
Iago's Use Of Desdemona In Othello

Decent Essays

Shakespeare, a famous Middle Age poet and playwright is known for his works revolving around the genres of romance and comedy. One of his plays that falls in the romantic genre is The Tragedy of Othello, a story involving misunderstandings in the relationships between Othello, Othello’s wife Desdemona, and Othello’s lieutenant Cassio. Iago, another one of Othello’s trusted men, conspires against Othello in hopes of replacing him in higher military position. By taking advantage of Othello’s trust, Iago creates situations that leads to suspicion in Othello’s mind over his wife’s faithfulness towards him. In the end, Othello realizes that everything is just a misunderstanding. However, because Othello kills Desdemona, the only way for him to mend …show more content…

Evidence (Desdemona)
“Sweet” (2.1.197)
“Honey” (2.1.196)
In this scene, Othello’s use of affectionate words towards his wife reveals the love and respect they share for each other. Shakespeare establishes the sincere relationship they share, so that the audience is aware of their relationship at the beginning of the play. However, Shakespeare introduces Iago, who uses Othello’s expression of love against him by plotting to destroy his and Desdemona’s relationship.
Evidence (Cassio)
“Good” (2.3.1)
By using a respectful title, Othello reveals the importance of Cassio in his life. Due to this, Iago has yet another person to include in his conspiracies, as it is revealed in the play that Cassio plays an important role in Othello’s political matter. Shakespeare uses Iago to create misconceptions between Cassio and Desdemona’s relationships with Othello, which will cause destruction in Othello’s life leading to the development of his murderous desires. Shakespeare introduces Iago’s conspiracies to show how misunderstandings can slowly weaken a strong relationship and lead to its decline if the issues are not …show more content…

1. 156)
“Monstrous” (3. 3. 424)
As the play goes on, Shakespeare uses brutal dictions to create Othello’s insanity towards his honorable lieutenant Cassio. These merciless dictions display the end of trustful relationship Othello had with Cassio, depicting that misunderstandings can draw insanity if it is not accurately clarified. (CONCLUDING SENTENCE)
Shakespeare uses deteriorating diction in order to reveal how Othello’s relationship with his wife and lieutenant declines throughout the play, highlighting that misunderstandings lead to insanity if not properly handled. In the beginning, Othello maintains a strong and trusting relationship, which is later filled with doubt and suspicion. Finally, Othello’s misunderstandings causes a drastic decline in their relationship, leading to a tragic loss. Iago’s conspiracies resulted in a lesson for the audience to remember that it is never okay to jump to conclusions without proper consultation with

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