
IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Philippian Analysis

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Bibliographic Entry Fee, Gordon. The IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Philippians. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2010. Introduction Gordon Fee, a well recognized New Testament textual critic and scholar, has provided a concise, yet valuable addition to the wide array of New Testament commentary series with his work in the Letter to the Philippians as part of the IVP New Commentary Series. Using his insight into the latest research of Greco-Roman friendship letter writing, Fee has provided a commentary that takes into account Paul’s original language and intent in writing to the Philippians and applies the theology and exhortation to the a wide audience. This paper summarizes the text briefly, provides some critique of the work, and provides some concluding remarks as to the value of the text for pastors today. Summary The text opens with an introduction to the context surrounding Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Fee uses several pages to describe and define his concept of the style of letter writing relevant to the remainder of the book, with his conclusion being that the style is that of a “Christian hortatory letter of friendship.” This conclusion is important because it becomes a framework for the remainder of the text, giving Fee a boundary within …show more content…

Fee breaks the commentary into six main segments, which he bases on the style of letter writing. These segments include the introduction of the letter, a report on Paul’s own affairs, an exhortation of the Philippians’ affairs, a desire to visit soon, another moral exhortation and appeal, and a conclusion to the letter. These segments are further divided into seventeen passages of the Biblical text based on grammatical and topical triggers Fee notes in the

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