
Identity In The Prince Of Los Cocuyos

Decent Essays

In the novel, The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood, Richard Blanco writes about his childhood growing up in Westchester. Many themes throughout the novel applies to my everyday life but one recurring theme in specific not only applies to my life but also applies to my college experience. The recurring theme of identity is one that I can relate to throughout my college journey. Throughout the entire novel, Riqui finds himself in tough situations where he doesn’t really know who he is. As a college student, we struggle finding ourselves in this mass community of diverse people. College students are just trying to find something that can define and shape their lives.
As a college student, we struggle with the question: Who am I? In Richard Blanco’s novel, Riqui struggles with being an American and a Cuban. The first time Riqui gets lost between these two different cultures is during Thanksgiving. Riqui wanted to have an American Thanksgiving, but his family wanted to continue their Cuban “San Giving”. Similarly, in college, we struggle with, for example, being a mathematician and a writer. We also have to juggle through different subjects, and have professors expecting the work to get done. Riqui had to juggle through his …show more content…

In the novel, Riqui and his family took a week long trip to South Beach for the summer. Throughout the trip, Riqui ended up meeting an elderly Jewish women named Yetta, who spoke to him about the crazy adventures in her life. Yetta had been raised in a Jewish family, and then eventually learned how to speak spanish. In this college journey, students often find new inspirations and often change their goals. Yetta had gone through a roller coaster of new experiences throughout her life before she finally settled in South Beach. College is it’s own roller coaster of new experiences, who knows where it could lead

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