
IUE Honors Personal Statement

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As I pursue my second bachelor’s degree in mathematics, I remind myself that a well-rounded education is made by coupling different subjects like science and mathematics with the arts and humanities. Having a good grasp on different academics is a good balancing tool to create a whole bodied education as well as good preparation for higher learning and career progression. I find that a great way to maintain a high standard of education is to partake in an honors program because it demands much more than its regular counterparts which in turn offers a greater reward of understanding. I want to use IUE Honors Program to help me develop better critical thinking skills necessary for making important decisions when the time arises. Rather it be the additional course load or supplemental instructions offered by honors courses, I plan to use this program to help me map out different insights into problem solving. …show more content…

As officers, we are charged with operating and maintaining billion dollar assets, all the while using those assets to provide ground troops with life-saving support. Some of the sacrifices Uniformed Services members make can be avoided if the right decisions are made, and formulating those decisions are typically based on two key components: experience and education. Usually, service members will have experience, but unfortunately very few will pursue higher education. It falls onto us as leaders to show excellence in all we do by going above and beyond. With that in mind, I believe its fair for me to provide some evidence as to how I will manage taking difficult honor courses in addition to my current course load and fulltime work

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