
Iago's Actions Justified Essay

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How can Iago's actions justified in the shakespearean play, Othello? Othello, a play written by Williams Shakespeare about a moor named Othello. Iago, a character who tries to exact his revenge on Othello by making Othello jealous, which in turn causes Othello to kill his wife, Desdemona. Iago's actions can be seen as justified through his motives, goals, and his plan to get his revenge on Othello. Iago had a couple of motives of which he felt important enough to seek revenge. One motive would be Iago not being promoted to lieutenant by Othello, instead the position was given to Cassio. ¨In personal suit to make me his lieutenant, Off-capp'd to him,¨ Iago, not happy about not being made lieutenant, thinking it justified to seek revenge on both Othello and Cassio. Also, Othello had allegedly slept with Iago's wife, Emilia.. ¨Till I am even´d with him, wife for wife,¨ Iago …show more content…

Part of his plan was to trick Othello into killing his wife, Desdemona. Iago achieved this goal by causing Othello to be overcome by jealousy, which in turn caused Othello to kill Desdemona. Iago also planned for Cassio to lose his job as lieutenant. To get Cassio to lose his job he got Cassio drunk because of his low alcohol tolerance, next Iago convinced Roderigo to fight Cassio resulting in Cassio losing his job. ¨If I can fasten but one cup upon him,¨ Iago talks about him getting Cassio drunk enough to fight someone and lose his position. Iago's plans to get his revenge can be justified because he got Cassio to lose the position as lieutenant, a position where Iago can be seen as overlooked to become lieutenant, a place rightfully earned by Iago through his experiences and hard work as a military officer. His plans can also be seen as justified because he wanted Othello to kill Desdemona since Othello had allegedly slept with Emilia. Iago had said wife for wife and he held true to his word by getting Othello to kill

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