As I pursue my second bachelor’s degree in mathematics, I remind myself that a well-rounded education is made by coupling different subjects like science and mathematics with the arts and humanities. Having a good grasp on different academics is a good balancing tool to create a whole bodied education as well as good preparation for higher learning and career progression. I find that a great way to maintain a high standard of education is to partake in an honors program because it demands much more than its regular counterparts which in turn offers a greater reward of understanding. I want to use IUE Honors Program to help me develop better critical thinking skills necessary for making important decisions when the time arises. Rather it be the additional course load or supplemental instructions offered by honors courses, I plan to use this program to help me map out different insights into problem solving. …show more content…
As officers, we are charged with operating and maintaining billion dollar assets, all the while using those assets to provide ground troops with life-saving support. Some of the sacrifices Uniformed Services members make can be avoided if the right decisions are made, and formulating those decisions are typically based on two key components: experience and education. Usually, service members will have experience, but unfortunately very few will pursue higher education. It falls onto us as leaders to show excellence in all we do by going above and beyond. With that in mind, I believe its fair for me to provide some evidence as to how I will manage taking difficult honor courses in addition to my current course load and fulltime work
I am excited to be one of the candidates for the 2017-2018 National Junior Honor Society. I understand that the National Junior Honor Society is for students who demonstrate exemplary scholarship, citizenship, service, leadership, and character. I believe that I have maintained a grade point average of 3.55 or higher and have shown all of the five given standards of the National Junior Honor Society. I believe that my involvement with the National Junior Honor Society will help me to prepare my future as a leader, character role model, and good citizen.
I am honor to be a part of National Honor Society, I believe that I contributed to my community by helping other and being kind. I am very focused and hardworking individual because I know that I worked my way up top in very little time. I am very happy to get opportunity to be a member of NHS society, that means that I have fulfill all the qualities such as character, service and scholarship, as well as leadership. I am very excited to be a member because it will help me as a person to grow as a individual, I am looking forward to that.
Due to these hindrances, far too many students have been put on probation and/or been removed from the Honors Program before completing the program’s requirements, because they were unable to find an honors course that fit with their schedule and degree each semester, which is a
As a STEM student in the Biomedical pathway I am constantly introduced to new forms of science every single day, which is certainly a privilege because as a STEM student I am exposed to new ways of learning which aren’t covered in a typical classroom setting. In fact, Science is my favorite subject because it’s a constantly evolving subject that is responsible for the fluidity of earths processes. Moreover, my interest to increase my knowledge base leads to my interest in the Science aspect of the Governor’s Honor Program.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. This philosophy is well known and well followed but no one knows how much it hurts for change to happen. I grew up in a highly dysfunctional household. My mother was bipolar and did treated me worse than anyone should treat the daughter. My father didn't leave us but was not around either. My father was like an empty shell and had little to do with me. He constantly found an excuse to go to work so he didn't have to deal with his problems at home. I had practically raise my younger sister, I cleaned, cooked, and made the best life possible for her. My mother favored my sister because she thought of her like herself, my sister got the best of my mother.
As a freshman at the University of Maryland, I am pursuing a Masters degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Cyber Security. I formerly attended the Academy of Health Sciences at Prince George’s Community College, a dual enrollment program in which I graduated with my High school diploma and an Associates of Arts degree in General Studies. Having a unique experience by attending these different school has allowed me to become familiar with technical communication in a multitude of ways, whether it is in the work place or school related. Being vice president of the national honor society, being a barista at Peet’s coffee shop, and with being fluent in multiple languages I have used technical communication to encourage people to “take action” in a multitude of ways. Whether it was influencing people to join the national honors society or trying to get customers to buy a new coffee drink, I have consistently been able to encourage others to “take action” with whatever it may be. Over time I have learned the do’s and don’ts of being a technical communicator, and I now understand what must be done to accomplish a task through technical communication.
I am pleased and honored to have the opportunity to forego with the process of becoming a National Honor Society member. The National Honor Society’s main goal is be involved and to better the community in various ways. For example, the organization works to serve the community, tutor students, and be leaders within the school. The members put their self interests aside and work to better the lives of everyday people in their community. I believe I am ready to join and help with the endless opportunities that the National Honor Society has to offer. Becoming a member of NHS has been a goal of mine since I entered the halls of Brick Township High School. I fully understand that it takes hard work and dedication in order to become a member but I know that I greatly exhibit those traits not only in school but also in my outside activities. This is a rare opportunity that can only happen in high school and I know that I am ready to be apart of something special.
One President of the United States, forty-nine astronauts, twenty-seven CEOs, twelve Nobel Prize Winners and I all have something in common. I believe this shared honor will make me a desirable employee. I also possess the talents and qualities which will allow me to be a successful member of any organization. Even though I may not have vast work experience, the characteristics of intelligence, responsibility, and leadership separate me from most high school students.
The nomination of being a member of the National Honor Society is an honor in itself. All my late nights of homework, copious amounts of studying, and extracurricular activities have brought to me the place I am today. Throughout my three years of school here at the one and only Brainerd High School, I have obtained excellent grades even in challenging classes. I believe that if you don’t challenge yourself with difficult classes now, you will never develop a strong sense of work ethic: something I have a large amount of. My parents always told me growing up that things won’t come free to you in life, and life doesn’t owe you a thing. Those two things have given me the motivation to succeed in rigorous courses, even when at times I want to give up.
It is an honor to be chosen as a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Academics, leadership skills, service abilities, and character are four principal parts of a superior student. I believe that I am inclusive of all these aspects needed to become a part of this prestigious group. Becoming a member of this organization is important to me, because it will help me get into an excellent college and push me to work harder in school.
As a student who yearns to learn a wide variety of subjects, I feel that the Interdisciplinary Honors is an appropriate option for me. Throughout high school, while I have taken honors and AP level science and math, I have taken classes at these higher levels in literature and history as well in addition to committing to choir and dance. I also plan to take courses in psychology during the latter part of the school year.
Honor Embodies a lot to me. The Marines offer me this. The other forces scoff at such an idea. I want to be a part of something that respects and admires such traits as I have and believe in. Again the Marines offer me this. I know not all Marine respect my ideas, but at least I'll look forward to meeting and becoming a part of a group, however small or big, that has the same beliefs and ideals. Im tired of being around people that scoff and laugh at such things. I have met very people that respect the idea of Honor. The Honor that I think and believe in, has given me a strong sense of Morals and Ethics. Those that know me well will see this. Over the years it has deteriorated a bit. Going into something that respects and teaches this will help me build up to...and past the standard I have set for and used to have for myself. The Marines are a Brotherhood. Modern day Knights, I know not all are. Infact most probably arent. All the branches are infested with sex crazed drunkards, the Marines especially. Not all are like that, and I look forward to finding the select few that are not, but share my same ideals and thoughts. I plan on joining and setting a new standard.
As an individual, due to my upbringing and experiences, I act in such a way that my future will be more desirable instead of focusing on how I can act to receive instant gratification. Some of these actions include pushing myself to take classes which demand more dedication, keeping my grades up, and taking upon myself leader-like responsibilities. I feel that one can conclude another’s moral growth through their actions, thus how one will judge me is heavily determined by my past actions. There is a multitude of influences in my life, however, the appeal of my imminent adulthood is more persuasive to keep working on my character.
Teaching higher order thinking skills is not a recent need. It is apparent that students, at all levels of education, are lagging in problem-solving and thinking skills. Fragmentation of thinking skills, however, may be the result of critical thinking courses and texts. Every course, especially in content subjects, students should be taught to think logically, analyze and compare, question and evaluate.
Today I am writing from a place of concern, I am very fearful for my future and in fact my life. I have been in your courtroom undergoing pretrial investigations and other court proceedings since 2015. I have been very respectful of the court and the courts authority. In doing so I have been present in court in a timely and respectable manner, I have also provided any adequate information surrounding any reasons for me needing to miss a court date.