
Iconoclasm: The Destruction Of Ideas

Decent Essays

The heresy of iconoclasm is the destruction of religious icons; translated into English iconoclasm means “image breaker.” Icons were abused by Christians in the early Church, with people attaching a superstitious value to the image rather than God Himself. This idolatry used icons incorrectly, as they were only meant to inspire prayer and worship, and not to be worshipped themselves. Iconoclasts sought to resolve the issue of idolatry by destroying the icons rather than correcting those who were abusing them. Iconoclasm arose in the 8th century when Byzantine Emperor Leo III sought to persecute the use of icons in worship in order to appease Byzantine’s Muslim neighbors. Jewish and Muslim religion forbids any images, or artists’ interpretations of God, which are what they saw in icons. With the Muslims aggressively taking over the Holy Land, Emperor Leo III sought to save his empire from attack by conforming Christianity to reflect more Muslim values and further centralize the Church. …show more content…

While idolatry is wrong so is the destruction of images of God. Along with the destruction of icons almost always came the persecution of monks, as they were the upholders and often creators of many iconic images. Relics, shrines, and the bodies of saints were also destroyed by iconoclasts, believing them to be false idols that were being worshipped. St. John of Damascus and St. Thomas the Studite were iconophiles, which would literally translate to “icon lovers.” They argued against iconoclasm by saying that icons were forbidden in the Old Testament because at that point God had not given any representation of Himself in human form, but in the New Testament revealed Himself through Jesus, His Son, and that because of this revelation icons could be created in Jesus’ image without being considered false

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