Several hospitals and blood banks are incorporating the use of biometric fingerprinting to register or check in patients. This type of authentication is unique to each individual and helps minimize fraud (Moore, 2013). The further use of biometric fingerprinting will soon do away with user names and passwords. The high accuracy rate and ease of use is what makes biometric fingerprinting so appealing. The use of biometric fingerprinting has helped minimize insurance fraud and is also responsible for protecting patient information. The reduction of insurance fraud is helpful in keeping healthcare costs down and is important in ensuring continued healthcare coverage. The use of biometric fingerprinting can help save time with logging in …show more content…
The use of biometric fingerprinting was used in a study involving blood transfusions at Ragusa hospital from August 2007-July 2008 during this time blood components were transfused using the Secureblood system. During this time zero errors were recorded with transfusions and the right patient received the correct blood component each time (Bennardello et al., 2009). The use of biometric fingerprinting has also been vital in minimizing insurance fraud. The reason for this is that the individual is scanned as opposed to a paper or plastic card which can be easily lent to a friend or family member (Rahman, 2013). Biometric fingerprinting also helps minimize phantom billing by dishonest providers (Rahman, 2013). Biometric fingerprinting can be useful during medical emergencies especially when a patient is unresponsive and unable to communicate. By using biometric fingerprinting healthcare providers can access critical information such as allergies and blood type. Other information that can be accessed includes current medications, patient demographics, next of kin or emergency contact, and medical history (American Sentinel University, 2014). Biometric fingerprinting can be useful with medical information exchange with biometric fingerprinting we are able to share and verify patient information. This is especially helpful
There are many reasons why fingerprinting is used as an important methods for identification (Hall, 2015). As stated by Hall (2015), “A fingerprint consists of several identifiable characteristic, such as loops, arches, whorls, islands, and bifurcations. The arrangement, frequency, and design of these features are among the many characteristics used to distinguish prints from one another” (p. 510). Everybody’s fingerprints are the same. Fingerprints are kept in Federal and state agencies of the within the law. When someone commits a crime, a forensic scientist takes fingerprints and match them through the database in computers. Since fingerprinting does not go against the Fifth Amendment, a search warrant is not required. Fingerprints can be matched with someone’s hair down the color of their eyes. Another type of type of recognition to identify someone is through blood tests, and it is used in the U.S. Benches. The individuals who has this procedure done may feel pain and get sick from the procedure.
If there happens to be great terror threats and security fears, biometrics would become a boom. More and more individuals
The term paper for this class will discuss a topic that everyone has on his or her body. That topic will cover the all important fingerprint. This paper will accomplish that by reviewing the history, the patterns of, different ways to obtain, and the different uses for the individual 's unique fingerprint.
Webster’s online dictionary (2015), defines biometrics as the “measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics such as fingerprint or voice patterns especially as a means of verifying personal identity”. With the creation of devices to measure human characteristics, known as biometric devices, hardware and software can authenticate a person’s identity by verifying characteristics unique to an individual. Through measuring and/or analyzing physical or behavioral identifiers, devices can deny or grant access to programs, devices, computers, rooms, and other
Improved accuracy and improved convenience are two of the biggest benefits of biometric technology for personal identification. First, unlike passwords or PIN numbers, which can be used by anyone who knows the required information, biometrics looks at a
In the world that we live in technology has come a long way from what is was in the past, the wold has matured and been able to learn from many of its mistakes and has made groundbreaking strides in may fields but even with all of the newfound knowledge people are still the ones in control and therefore there are still complications with every accomplishment, this includes the healthcare research and the justice system. Fingerprinting, the practice has become crucial because in a world filled with so many people there needs to be some sort of system that marks every individual as themselves and nobody else. Fingerprinting is a good way to keeping track of every person that has lived or has some implication
A big reason why many people are scared or concerned for the security of their personal information from biometrics is unlike a credit card it cannot be put on a stop. When a hacker gets one's information it is literally everywhere on everything you touch. One thing that biometrics is doing to prevent easy hacking is instead of storing a picture or recording, the information is stored as a long mathematical equation. But is that really a risk you are willing to take, and with the advancements in technology it is becoming easier and easier for identity thieves to get their hands on your information that you might never be able to get back. A man named Jan Krissler was able to hack Germany’s defence minister by using high-resolution pictures of Ursula von der Leyen. He also managed to hack Apple’s touch ID technology just a day after it’s release by making a copy of a fingerprint smudge left on the phone’s screen(Bergsman, 2016)
Biometrics is used in many places and there is a bright future for them. Coca Cola has recently replaced time card system with hand scanning machines. Finger print scanners are being used in many states of the US. They have been used to trace social welfare fraud. An iris pattern identification system is being used in Cook County, Illinois to ensure that right people are released from jail. ATM machines have been installed with finger scanners to prevent theft and fraud in Indiana (Jain, 2005).
Identification uses to figures out which enrolment information entry match the newly scanned fingerprint. Besides this, identification can also reveal that newly scanned fingerprint is missing from the database.
We live in a world today, in which technology moves at a very rapid pace. Many of these technological advances can be used to make our everyday lives easier and safer. One of these new technologies is Biometrics. Biometrics is the process of measuring a person’s physical properties. This would include measuring things like fingerprints, retinas, odor, vein structure on the back of the hand and many other things. Biometrics is a very important topic because it would create better security precautions for certain places that need to be secure. Biometrics will make our society safer by only allowing authorized people out of secure facilities and by keeping the unauthorized people out. Throughout the rest of this
Centralized fingerprinting mechanism has an encumbrance of computational overheads and high communication bandwidth costs. Central repository of authenticating data has also raised concerns over the loss of privacy and potential misuse of biometric data. For instance, biometric data stored at a central repository can be used to track individuals by checking where they visit or shop. This centralization, when compromised, may lead to data being used for unintended purposes like searching private information using latent fingerprints, revelation of certain health problems that may lead to discrimination among peers, etc.
Often after a long legal battle, the victims are left with a worthless judgement and no recovery. One solution to avoid white collar crimes and shorten the lengthy time in locating and serving perpetrators with a judgement is by the use of biometrics techniques for identifying and verifying individuals. Biometrics are methods for recognizing a user based on his/her unique physiological and/or behavioural characteristics. These characteristics include fingerprints, speech, face, retina, iris, hand-written signature, hand geometry, wrist veins, etc.
Fingerprint scanning has recently been introduced into technology, for example iPhone now have a fingerprint detector to unlock the iPhone instead of using a pin, and this only gives the owner of the phone authority to access the information within the phone. Also fingerprint scanning has been used in fast food chains for example Chicago’s fast food restaurant has an ordering system which uses fingerprints to determine customer’s orders. Governments use finger print scanning in many ways one of which is for passport verification in airports. Research shows that more than half (62%) of
Los Angeles police are using biometrical recognition now. Biometrics, the ability to indentify an individual by measuring key unique biophysical attributes, such as a picture of the iris could revolutionize the policing. If we step back on the history, the twentieth century saw fingerprinting become an invaluable forensic tool, such as iris pattern-matching or facial recognition could have an equal success on the 21st century policing (Retinal Scan).
Schools are changing rapidly. New technologies are being implemented everyday in our schools. Many schools around the country are beginning to use biometric finger scanning in schools. It is cost efficient, affordable, and accurate. When you think of biometric scanning, schools might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Instead, you might think of a police station registering criminals. You may also think of the FBI using finger prints to track down criminals.