
Identify Key Stakeholders

Satisfactory Essays

A. Identify our stakeholders:
• Project management team
• R&D team: researchers, Ph.D. doctors
• Marketing team
• Suppliers (raw materials for packaging)
• Agencies for advertising
• Government support
• Top management
• Project sponsors
• Hospitals & other customers

B. Prioritize our stakeholders

C. Understanding our key stakeholders
Understanding our key stakeholders helps us target what they want and narrow down our goals which increases our performance.

2. Keys to Success
• Team Structure- Building a proper team that is apt for the work becomes a major key to success, because the success of the project depends on the performance of the team.

• Conflict Management- Making sure that there are no differences among the team helps us run the team smoothly and this leads to a better performance.

• Team Meetings- Regular …show more content…

Key Performance Indicators-KPI’s
• Economic and business performance- All the costs that involves R&D, labor, material costs, workforce, taxes, profits etc,.

• Creating value for our investors and shareholders- Our stakeholders and investors are our main resource of success, so keeping them happy becomes a key factor.

• Creating value to patients, payers, healthcare professionals and institutions- The whole point of the project is to reach patients, to satisfy them and help organizations.

• Commitment to our employees- Keeping our employees happy will keep the company happy as you treat your employees well and they will end up treating their jobs well.

• Commitment to our suppliers- We live by our deadlines, then our suppliers will live up to theirs, so suppliers are important to keep the business running.

• Safety health and environmental protection- Our work cannot affect the surrounding environment and it becomes a key factor to make sure the personnel safety and the environmental safety is protected.

• Contribution to society- Charity, donations to social causes, and other ways where our work is socially helpful to

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