
Identity In Walt Whitman's From Song Of Myself

Satisfactory Essays

Author Walt Whitman wrote a poem called “From Song Of Myself ”, where he discusses all the things in life that surround him, and how his identity is reflected. His poem is mainly focused on him and his enjoyment in life. “I celebrate myself, and sing myself…”(488). This quote starts his poem in a joyful mood, where the reader is ready to embark on his reasoning of why he celebrates himself. However, there is a pattern where the tone goes from light and cheerful to being dull and dark. In one stanza he proclaims “Houses and rooms are full of perfumes…I breathe the fragrance myself and know i like it”(488), then the next stanza he states “The atmosphere is not a perfume, it has no taste of distillation..”(488). There is an obvious change in

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