
Identification, Authentication, And Authorization Techniques

Satisfactory Essays

Subject: Identification, Authentication, and Authorization Techniques
How Grade: One hundred points total. See each question for specific points.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Explore the concepts related to access control process -- identification, authentication, and authorization.

The scenario for this assignment is based on Acme Distribution Center, a fictitious company. You play the role of Sam, the system administrator. Acme is responsible for completing a huge target of 180 thousand orders. It holds the reputation of having an extremely low error rate for the central distribution per industry standards. Therefore, Acme is viewed as a model of efficiency. Another good thing about Acme is …show more content…

d. Lu Ellen, the shipper:
Should only have access to shipping info and read only information on receiving to make sure it’s going to correct place or person.
e. Buster, the shipper:
Same as Lu Ellen permissions.
f. Lloyd, the purchasing agent:
This person should have permissions for accounts payable as well read only sales information in order to make any purchases needed.
g. Sam, the system administrator:
All permissions allowed by this user incase information was incorrect or not validated.
h. Spare, for temporary help:
Temporary permissions given to this person since this person is only temporary.
6. Questions on Jennifer’s access account (15 points):
a. What are the incompatible functions in Jennifer’s access account?
The incompatibilities are that Jennifer is in charge of sales and accounts payable. There will be a conflict between both aspects as they rely on one and another. She is in control of sales of goods and the payment of goods. There are multiple areas that can be a potential breach.

b. Why do you think the incompatibility existed?
It is incompatible because she can sell and bill goods as she sees fit. She could try to bill or sell to herself and say it’s been paid, when it hasn’t been.

7. Questions on Lloyd’s access account (15 points):
a. What were the potential conflicts and incompatible functions in Lloyd’s, access account authorizations?
There aren’t really any potential conflicts as he

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