the conflict from all sides. During this stage, parties may begin to negotiate and consider coming up with a solution.
Settlement or Resolution
After hearing from all parties involved in the conflict, participants are sometimes able to come up with a resolution for the problem they are facing
Peace Building and Reconciliation
If the parties reach a solution, it may be necessary to repair the relationships that may have been damaged during the escalated conflict
On reflection on the above I recently discovered a conflict that was happening across all shifts. I discovered the conflict
at times, clashing and conflicting with each other. These clashing traits bring out the role of
While conflict is a cause of this challenge, the end result is a department that does
The best outcome of a conflict is Win-Win both parties needs are met Ends up happy
Conflict resolution is necessary to keep focus and sustain the positive process. Collection of all the facts should be done prior to attempted resolution. Communication to the parties in a private setting to get their perspective is the idea. Only give opinions afterwards. Unless all is understood one cannot move onto mediation. After making the decision, be resolute in the delivery. (Lewicki, Saunders, & Barry, 2015)
According to our textbook, there are 5 stages for successful conflict resolution which are prelude to conflict, the triggering event, the initiation phase, the differentiation phase, and the
issue, or a politician dictates a settlement. Countries negotiate to a stalemate, or they go to war.
Both parties should work toward establishing and fostering a two-way communication system. They should not only come together to resolve a dispute, but the goal should be to build collaborative strategies toward furthering their mutual goals, providing efficient and
This paper will discuss innovative alternative dispute resolutions and how they may be used in a controversial conflict scenario. The writer will discuss these methods using an actual conflict scenario, describing how individuals involved in the conflict will benefit from these innovative methods rather than costly courtroom litigation. Alternative dispute resolutions are clearly the most beneficial conflict solution regardless of gender, cultural influence, and identity.
There are many different types of conflict that occur in the workplace. The five most common are as follows:
The five antecedents of conflict are the “overlapping or unclear job boundaries, inadequate communication, unreasonable or unclear policies standards or rules, unreasonable deadlines or extreme time pressure, and competition for limited resources” (Kinicki A. Kreitner R.2008 p. 277).
These four steps can be effective even if no resolution is possible, by creating a greater understanding among the parties involved, establishing where the differences of values and identity lie and will make sure that disputes can be negotiated or resolved effectively (, 2015).
* Needs and expectations - conflict at work can often be caused when employers ignore the needs of employees or set unrealistic expectations. For example, arranging hours that make it difficult for employees to carry out childcare responsibilities.
One of the most popular exponents of the previous thesis is Edward N. Luttwak’s “Give war a chance”, where he argues that negotiated settlements produce the most unstable peace, since those instruments do not alter the organizational capacity of both parties. Luttwak (1999) notes that “an unpleasant truth, often overlooked is that although war is a great evil, it does have a great virtue: it can resolve political conflicts and lead to peace. This can happen when all belligerents become exhausted or when one wins decisively” (p.36).
The idea of conflict is not necessarily violent; it could just refer to disagreements that are worked out through a mediator.
A decision made in a traditional courtroom may attempt to remedy the fallout from a dispute but it may not solve the problem that caused the conflict in the first place. When there is a need for the parties to a dispute to continue to have a relationship (for example in families and workplaces) failing to address the issues that caused the conflict in the first place may mean that it hasn’t been resolved and this may lead to further conflict. If the ‘serious [and] important needs’ of parties in dispute are not met this can ‘compound…’ the problem (Zehr, 1985, p. 1).