The documentary Iceman Murder Mystery was about a stone age mummified human found in 1991 by hikers in the Italian Alps. Otzi the stone age human is about 5,300 years old and is the oldest human found still intact. The documentary is mostly surrounded by scientists finding out what kind of life this human had, how he died, and what his DNA looked like. Scientists only had 9 hours to go into the mummified remains and extract DNA, try to look at the murder weapon lodged in the iceman's shoulder, and look into his stomach without destroying the remains (Iceman Murder Mystery). They also looked at the items found on the iceman to see if that had any answers into the iceman's life. They found a shoe on him, a copper axe, a knife, and arrows that …show more content…
They found ibex and einkorn in his stomach which reveals that Otzi died during the beginning of agriculture. Scientist believe the Iceman was at the start of agriculture because einkorn was one of the first grains to be domesticated and farmed. His diet also had a lot of meat which also indicated he lived during the beginning of agriculture because he ate grains but the majority of his diet was still meat based. Otzi had a copper axe, bow and arrows, and soft hands indicating he was not a farmer but a hunter or shepardson with access to grains. This leads scientists to believe that Otzi was part of a small settlement that used agriculture but still had hunters to provide the majority of the food and Otzi was most likely part of the hunting group (Iceman Murder Mystery). Scientists were able to use the items found near the body and in the stomach to learn about his foodways because when he was murdered it was less than an hour since he had eaten therefore the food did not have the chance to digest past the stomach. Also, Otzi was only found with weapons for tools suggesting he was a
I think that that Customer C killed Fannin. The first piece of evidence that proves Customer C killed Fannin is that that the cash register had been rung up to 8.75 this is the exact total of Customers B, C, and D. This had to have been done before the murder, because the heel to toe footsteps that belonged to Ernie show that he walked to the cash register after mopping (footstep trail Y.) This was done before the robbery, because the only two reasons that he would’ve opened the register would be to either check someone out, or to give someone money during a stick up. We can tell that he wasn’t getting robbed, because the money’s still there.This allows us to rule out customer A. The second piece of
Otzi the Iceman lived about 60 kilometres from where he was found. He was found in Europe in the Otzal Alps on the Austrian/Italian border. Scientists discovered where he lived before he died by looking at samples of his teeth, bones and intestines. He used this information and compared it to some of the soil and ground types around. Some items
The thesis of the film “Chasing Ice” is to portray the extreme climate change we are facing today. The film has a clear goal of showing visually the danger we are causing our planet by denying climate change. The aim of the film is to show us visually that climate change does exist and it is happening at a rapid rate. The film does a good job at providing evidence that climate change is happening, by capturing footage of the changes occurring over short periods of time. These videos captured by James Balog’s recording devices make it almost impossible to deny climate change and that is precisely the purpose of the film.
Ötzi the Iceman is believed to be the oldest naturally preserved human body ever found in the continent of Europe. Ötzi the Iceman was discovered high in the freezing mountain waters of a glacier at an altitude of 3,210 m above sea level high in the mountains of the Ötztal Alps; near Hauslabjoch on the border between Austria and Italy, in the September of 1991. Ötzi the Iceman was found by two
Doug finds himself in a very difficult situation and he cant decide whether to do what he knows is right and not except this foolish trade, or what he wants to do because of his longing for Ralph’s friendship. When Doug begins to him reminisce about these memories we see he’s changed a little bit. He hated himself as if it was his fault back then and now as things have gone on that anger has built up substantially. The difference is now that anger has redirected almost completely at Ralph. He tries to solve this conflict within himself by blaming everything on Ralph. This only makes things worse by reversing that anger to Ralph causing Doug to decide to kill him.
4. Serial killers also show signs of a psychopath though this is not always the case. Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive and don’t conform to social, moral, or legal norms. Psychopaths have a distinct set of rules for themselves. They appear normal and are often very charming and charismatic.
were the bodies of both Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. There was a large amount
One of the greatest American rap musicians is Ice Cube. How did he get the name Ice Cube? His Brother Called him that as a joke because he was trying to be cool with the ladies and he liked it so much he began to tell everyone in the hood and that’s how he became Ice Cube. He has pleased and helped many with his art work and confidence. You might think Ice Cube is just a gangster rapper and actor but, he is so much greater than just that. He’s a serious artist dedicated to racial advancement and series of black pride. This is what most of his fans like about him including his music. He is a artist, film actor, rapper, actor, father, son, songwriter, record producer, screenwriter, and entrepreneur. His strongest times are by himself instead
Serial murder is one of the most baffling crimes that occur in the U.S. and all over the world. Knight (2006) defines serial murder as the killing of three or more people over a period of more than 30 days, with a significant cooling-off period. The cooling off period may be weeks, months or even years long. Researchers have proposed various psychological, biological and sociological theories that offer a partial understanding of the nature of serial murder. Some propose that the basis for criminal behavior is a predisposition to violence as well as a mix between environment, personality traits and biological factors. Serial killers are predominantly male. Only 3 percent of serial murders are committed by women (U.S. News and World Report,
The video provides some insight with satellite imagery in the form of zone coloring with the arctic ice environment being describable in temperature and moistening terms. This is in addition to physical parameters as a great bearing on the structures of life in their ability of inhabitation of certain region. The arctic ice environment is shown to comprise of living organisms on earth emanating from the provision of life as observed in tropical forests as well as the world's photosynthetic phytoplankton within the oceans.
Many Americans flocked to see Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of the Christ.” On over 2.000 screens across America the viewed the “harrowing depiction of Jesus' last 12 hours in wide-screen vivid color.” (Allen 2004) People viewed images of Jesus being flogged, crucified and left to die. This violence caused some Christians discomfort with theology, and some Jews’ fear that it will “incite violence against them because of its portrayal of Jews’ involvement in Jesus’ death.” (Allen 2004)
Much is unknown about the Zodiac killer, but given what is known about serial killers in general, this man was probably born between 1938 and 1943. That would make his age between 25 and 30 years old at the time of his first murder in Vallejo, California, in 1968. Also, that age estimate works with witness statements and it's supported by Zodiac's references to his victims in younger terms in his letters of 1969. Zodiac wasn't an attractive character from what we know. He may have had to wear glasses throughout his youth and his facial features weren't all that pleasing. So overall he may have been unpopular as a young boy and spent a good deal of time alone. It seems as though rejection is a big issue for Zodiac. No one knows anything
Under the square white plate, there was a sheet of paper that reads “Murder Mystery Dinner Party”. Also, it had a menu of chicken breast, seasonal veggies, and mashed potatoes. The menu also had a warning that there would be a loud noise. An anonymous voice came on the intercom in the room. “Welcome guests to my dinner party hosted by yours truly, Mr. Fun. Now friends, don’t be alarmed, there will be a firearm shot during the production, but, of course, it will be fake. Enjoy your dinner and the show.” The voice cut off with a crackle and popping noise. Once the play started the guests noticed that the 6th place setting was empty. The empty place setting gave some of the guests an unsettling feeling.
used to looking at a dead body. Then she saw it, clutched in her hand
Ice Break is a short story written by Astrid Blodgett. The story is told in a first person narrator and is from the main character Dawn's perspective. Dawn are at a ice fishing trip with her dad and her younger sister when the car falls into the water and her dad tries to safe them.