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Lulu hypermarket is largest market chain in the Middle East and had targeted to open about 10 outlet in Malaysia in next two year that is around on year 2016. It will be done through a strategic cooperation with Federal Land Development Authority (Felda). The outlet will be set up in Kuala Lumpur at a premises provided by Felda. This will be followed by five more in Kota Baru, Bukit Katil in Malacca, Ipoh, Nilai and Shah Alam within the few years.The memorandum of understanding (MoU) on this was signed and witnessed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibTunRazak.

The Lulu hypermarket chain has 109 branches in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and India.Felda would benefit from …show more content…

A goal is to replace inventory with frequent communication and sophisticated information systems to provide visibility and coordination. In this way, merchandise can be replenished quickly in small lot size and arrive where and when it is needed. Quick, frequent and accurate information transfer among members of the supply chain can counteract the distortion of information (known as the bullwhip effect) as it passes up the supply chain from the end customer. A supply chain can reduce overall inventory while maximizing customer service by efficiently redistributing stock within the supply chain using effective postponement and speculation.
Supply chain success should be measured in terms of supply chain profitability and not in terms of the profits at an individual stage. There is only one source of revenue, the customer. All flows of information, product or funds generate costs within the supply chain. Thus the appropriate management of these flows is a key to supply chain success. Effective supply chain management involves the management of supply chain assets and products.

The Supply Chain Stages
A supply chain involved a variety of stages. These supply chain stages includeSuppliers , Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers and Customers or Consumers. Each stage in a supply chain is connected through the flow of products, information and funds. These flows often occur in both directions and may be managed by one of the stages or an

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