
Identity In Paper Towns By Quentin Jacobson

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Throughout the book Paper towns, the author expresses many themes upon the characters. The main and most commonly show theme is identity. Your identity is made up of how you see yourself and how other people see you. Very few teenagers have a well understanding of their identity. People are not always who they seem to be. Though it may seem like you know a someone, you might not know who they actually are. The main character, Quentin Jacobson, is the main example of people who think like this as he sees people for what they could be rather than what they really are. Quentin has always had a crush on his neighbor Margo. When Margo unexpectedly runs away right before graduation, Quentin takes it under his arms and control to find her. ¨I …show more content…

Quentin, Ben, Radar and Lacey skip their graduation to search for her. During this hunt for Margo, Quentin starts to realize that Margo is becoming less and less of the Margo Quentin thought he knew. ¨Margo was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl.¨ When they are searching for Margo in the Grovepoint Acres, they begin to smell the stench of death. They all began to think Margo killed herself. ¨That doesn´t sound like my Margo.¨ Lacey says this meaning the best friend Margo she knew wouldn't kill herself. (185) This all comes back to everyone having a different view of who Margo is. When they come across a place where Margo had recently slept on her runway, Quentin thinks to himself how he knows Margos smell and what she most likely did while staying there but he can't began to imagine why she would stay there. ¨These are the things I cannot imagine, and I realize I cannot imagine because I didn't know Margo.¨ …show more content…

Quentin and Lacey believe that Margo is actually gone. ¨Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.¨ Radar says that he thinks Margo is hiding somewhere in New York and Ben thinks Margo is a drama queen and is just doing this all for attention. Ben says that Margo is just hiding somewhere in Orlando. Ben thinks this because he knows Margo has a tendency to pull pranks. ¨She´s not dead. She's a drama queen. Wants attention. She wants to be the center of our

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