-Why do I find this topic interesting? I really like the concept of Freud comparing our human brain with an ice berg. The ice berg is really only 10% above the water and 90% below. So the largest part of the ice berg is actually beneath the water which we cannot see just like our unconsciousness. And it contain all the influence and motivations that motivates us in a way that we want to behave. How all the memories and experience stored in our unconsciousness regulate our personality and behavior. Things we are actually unaware of are the ones that influence us the most. Also the part that we all the bad memories and traumatic, depressing incidents of our lives hides themselves in the unconscious part of brain, so we don’t have to carry them
Richard Leonard Kuklinski, known as “The Iceman” was born April 11, 1935. Kuklinski was a contract killer who was convicted of 5 murders. Kuklinski was given the nickname “Iceman” for freezing a body of a victim to mask the time when the victim was murdered. Kuklinski lived with his wife Barbara Kuklinski and 3 children in the suburb of Dumont, New Jersey. Prior to his arrest, his family was apparently unaware of Kuklinski's double life and crimes. Kuklinski was a contract killer for Newark's DeCavalcante crime family and New York City's Five Families of the American Mafia. Kuklinski favored to murder people with sodium cyanide since it killed very quickly and also was hard to detect. With Cyanide, Kuklinski would simply kill the victim by either injecting the cyanide in them, putting it in the victim’s food, aerosol spray or spilling it on the victim’s skin. After killing his victim, he will dispose the body in a 55-gallon oil drum. Other ways Kuklinski would dispose the body were either burying the body or putting the body in the trunk of a car then having it crushed in the junkyard. Kuklinski says that Robert Pronge, nicknamed “Mr. Softee” has taught him different methods to use cyanide to kill his victims. Pronge allegedly asked him to carry out a hit on Pronge's
The “Miracle on Ice,” where the United States defeated the Soviet Union in the 1980 Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, New York will forever be known as one of the greatest moments in American sports history. This game was about more than just sports though, it signified American strength, even when faced the greatest adversities. The United States was suffering through Vietnam, Watergate, and the wrenching upheavals of the 1960s. Many believe this game was even the beginning of the end for the Cold War. The Soviet Union had won the gold medal in six of the seven previous Winter Olympic Games, and were the favorites to win once more in Lake Placid. The team consisted primarily of professional players with significant experience
I believe the Iceman was killed in a brutal battle with a few individuals. To start, the iceman was most likely being fired at with arrows so he shot back with his own. On the body of the iceman there is evidence to support this, on in his quiver there was a few broken arrow shafts showing he tried to defend himself. From here on, he tried to fight whoever was trying to kill him. Otzi was in a close quarters fight with the mystery attacker and there is also evidence to support this. On his body, in a x-ray they discovered that he had broken knuckles leading to the conclusion that he was in a fight. Others argue that Otzi was a human sacrifice to the gods, but there are so many unanswered questions if that were true.
The Miracle on Ice is one of the most iconic moments in sports history. The American Ice Hockey team was filled with amateur ice hockey players who stood no chance against the strong Soviets. The olympic win not only shocked the sports world, but renewed the patriotic spirit within the nation as it was a pivotal point in the cold war. With all the economic and political conflicts in the world the Miracle On Ice proved to be more than a game,helping give hope to a nation and help America reclaim itself as the greatest country in the world.
“The worst thing you can do in a situation is nothing” -Ice Cube. Ice Cube is one of the best rappers in history and is a very accomplished man. He has won seven awards and has been nominated for many others. Ice cube has accomplished a lot in his life. Ice Cube’s life started off like many others, but after many music opportunities, he has become a famous rapper and musician.
I became aware of what I wanted to pursue after reading about a teenager who had been stabbed in area close to where I live and I found myself asking what would drive someone to do that? One of the three subjects I take is psychology and one of the subtopics is the nature or nurture debate. I began to consider whether the stabber was born evil or just a product of their environment. I read a book called ' ice man: confessions of a Mafia contract killer' by Philip Carlo. The ice man showed a complete lack of remorse for his victims. The ice man's father and mother also showed a lack of empathy through their acts of abuse against him, therefore it could be argued that his lack of empathy is biological. However, it could also be argued that he
Ice T and his journey to the top Many people thought that a hustler and thug would never make a name for himself. He introduced a new style of music that would influence the following generations. Tracy Marrow, Ice T, was a hustler and an orphan, he later became one of the biggest influences in a new type of music. Ice-T has made a huge impact on today’s generation.
This “Ice Giant” sure stands for its name as the 7th farthest planet from the Sun and its cold atmosphere brought about by the gases found here, hydrogen, helium and a little bit of methane. Uranus falls under the gas giant category along with neighbors Neptune and Saturn. This planet is composed of rock materials and various ices and is very similar to the cores of Saturn and Jupiter. Since the thick, blue-colored atmosphere covers the planet itself, scientists suggest that under the atmosphere is a hot, slushy ocean of water, ammonia, and methane thousands of mile deep right to a small, rocky core. Its blue color comes from the absorption of red light from the Sun by methane in the upper atmosphere but reflects blue light from the Sun back into space.
The Ice Giant, Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system and is very unique from the other planets. Discoveries of this ice giant will lead us to a better understanding of our universe. This planet is different because of its tilt, color and a somewhat unique surface. No other planets in our solar system have a significant tilt. In addition to the tilt, it also has odd color and a different surface, but why?
I find it quite fascinating in that Freud believes that we as individuals are only aware of a very small fraction of what makes up our personality, as Freud believes the rest is unreachable.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is responsible for developing the Psychoanalytic Theoretical Perspective; Freud argued that our early life experiences are essentially the base to our subconscious mind and in turn heavily influence our current behavior. Freud believed that people could be treated and healed by articulating their dreams and childhood memories allowing an individual to gain insight into these unconscious thoughts and ultimately motivate them to resolve the repressed conflicts within. This technique was developed into a therapy used today known as Psychoanalysis, similar to hypnosis, it was founded in 1896 (“Freud's Psychoanalytic Theories.”). Just like any other psychological theory, there are many interesting concepts to Freud's Psychoanalytic Theoretical Perspective. The theory says that your personality is determined by the manner in which your behaviors have been depicted to the unconscious mind, this theory tells us that our behavior is completely
Sigmund Freud was the first to introduce the idea that personality traits derive from conflicts that are pushed into the unconscious mind. The theory of psychoanalysis, which is the process of bringing forth unconscious thoughts to the conscious mind, is what helps to gain insight and solve conflicts. A summarization of the importance of the unconscious mind is stated in the book Freud, “…The discovery that it is the unconscious, and not the conscious mind, which rules our emotional life and hence, ultimately, our relationship to everything” (Snowden 59). The repressed emotions of painful experiences are what shape emotional reactions to future encounters. Therefore each individual reacts to the same situation in various ways because past experiences govern how the situation is handled. The information that lies in the unconscious mind
The psychoanalytic perspective, is the outlook that behavior and personality are effected by the conflict between one’s inner dreams n and expectation of society. Most of this conflict occurs in unconscious, which is outside the knowledge of an individual. Renowned psychologist, Freud established the psychoanalytic theory as an explanation for perplexed phenomena such as the meaning behind dreams, slips of the tongue, and behavioral reflex reactions to stressful situations. The unconscious is a primary focus in psychoanalytic theory due to its typical development in childhood and the ways in which it influences nearly every detail of an individual’s life. The unconscious mind also holds unvented memories and unexpressed urges that make their process into the conscious mind through a variety of different means. However, topographical theory of the mind states that conscious, preconscious, and unconscious serve as motivating forces in human behavior. Corsin & Wedding (2011) define the conscious as mental activity which individuals are fully aware of, preconscious as thoughts and feelings that could be easily brought to mind and unconscious as thoughts, feelings, and desires of which one is unaware of.
In my opinion, the iceberg is my favorite habitude. The iceberg caught my attention the first day, and ever since then, I haven’t really forgot it. It’s been a real motivation habitude for me. It states that 10% of what people see in you is skill and 90% of what people miss is your character. It teaches us that we need to look deeper into people to find the good. I have chosen it because it can be traced way back to my childhood. Growing up, my favorite princess movie was Beauty and the Beast because it taught me a lesson that if you look deeper into people, you’ll find a prince in everyone, no matter how ugly the beast, and this habitude can connect with that story extremely well. It goes to show you, you need to look deeper into people because everyone has gifts to provide and you can’t judge a book by its cover. Over time, I lost that mindset; however, that habitude reminded me of it and I’ve tried to let that impact my life. The reason it has impacted me so much is because it reminds me to do actions of kindness not for others to see but because it’s the right thing to do. For example, one time I was running behind time on my way to class and a girl in front of me slipped and completely wiped out. No one was around and I could’ve left her there to cry on her own; however, I stayed with her until help could arrive, and it turns out, she rolled her ankle, but now looking back, I could’ve left her and made it on time to my class, but I decided to be a good person despite not getting any award for it all because that habitude stuck with me. Another example is when I use to read to my little sister so she would value her education. I could only see the hours I spent rereading books with her while she was still gaining her skill to read; however, because I would spend hours upon hours working with her, I now see how that has built into her character. She may not see it, but I see how my teaching her and reading with her all those nights helped make English and Reading somethings she loves and does great in school. With just by me taking the small step to improve her on that skill, it has built up into her character, and she often finds herself in spelling bees, but it has impacted her character by making her
I have already mentioned the iceberg analogy. Freud believes that all behaviour is caused by the unconscious mind, which has a personality of three parts: