A student is a person who is studying at a school or college. Almost everyone in the world knows the three major types of annoying students in high school. In high school, there are the-always-standing-in-the-middle-of-the-hallway students, the-lets-do-more-work students, and the-enjoy-the-headache students.
We all have had to face the-always-standing-in-the-middle-of-the-hallway students at some point. This is the type of student who thinks the hallway is as wide as a football field since there is so much room, everyone can someone find a way around the concrete wall of students. This is the type of students who cause you to be late. Try telling the teacher there was a wall of students blocking the hallway and there was no way around them which cause the late to class. High school would definitely go a lot smoother at transition times without these students.
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Almost everyone hates the student who doesn’t stop talking or does something that annoys the teacher so much she gives out more work to everyone. However, that is not always the case. There is always at some point in your life you run into a student who just wants more work. Students would cherish having less work in their lives.
Last, but not least, there are the-hey-enjoy-the-headache students. These students have either a hard time just talking or they’re so fake that their voice is stuck on the G10 note which is the highest note ever hit by a human. Life without these students would be so much easier so everyone can actually pay attention in class without a throbbing head.
There are plenty of other types of annoying students. However, these were the three major types of annoying students in high school. As stated three times, life would be so much easier without these types of
But in the teacher’s point of view they should be helping the kids not just showing how they don’t like the student. Also showing that the student isn’t as intelligent as the rest. In the woodshop incident although he has to go through woods, why can’t he help him after school or just a little in class piece by piece. Using delayed gratification, if you complete your first woods project, I’ll teach you a little about metal, rather than him being unsafe practicing it at home. Coming from a students perspective, once I knew a teacher didn’t like me that gave no reason to try and help learn the way they wanted to. Although this boy seems determined to learn, the teachers aren’t helping him with what he knows and adjusting to what he has to learn to pass. Teachers and Students need to come together to create a common goal for each student, making the classroom a place that is comfortable but also making the students eager to
An observer looking into a classroom may believe that all the students are similar and have similar intentions, to learn. Yes, they are all high school students, but they are not as similar as they appear. Classroom environments contain various types of students, who diversify in their classification. Students typically are categorized by the way they dress, the activities they participate in, their values and morals and how they choose to spend their free time. All around the world, whether in high school or college, you will be introduced to people who are classified as cliché students.
There is one student who not only makes members uncomfortable but this student manages to make me uncomfortable. They not only makes an effort to come up to say hello which is totally fine, but this student then proceeds to stand in front of my workspace for the remainder of the lunch period which is highly distracting. Don’t get me wrong, this student is very friendly but there is just something about this student that chills my blood. This student stands in my personal space
As you review the basic steps of research, describe difficulties you have had in conducting basic research and presenting your conclusions.
|assignments in class that are required. This behavior also causes other students to get off-task which makes it harder for classroom management. |
While I have been teaching online now for over 5 years I have been fortunate enough to not have many difficult students, or at least I have not perceived them as being difficult. After reading and watching the content for this lesson it is apparent that I have actually had more “difficult” students than previously thought. However, my difficult students have not been detrimental to other students, such as the mutineer, controller, or the noisy student. However, I have had my fair share of must-have-an-A, Quiet, Staller, and know-it-all students. One specific situation was with a student in an advanced doctoral-level statistics class who was having trouble understanding the materials and was constantly questioning he grades and was always making excuses about how the way the questions were written were not clear, but only said something after she received a grade on the assignment. Thus, if they received a grade they liked they wouldn’t say anything, but if they didn’t like the grade then they would make excuses. For this example the student was a “Must-have-an-A” student. She constantly reminded me of how all the other courses were
Some of the brightest young students at this school are faced with a growing problem. In class there are disruptive and downright rude students who do not contribute to the learning environment. These bad students are a terrible influence to the rest of the school community, those who don’t care about their education are more likely to get involved with violence and gangs. Some of these students are simply “un-teachable” and are a waste of time and space, overcrowding the school and ruining its reputation. We must heed the saying “A rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel.” After all, what will become of these worthless people in the future? I hereby suggest a proposal to eliminate all of these social ills, make use of high school
Are you tired of students saying they’re distracted by a young man or woman in the class? Saying “ I failed because he or she kept bothering me”. When young men and women try to get popular in the school they attend. So that mean they want the cutest girls or cutest boy in the school. Young men are the one that try to date the girl, so they do this during class time. The young men are usually the ones that bring down the entire school grade point average (GPA).
High school is fun when you get to know the different types of people there. If you don’t, you get confused and frustrated because you meet all these different types of people, and you can’t find the ones you have things in common with. No worries! I am here to help. I have provided a guide that will give you the attributes of the different types of high school students and help you to quickly identify them.
Poor response rate students don't give as much answers as the teachers ask and expect, with no encouragement.
• Students- describe as one who directs zeal at a subject. Student is used for anyone who is learning.
Veronica, I agree both students get attention and sometimes rather than praising the students with learning and behavior problem for thing they have completed, we are getting after them because they are not on task or not doing what they are supposed to do. We should utilize that ability to praise both students on the accomplishments no matter how big or small they are. I like how Joan addressed the issue of sometime these students are struggling with their own battles and they just want to try and complete a task for you. We need to find the balance that will allow us to give the equal amount of attention good and bad to both kinds of students.
Throughout many years of schooling, in each class anyone has taken there are always the common stereotypes of students; the brainiac, the class clown, etc, but one that often most don 't pay attention to is the student who sits in the corner of the classroom and twiddles their thumbs. They don 't do much, maybe turn in a couple of assignments, raise their hand to go to the restroom but other than that, they’re simply passing by. They put up a front, act as if they don’t care and that’s usually because they have learned to be this way. These students replace their space for intellectual thoughts with sarcasm and boredom, completely shutting down their minds. Overtime they adapt a defense mechanism, a type of wall of carelessness to keep the insults from fellow classmates and teachers.