
IOM Report and Future of Nursing

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IOM report and future of Nursing April 07, 2013 IOM report and future of Nursing IOM (Institute of Medicine), in partnership with RWJF (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), developed the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing health on October 5, 2010.This detailed study focus on the significant connection between the health needs of various, varying populations and the actions of the nursing staff. The health care delivery system and nursing profession consider this report as a framework for transformation. The changes in health care system and nursing workforce are directed to health care researchers, payers, national, state and local government leaders, professionals and executives comprised …show more content…

According to the report there are residency programs available in acute care hospitals and academic settings. The idea of residency should be considered in community based settings too ("ISNA Bulletin," 2011, p. 11). Transforming education is included in the second key message of IOM report. Nurses require top levels of education and training to function in ever more multifaceted health care structure. So it is vital for the nurses to advance the education and training without difficulties. Chances to improve education from Licensed Practice Nursing or Associate Degree in Nursing to Baccalaureate science in Nursing and then to advanced degrees must be accessible and available. Besides clinical skills, health policy, evidence based practice and research, quality improvement teamwork and leadership should be added in the competencies while developing educational programs. Program of study should be modified to make sure that the nurses are prepared their best to perform their tasks. In addition to that there should be opportunities available for cross training to improve teamwork and collaboration, to ensure patient safety ("ISNA Bulletin," 2011, p. 11). The third key message of IOM report says “Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States”. A well-built leadership is important to make the dream of a transformed health care system successful. Most of the nurses do not begin

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