
Identity In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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To thine own self be true is a respected age-old saying, but while it epitomises the value of self-understanding and integrity, society often forces false identities onto individuals. What ensues is a culture where we constantly act in a way that is not genuine to who we are, to please family, friends and to follow society’s pattern. Revered writer William Shakespeare addresses this theme over multiple texts, namely Romeo and Juliet, in which two star cross’d lovers challenge their identities with true love, and ultimately forfeit their lives as a result. Shakespeare presents the notion that despite the pain and suffering that may come with being true to oneself, it is necessary to achieve authenticity regardless of these consequences. He proves …show more content…

Thus it is hard for Juliet to challenge her family to be true to herself and be with Romeo, as this challenge could lead to death. In a similar encounter, Romeo decides that he must reconcile with Tybalt as being with Juliet is being true to himself, and being with Juliet means becoming kin of Tybalt. He completely disregards his status as a Montague and his hate for Capulets to prove his sincerity, by stating, “And so, good Capulet—which name I tender as dearly as my own—be satisfied.” This is another scenario in which Shakespeare shows the pain that comes with challenging identity, by killing Romeo’s dear friend Mercutio in the fight that ensues. The highly revered modern film Dead Poet’s Society (1989) continues Shakespeare’s theme through Neil’s journey. Neil attends an elite private school and his parents wish for him to be a doctor, but his true passion is acting. Upon deciding that “[He’s] gonna do it! Whether [his] father wants [him] to or not!” (ref) He commits to acting, yet his family don’t accept him for his true self, only what they want him to be. As a result he falls into depression and commits suicide. This is again evident of the pain that can follow one becoming their true

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